Altruistic community is a community made up of selfless steemians working together to grow all the members of the community. Nobody is left out. Although there are many communities doing this, yet, there are still many steemit users who post good content and get nobody behind them. For this reason, Altruistic is here!

Here is our curation report for today.

Two Heroes and a Couple of Stoned and Tipping Bears on a Throwback Thursday By @saintchristopher
Yeah, so here I am reveling in my slack. Take a look at some of my old stuff that you more than likely missed because I am betting this is the first time you've ever read any of my posts.
Check out is post here.

Studio Philosophy By
Another aspect of the art journal, is that whenever you are not happy with an outcome, you can just cover it with more paint and create a new layer. This was a completely new concept to me but one that has allowed so much freedom since I'm usually someone that worries about wasting expensive supplies.
Check out his post here.

WINE : My End By @imaluv54
The confession his brother made crossed his mind He could remember how his brother cried wile telling him that he was HIV positive. He knew his brother was indulging in premarital sex, but their parents never knew about it.
Check out the post here.

See jay for good luck By @
It is believed that the name of the bird is associated with the verb "shine" for its bright color. Perhaps jays are very beautiful birds. Jays are quite noisy birds. I used to meet two or three together. They echo so loudly, it is difficult to put words into words, their sounds are not at all like whistling, too, rather short voiced shouts.
Check out the post here.

Sci-fi | Secret Energy: Inside Chris | Part 4 [ENG/ESP] By @aleestra
I hear my own voice with a peculiar echo inside my mind, when speaking the echo is maintained, it is impressive to have these problems and not even to be worried about them. I think it is better to walk, maybe at the end of this path I will find some answer to what is happening, where I am, and if I am really alone.
Check out the post here.

Do well to check out the posts and reward the authors with upvotes and drop warm and encouraging comments.
Your curator - @seyiodus.