2nd Intro - This post is a template people can follow for their own introduction post. It's easy to copy and I plan on rewarding some of those who are following it to some degree.
Share it with your friends who haven't joined yet. I will. (The template begins a couple paragraph below.)
Shout out to @papa-pepper for this awesome shirt!
Boosting Steem's Growth!
I want to accelerate Steem's growth, thus rewarding the best introduction posts and making it easier for people to create them is a no-brainer.
I've already began to give more than one 100% vote a day to the best introduction post I can find and also many smaller votes. (My full vote at 100% is currently worth around 80$.)
I will reward what I think are the best posts whether people follow my post's formula or not. Any formula will do as long as what is written is good.
Steem popularity is already skyrocketing for obvious reasons and we should clearly do everything we can to boost it even more.
This is only one part of boosting Steem growth. I'm currently working on other ideas and everyone is welcome to join me.
Making Steem Go Viral!
29 Days, 13 Days, 3 Days Ago & Today
I've seen many people asking successful Steemians what they should do to create successful posts. Make Steem go viral and I can assure you success.
It doesn't have to be super viral either. We just want to see some Steem growth. Make some positive outreach and people will reward you, just like anywhere else.
It always helps to keep growth in mind when doing anything for any community.
The Title
Let's begin with the title. The title: "Hello Steemit" could be replace by anything more creative.
Adding who or what site introduce you to Steem in your title or sub-title can be a good way to grab people's attention.
If a Steemian introduced you to Steem, then you should most probably mention them prominently.
Coinmarketcap.com introduced me to Steemit. I used to visit that website everyday and watch for the new cryptocurrencies pop up. (List 900+ cryptocurrencies, very slow/huge website.)
- Yo Steemit! - Google.com Introduced Me!
- Bonjour Steemit! - @fyrstikken Introduced Me!
- Holla Steemit! - A Friend Introduced Me!
The Sub-Title
Just like the title, use the sub-title to grab people's attention. We click only on the best titles, sub-titles and thumbnail pictures.
Mention if it's your first or second introduction post or even better your first post.
Steem is giving birth to a culture of friendly competition pushing creativity to level individual mind can't even foresee yet.
Join now!
The Tag: Introduceyourself
Use the tag #introduceyourself. A more creative first tag which will be displayed more prominently can be used but #introduceyourself should be in the tags.
Take a look at what is trending in this tag and try to do better.
The Main Picture
The first picture is your thumbnail picture. Use Resizeimage.net to easily resize your image to 800 x 450 so that the thumbnail isn't cropped out in a weird way. Keep the aspect ratio and toggle down until the second number reach as close as possible to 450.
The more interesting your picture the better obviously. (I could have done better with mine, that's for sure.)
What Picture Should You Use
I highly recommend the first picture to be of yourself holding a sign, electronic device or anything which mention Steem but any interesting picture can do.
The reason for the sign is to avoid impersonification. The sign doesn't make impersonification impossible but makes it a bit less obvious.
That being said, the vast majority of the introduction posts I look at and vote for have this verification picture as their thumbnail. It make it super easy to avoid losing time on posts that didn't even make this simple effort.
There's already so many introduction posts. It's impossible to look at them all and so everything helping to get yourself more views is worth trying.
The Main Body Of Your Post
If you're well-known in the cryptocurrency space then it make sense to mention it in the title. This holds true for any known personality. The more celeb someone is the more thorough their verification process should be.
Some people have posted on their other social media mentioning they joined Steemit. This is again to avoid impersonification and also serve as outreach. Many different pictures holding a Steemit sign can possibly be enough as a solid verification.
Celebrities Joining Steem!
We shouldn't necessarily expect huge celebrity to join Steemit so early. A lot of Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, users have more followers than there are Steemians. It might be more logical for these people to wait for Steemit to become bigger before joining.
There are currently around 250,000 Steem accounts. Yet some Youtubers with more than 1 million subscribers are already on Steem. Still, because Steem is so young, there's a very real opportunity for everyone to become a future Steem Star if such a thing should ever exist.
Use A Markdown Editor
Some people have lost their post due to some bug. To avoid this, use a Markdown editor to create your posts and save regularly. I use Markdown Pad's free version. It's very easy to use and will save you time as well as make your post and comments look better.
