in #altcoin6 years ago


What is is a stage for anybody to make their very own unique bespoke programming experience with aggregate confirmation, ensured development, and without lifting costs. It enables anybody to make bespoke programming utilizing a characteristic undertaking creator, man-made reasoning, and blockchain straightforwardness to guarantee trust and transport. PC based knowledge typically makes nuclear level undertaking designs and copies now and again utilized highlights. It matches tries to the most fitting fashioners, engineers, self-administering QA stars, and after that robotizes segment and development through astute contract and our utility token, NAYA.

By applying blockchain improvement and AI to their current model of redistributed programming upgrade, ( have made a natural structure that removes movement from the 'black box' and puts it onto a back to back advancement system. The unraveled UI and AI-stimulated Project Builder enables anybody to fathom their thought, while the piece library diminishes redundancies being delivered as existing code is typically organized to experiences. The NAYA Token by then engages promoter segments to be escrowed until the moment that the minute that wants have been met and attested by a self-overseeing source. To guarantee the future everything considered, AI-invigorated CloudOps reduce constant expenses and evacuate the essential for an in-house movement get-together to keep up the errand

Architect Human-helped AI that runs the online continuous improvement structure sort out for building bespoke programming and uses an appropriated trust system to control perceiving check, transport assurity, IPR, security, exchange destinations, and assistant segments.

BuilderCare An affirmation advantage that enables clients to get updates to their bespoke programming as outsider libraries rot after some time and support to guarantee their undertakings continue running.

CloudOps Leverages AI and machine understanding how to improve the association and expenses of cloud foundation in the most cost-beneficial way. Draws in clients to get a solitary bill for each untouchable association utilized by the bespoke programming at a put separated down a motivation in view of our volume.

Experience Team: has a five star player association accumulate with pioneers in the Cloud and Leaders in Platform creation.

Token Details:

The NAYA token is an ERC-20 utility token that will enable clients to buy custom programming, and execute inside our natural system of related associations, for example, cloud empowering and third-get-together SDKs. Obviously, the token would go about as a part system for purpose of restriction aides (dev/structure/QA shops, specialist affiliations, and so on.) and suppliers on the system with a guaranteed premium.

Beginning Target Raise: $20M

Mean number of Tokens: 1.25B

Promoter: Naya Limited, Cayman Islands

Areas that tokens will be offered: Cayman Islands

Areas that will be blocked from the offering: US, People's Republic of China

Duties to be made in ETH, BTC AML/KYC checks to be required


The NAYA framework is organized by an assigned confirmation of stake framework that uses a mix of staking and scoring with a definitive target to guarantee that quality is being passed on at scale. Each unit of work or undertaking that is performed on the system by a vehicle assistant, is certified by something like one development associates additionally on the structure. With the genuine goal to perceive a work or confirmation errand, development accessories must stake a predefined number of NAYA tokens. This stake is either surrendered on the off chance that it is discovered that the development associate was not competent play out the errand inside the predefined leads, or compensated near to the payout for the undertaking upon affirmed transport. This guarantees transport accessories have "skin in the redirection", and basically engages them to wager upon their own execution.

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Wire Group:



BTC USER NAME: saeeds255

BTC LINK:;u=195620