Enter a password that will be used to access your wallet:
Create a strong password, using upper and lower-case letters, and also numbers and symbols (e.g., “#”, “@”, etc.).
Do not lose this password. Losing this password is equivalent to losing all ETH and BDG stored in your account. Click on the Create New Wallet button.
Its recommend to use Print Paper Wallet to print your private and public keys, and to place your Paper Wallet in a safe location.
You will need to provide this public address when purchasing Geens Token
In the case of Bitstamp(scroll down to see) copy your ETH account address from MyEtherWallet and insert this address in the Bitstamp Withdrawal form. Please insert the ETH amount that you want to send to MyEtherWallet account.
Send ETH to the GEE Token sale account.You can view the Gee Token ETH address to send your ETH
Geens NPO - GEE Token Sale Follow only the ETH address announced in official GEE Token sale page.
Go to the MyEtherWallet main menu and press “Send Ether & Tokens”. Choose the method of accessing your wallet in the field “How would you like to access your wallet”. Now enter the password and press “Unlock” and login to your account.
Look for this section “To Address”
enter the GEE Token sales ETH address. On the section “Amount to Send” enter the ETH amount you decided to send to the GEE Token sale campaign.Check the “Gas limit” field – recommended gas limit – 200000. After all information filled out,press “Generate Transaction”.
TO see GEE Tokens in your account on MyEtherWallet, you need to add them by clicking “Add Custom Token” on the right side section.Then follow the following information:
Enter the GEE contract address: 0x4F4f0Db4de903B88f2B1a2847971E231D54F8fd3
Enter the token symbol: GEE
Enter the number of decimals: 8.
After entering all this information, click “Save”.The GEE tokens will emerge in your account balance.