Mention Why You're Here
Why you're here on Steemit is probably one of the first thing you might want to mention. Whether it's because you've stumble on Steemit randomly and were intrigue or whether you have a more definite plan.
My Introduction Post Begins Here
My name is Guillaume Cardinal.
I use Steem as a leverage to become a better person, to maximize my life's enjoyment and hopefully everyone's life enjoyment. I've already wrote about it extensively here on Steem.
My Details
- 33 years old
- French Canadian
- Single
- Self-Employed
- Anarchist
- Practice Ahimsa (The principle of nonviolence toward all living things.)
- Speak: French, English and some Spanish
Social Following
Sharing Our Favorite Things
Sharing our favorite things make all the sense in the world.
Our favorite thinkers guide us, our favorite music move us and our favorite thoughts elevate us.
Some Of My Favorite Things
- Fruit: Ataulfo Mangoes (@barrydutton, pizza aren't a fruit.)
- Sports: Running, wakesurf, hockey, wakeboard, skateboard, snowboard, volleyball, soccer, ping pong, tennis.
- TV Show: Louie, La Petite Vie, Les Bleu Poudres
- Stand-up Comedian: Louis Ck, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Doug Stanhope, Demetri Martin, Jim Carrey, Jim Gaffigan, Joe Rogan, Mitch Hedberg, Steven Wright...
Favorite Books
- The Art Of War (8 Best Quotes)
- Nutrition And Athletic Performance - Douglas Graham
- Grain Damage - Rethinking The High-Starch Diet - Douglas Graham
- Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? (Amazon)
- 9/11: The Big Lie - Thierry Mayssen
- Le Pentagate - Thierry Mayssen
- 48 Laws Of Power (Audio)
- The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali
- How To Win Friends And Influence People
- Catch Me If You Can (Novel/autobiography)
- Instant Rapport - Michael Brooks
- The Toxic Time Bomb - Can The Mercury In Your Dental Fillings Poison You?
- Infertility & Birth Defects - Is Mercury From Silver Dental Fillings An Unsuspected Cause?
- Amalgames Dentaires- Un Problème De Santé Publique
- Root Canal Cover-Up (Amazon)
Favorite Shorts
- What Will Matter - Michael Josephson - 2m - (Youtube)
- The Great Dictator Speech - Charlie Chaplin - 4m - (Youtube)
- What is money?- 9m - (Youtube)
- Global Wealth Inequality - 2m - (Youtube)
- Kevin O'Leary on global inequality It's fantastic! - 1m - (Youtube)(Funniest thing ever)
- Stacy FDA Town Hall Testimony - 5m - (Youtube)
- Study reveals 120+ million exposed to unsafe levels of mercury from fillings - 3m - (Youtube)
- Vegan Blood Kills Cancer - 4m - (Youtube)
- Most Inspirational Video Ever (My friend Jason) 2m - (Youtube)
- Nobody is smarter than you are - Terence McKenna - 2m - (Youtube)
- The Power of Video - Michio Kaku - 1m - (Youtube)
- The Story of the Chinese Farmer - Alan Watts 1m - (Youtube)
- The Truth about School - StormCloudsGathering - 2m - (Youtube)
- Earthships 101 - 5m - (Youtube)
- The Lie We Live - Freshtastical - 8m - (Youtube)
- From Farm to Fridge - 12m - (Dailymotion)
- The Questions We Never Ask - Freshtastical - 5m - (Youtube)
- 50 Key Open Source Machines For An Open Source Society 6m - (Youtube)
Favorite Movies (All Documentaries)
All these documentaries are life changing. I'll touch upon most of these in future blogs.
