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RE: Dahlias for @dswigle

in #alwaysaflower3 years ago

Wow!! You blew away any competition with these stunning shots!

Hi @chromiumone !! Welcome back! You are never forgotten, I have your upvote to remind me! Hehe! Thanks for that!

How are you doing? I think my flowers are all having a good year, but, I seem to have fewer dahlias than normal! Yours are jaw-dropping, honestly. I won't lie to you! I couldn't pick the best one if I tried. I tried, I did! You have a knack for selecting just the right post to show them off. (what is your secret!?)

So, tell me what you have really been up to!

Thanks for posting with #alwaysaflower


I'm doing well been in the middle of moving since I fried the 30' 5th wheel I was staying in( electrical problems lol)
Ah the pose ;) well I've had a lot of experience since high school( year book photographer)
and I used to be what they call a shutter bug hahaha.
The one thing that always stuck with me was "always give your subjects somewhere to go", combine that with the law of thirds and a little Golden Mean ratios and Abracapokus - pose.Hi @dswigle and Thanks =)

What I've really been up to...... prepairing for what is to come over the next year or so O.o

Your Hive Birthday is my acual birthday O.oHey @dswigle I just noticed something....