
you said to @deepak1990 to have an original post of 500 words yet bru has none
out of the 9 comments he made 6 were comments in your contests,
sorry to tell you but you've been played by someones sybil account.

That's ok. Bru never asked me to follow him. It was just a smartass reply to one of the many people who have asked me to follow them.

Bru engages on my posts, that's enough for me!

i was just pointing to the obvious,
Thought you'd prefer to reward a single entry rather than someone using multiples

And which other accounts are his? Not everybody is dishonest.

no the facts are many have multiple accounts here,
his account is 1 month old has posted 9 comments 6 were in your contests these would be definite factors pointing that he is not an average user and that his account is a sybil.
Edit: There was also @quantson in week 4 and @crrldx in week 5 who match the same one instance might be coincidence three is not

It is a possibility, but it isn't obvious.

The FACTS if you want to really look at them. Bru was one of three people that commented on my Week 1 post, but he did it a day or two too late.

He has had 9 comments, 8 of which were on my posts.

He is following 6 people and I am one of them. All of the other 5 talk about altcoins or price analysis or trading crypto.

That tells me that he is 1) pretty new to crypto in the last couple of months 2) interested in smaller coins and/or 3) just simply doesn't use Steemit all that much.

If you want to see bad, you see bad. I choose to want to see good.

please see edit above
reply from below edited here to be seen:
I dont think people would have waited few days for registration just to enter your contest where was it advertised?
im not being negative i am pointing to obvious facts either someone is putting multiple entries or they are your own

A few people joined Steemit specifically for my Vertcoin giveaway. Aren't we supposed to make this place grow? Why are you so negative?

I dont think people would have waited few days for registration just to enter your contest where was it advertised?
im not being negative i am pointing to obvious facts either someone is putting multiple entries or they are your own

I am a real person from Florida. I made a Steem It account for the GRC giveaway that oregonpop did in week 1 of this series and it wasn't approved in time for the giveaway. This was one of the first coins I invested in after getting started with in crypto, and I saw a link for the giveaway on twitter. OP is then in fact the reason I joined the community. OP sorry you had to defend yourself over sour grapes.

if you are in fact a real account i apologize
3 new accounts out of 6 contests winning and not being active with most of the interaction between the user providing is highly unlikely.
ill check your story now and verify the twitter link.

I've checked your story and doesn't add up no twitter link exists so i suggest you reroll contests for all the users you tricked into voting and participating
ok, enjoy getting your posts nuked,
I'll make sure to add all your accounts in the list of contests ive made to make sure nobody falls for your scam again.

Aw damn, looks like you've got me. Every other account is me but yours.

Wow that was incredible timing. Very appreciative of your series and this serendipitous gift. I'm inspired to write my first post.