- The Money Masters (Youtube)
- Cowspiracy - Executive produced by Leonardo DiCaprio (Netflix)
- Earthlings - Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix (Dailymotion)
- Meru Foundation Series (9h30) (30 minutes Synthesis)
- 9/11 - Anatomy of a Great Deception (Youtube)
- Nutrition and Athletic Performance - Dr. Doug Graham - Lecture (Youtube - Begins at 3m)
- 400 Chernobyls: Solar Flares, EMP and Nuclear Armageddon (Youtube)
- Money as Debt III - Paul Grignon (Youtube)
- Geoff Lawton: Permaculture & The Tipping Point - Lecture (Youtube)
- The Gerson Miracle (2004) (Youtube)
- Big Pharma Big Money : Documentary on the Money and Corruption of Big Pharmaceutical (Youtube)
- Grounded (Youtube)
- Youtube)911 BOMBSHELL: METHODICAL DECEPTION - Rebekah Roth - @sgtreport (
- Youtube)9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money - @corbettreport (
- Social Engineering in the 20th Century (Youtube)
Favorite Album
- L'heptade - Harmonium - 1976 (Youtube)
- Carrie & Lowell - Steven Sufjan - 2015 (Youtube)
- Bon Iver - Bon Iver - 2011 (Youtube)
- Like A Hobo - Charlie Winston - 2009 (Youtube)
- Fleur de Peau - Fleur de Peau - (Navert) - 2011 (Bandcamp)
- Navert - Navert - 2015 (Bandcamp)
- La Pire Espèce (Demo) - Opossum - (Navert) - 2008 (Myspace)
- Even In The Quiestest Moments - Supertramp - 1977 (Youtube)
More About Me
I used to run everyday between 10-18k on average. I resumed running 4 days ago. I won Montreal 2016 half-marathon in my age category. I finished 14th overall. Most of my results of the last 8 years can be seen here. I had stopped for 2 months because of injuries and also because I wanted to concentrate on Steem.
Around 2 weeks ago I quit my job I used to work to for more than 10 years. I did so because my crypto investments will allow me to live off of them for some time and that's what I felt like doing. I have a lot of things I want to share but we never know what life reserves us.
Seize the moment and Steem on!
6 Introduction Posts To Which I Gave 100% Vote
- A Girl from the Emerald Isle sharing my insights as I navigate my own awakening and this forever changing multi-dimensional landscape (1)
- Surprise Muthafuckas! I just joined Steemit, and will be posting about Psychology, Life, Well-being and Happiness! (2)
- Hello. How are you? I am fine. What is your name? My name is Steven. (3)
- Hello Steemit Community! (4)
- Introducing the MOST diverse INTRODUCEYOURSELF Post there ever was! (4)
- I'm MatthewDavid and I will be posting about Programming, blockchain tech and learning Spanish (5)
Thank you!
Thank you for reading and for commenting! I read them all! Vote for my witness here if you consider I'm Steeming the world you want to be living in.
I use Markdown Pad to create my posts and I recommend it to everyone.
See here how to align pictures.
Get on the chats. Not in private messages but in the chat rooms. These are some of the best places to makes some Steem friends.
- Official Steemit.chat
- SteemSpeak.com (24h/7 Voice chat)
- Peace, Abundance, Liberty (Minnow Support Project)
Find Out More!
- #1 "Stand for What Feels Best!" (Money in the world today is created out of thin air by a small elite group at the expense of everyone else.)
- #2 "Steem: An In-Depth Overview!" (The most in-depth and clearest guide to understand what Steem is and what it can do for you!) (Reached top #1)
- #3 "The Ultimate Steem Guide!" (How to Use Steem: The revamped edition.) (Reached top #1)
- #4 "Steem: The Most Enjoyable Governance Tool Ever Devised!"(Everything we ever did was an act of governance.)
- #5 "Make More Steem: Verify Your Introduction Posts!"
- #6 "Some Steem Stats" (The most empowering cryptocurrencies stats you'll read all day.)
- #7 "What Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!" (The clearest guide to understand what are "Witnesses" and why you should vote for them.)
- #8 "Some Steem Tips For Some Steem Success!" (Who to follow and many more Steem fundamentals every serious Steemians should know!)
- #9 "What Will You Be Steeming When Billions Are Watching!" (Soon millions of Steemians will be Steeming us to a much better world!)
- #10 "I Saw Your Dance Video And Now I Know You're Rich!" (Cool post pack with goodies as usual.)
- #11 "Never Lose Sight Of Why You’re Posting!" (Wealth is just a tool and not an end in itself. )
- #12 "Cooperation Is Humanity's Greatest Asset!"
- #13 "I'm Now A Full-Time Steemian!" That's it! I've quit my job.
- #14 "Steeming Never Felt This Good!" Work to create the world we long to see necessitate to influence our self first and foremost.
- "Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor!" (Dan is the Ex-CTO of Steemit)
- "Steemit.com Set To Become The World's Most Popular Website" (Part of The Ultimate Steembook)
- "The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard" (My best paid post at 8,000$)
just excellent as usual
this community is lucky to have you @teamsteem ;)
Thank you @ekticho! The community is also lucky to have you and your team @busy.witness!
Thank you @TeamSteem for a great and easy to understand 'How To'. For anyone who's starting out right now: simply follow this template and within a couple of hours you'll have your first beautiful IntroduceYourself post ready to go!
Another brilliant post. I wish I would have had these tips when I did my introduceyourselfpost.
Thank you for the Markdown pad link. I'm downloading it now. This is exactly what I've been needing.
Awesome! I'm glad to see people love the markdown recommendation. I waited quite a long time before recommending it. I knew it would help people but for some reasons I would forget to put it there.
Steem on @sneakgeekz!
Yes thank you very much for the share. Im having a little issue with drivers which I'm updating now.
oh just joined steemit, does that mean I should/can do a introduceyourselfpost?
Yeah sure! If you feel like doing it then do it.
One of the problems I see, is that steemit is based around all these cryptodork (no offense) formulas for conversion and transactions and percentages... do we really think the average joe beerface and babbling betty are going to be down with econocryptonumerology ?? peace
@clumsysilverdad you hit the nail on the head. This has been the biggest obstacle to crypto adoption. Today the crypto space is internet 1994, pre email, pre browsers. In 94 the internet was just used by the military and researchers.
Until crypto becomes as easy as visiting a web site and MORE convenient than credit cards the average joe will have no use for it. The most valuable resource on the planet is time.
In my opinion when the moment comes that crypto can save people time that's when we will see massive adoption. I fully expect it to happen but we are still way too early in the curve.
Steemit has made some great progress in addressing this problem and allows the average person to start interacting with crypto fairly quickly. I agree we still need to make it easier.
cool, upvoted, ty
FB is EASY. Steemit is confusing, clunky, and not easy.
Curious to see what happens with it the next year or two.
But damn, how much do I have to invest in steem power to have my upvote be $.10-$1? That's not a casual investment, I don't see many people doing that for fun. (Again, fails on the 'easy' scale which is necessary for mass adoption.)
Crazy how this is broken down to such granular levels... feel there are many parallels in strategies for Tinder
You have got excellent instructions. It is a pity, that I've already written my first post-introduction
I'm agree with @sneakgeekz excellent comment, but I'm really New, I can do my second part of my introduceyorselfpost with @teamsteem tips. I'm so grateful for you support .
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I've still never done a really proper Introduction Post LOL -- but a couple with some personal stuff in starting a few mths back.
I saw you told me here in this post that pizza is not a fruit but with a tomato base in the sauce, they are actually classified as a fruit and that is good enough for me LOL
I agree with you Barry LOL
Pizza is all the food groups! No doubt about it :)
I tell everyone it is a balanced food group!!!!!
As you should, pizza is the world's most perfect food, PERIOD. :)
I thought I had removed that part. Haha! That was funny! I'm glad I left it there!
the best ever introduction seen around :-)
Aw! That's very kind!
The comments on the pizza replies here are spot on buddy LOL, it was a hit.
Came here to say this! I grow tomatoes, onions, garlic, and basil so basically pizza, therefore tomatoes=pizza=fruit!
That's what I'm talkin about right there!
Hi, newbie here and Mac user. Anything like markdown pad for Mac? Great article by the way, I'll get started on my introduce me asap.
Welcome to Steemit, I can see you are new!!!
If you visit a post on here by my friend @teamsteem -- venture towards the bottom of any of his posts --- he discusses some of what he uses for things like Markdown Pad, etc etc.
The bottom 1/4 of his post are laid out really nicely in a template for all kinds of quick advice like this.
He is also one of the best writers on here.
I'm pretty sure there is. Just google markdown editor for mac and I'm sure you'll find more than one. I know haroopad and I think there might be a mac version of this one.
A list of 6 introduction posts I gave 100% vote to after I wrote the post above.
This is awesome!
This was just beast... I'll share it with my team of 500+ peeps on FB, thanks @teamsteem! 💪🏼🙌🏼💯
Thank you @stackin! That's the kind of outreach I'm talking about!
Appresh, I think I brought over 500 people alone so far, I need higher goals... 1000 by this month. keep posting that value bossman.. .. following your lead :)
Dang. I need some catching to do. I have some idea. I can't achieve this outreach directly but I'll try to contact some people that could reach out to some large audience and succeed in making them take actions.
some guys are just taking the offline marketing approach.
it's a new project around and they are currently working on the flyers design
You also have to be dancing in your introduction video...Im so used to seeing @teamsteem dancing.
You're right. I need to be more efficient at crafting these. I will.
Hi !
This is an automatic message.
According to SteemData, you have now used #introduceyourself 5 times.
once. Please consider other, appropriate tags.You might not be aware of this, but #introduceyourself is mainly used by new accounts, to introduce themselves
You actually are a good bot.
How are we going to establish tag-discipline, when you as a witness abuse this tag ?
Sorry if you think this is abuse. I chose this tag to help people see my post.
I have ideas about curtailing abuse. My post wasn't abuse.
Seems people are posting their 50 follower celebration and 100 follower notice on introduceyourself, it seems like that's the new norm (I mean, I just got here, but just sayin') peace
It's okay for now. We're letting it fly. I thought about a fix for this. I might try to implement it soon or not, we'll see.
It's miscategorized content, that's what it is.
You're right in a sense. I know what you mean. There are already so many miscategorized posts in that tag that doesn't help the tag, I felt like mine which I felt help people using this tag had more benefits than bad repercussion.
It's true that this tag should be moderated but it's not at this point. I'm thinking about solutions but at this point I'm working on some other projects I think will bring more positives at a faster rate.
We're all working on other projects ...
For starters, you could just remove the tag to be a good example.
Coinma ketcap.com in the Title of this post? Did you do that on purpose?
Damn. Nope. I'll fix this. Thanks!
Great format, so much info I didnt know about you before. Coinmarketcap got me onto here also! Came cause the coin, stayed for the people!! All of those are my favorite comedians pretty much spot on, you missed Bo Burnham though.. I mostly read fiction but the art of war is great. I reccomend Bastiats The Law, its a great nonfiction book, old enough its free too! 4 of my favorite shorts, and most of the documentaries I haven't seen. Added to my watch list! A million thanks for all you do for Steemit @teamsteem! You are appreciated!
I knew some people would have come from coinmarketcap.com!
I heard about Bo Burnham but never listen to him before.
I'll take a look at The Law. It seems like an interesting book.
What are your 4 favorites shorts from the lot?
And thank you for the @randowhale vote!
The great dictator speech is in my mind really the greatest speech ever!
Terence McKenna, I'm excited to see one of your favorite comedians (Jim Carrey) play him. I heard he has been out doing hallucinogens getting ready for the part.
Michio Kaku's video.. I don't always agree with him but hes interesting to hear from regardless. And this is one of his better pieces..
And the earthship 101 video, I helped my friend build a bit of their earthship and I really want my own one day! Are you building one or is it a dream of yours too?!
Some short I like that you missed is Rodney Mullens beautiful Mind , Marvin Minsky on health and the human mind, Carl Sagans best speech about humanity.. Theres many more, but those are the ones that come to mind quickly
Wut! Jim Carrey as Terence! That seems way too awesome! I had to google it. Seems true! Wow!
I too don't necessarily agree with Kaku that much but his series physics of the impossible had some great episode and he also have some other great talk.
Wow! I would have love to build an Earthship. They must be the most sane place to habit. Everything from them is design in perfect harmony with nature. They can even create island of vegetation in very arid climate. I'd sure love to habit one and even more so own one.
I've seen a great that from Mullens surprisingly it wasn't the one you mentioned so I'll give it a chance.
I just listened to Carl Sagan's speech and I think I watched it before.
And I'll give Marvin's video a watch too.
Thank you for sharing all of these!
No problem, good to know we have many things in common! If ever you come across an awesome video I need to see, don't be afraid to share it or steemitchat message me it!! and I will try to talk my friends into posting about their earthship build!! They should be on Steemit anyways, they are awesome people. Thanks for all you do, good talking!
Maybe you should try the 30 minutes intro about the Meru foundation. It's very different than the short inspirational one but I still think everyone should try this one. I'll go deeper into this in a future blog.
I will definitely check it out! And I look forward to the future blog. I will know more about it by the time you make your post! Once again, thanks for all you do!
Funny dog picture! woof woof
You also notice
It is nice!
Thank you so much for this highly informative, much needed post @teamsteam! I'm new to Steemit and crypto currency and need all the help I can get to get started. I'll hopefully be making my first post to introduce myself in a few days. Still learning how to properly do all of this and I want my introduction post to be creative and well thought-out ...You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. That, and I'm a single mom with extremely limited free time. I'm super excited to be here and excited to see where this leads me. AND so pleased with myself for FINALLY figuring out how to upload my avatar pic lol!
Very beautiful post ...
I am waiting for your next posting ....
To be honest with reading your posts my insights increase ...
You write more of what I do not know yet ...
Very brilliant ...
I'm @alanmirza start subscribing to your post :)
Thanks and have a nice day@teamsteem this is an awesome post and i upvoted it. Am about to post an @introducemyself to the @steemit community. I hope you will be upvoting my post and the steemit community will start knowing me for what i do and what i am doing in the community. I will shear my story and my moto and my expirence with the community.
Well I joined and wrote my intro on my birthday 28th of June , wish I could see ir post before that . But its really helpful and deserves to be resteemed to help others too.
Not ur first good posts
Keep it up 👍🏻👍🏻Thanks @teamsteem
If someone whom i am introducung to steemit right now should ask me "so what is steemit in a nutshell?". My answer now would be it is am community that draws out your fullest potentail to ensure a greater life for you and your family and it's also a community of some of the greatest personalities online who are at a mentorship level to train you how to interact, prove your worth, find a purpose and teach you how to give with a deeper sense of satisfaction. Steemit that's for i feel now a days when i talk about it. I really want to run a huge champain in my country because more youngsters needs to be involved in something like this. Great post by the way. I like how deep it goes.
Welcome to Steemit!
Thank you @teamsteam
I just logged in for the very first time and am going to use your tips for my very first post.
Welcome to Steemit, I'm here to give you a vote on your very first comment! Great job engaging with the community!
That's pretty cool!
Thanks for this post, it really helped me get started with my intro post once I had the structure in place :)
j'ai apprecié ce post.
C'est bien detaillé et bien defini pour un introduceyourself.
je tiens a vous suivre car vouz avez donné le meilleur de vous-même.Bonsoir @teamsteem.
thanks. This will help.
Nice advices... I would have liked read this before start here but yeah... we are learning everyday of our life. Thank you for the share.
wow, that's a cool details way of introductions!!!! likes it!! so, i can talk with you at least about "cowspicary" :)
thanks for the inspirations
post.Dear @teamsteem, after reading your post I am now faced with an awful dillema. I joined yesterday and made my first introduction
Your helpful tips make me want to craft a new introduction post that really excels, since it led immediately to new and fresh ideas about what I truly want my introduction to look like.
Should I delete my account and start over?
You should definitely keep your post! - It's really great. Just like teamsteem said, you could do another one later on, when you've gained some traction and when you've built yourself a decent following. - However, I wouldn't use the "introducemyself" tag at that point, but you could easily use "introduction" for instance.
"introduceyourself" posts are often rewarded rather good compared to other posts on a regular basis and if you publish multiple post using that tag, you risk being flagged and that will not only affect your potential rewards, it will also hurt your reputation.
Just some friendly advice :)
Thanks for the friendly advice, it's really appreciated. I won't be re-introducing myself, but rather focus on doing whatever I can to help fueling the Steem train. Blogging will be a continuous improving thing for me, but I certainly can tell many friends about this amazing platform and community.
Well no! Are you kidding! You're post made so great. Plus it look good. I love your post.
You can do another introduction post later or just another one. I'd wait though.
Don't post to make money. Post to make yourself happy first then maybe money will come. I know you haven't mentioned money but I felt like mentioning it.
I don't exactly know what to advice but clearly don't create another account. That's a no-brainer.
Ok, I have thought about it. But only for 2 seconds, and yes you are completely right, I will stick with my account as is. What maybe a no-brainer for you was something real for me to consider. Then again, I'm still trying to get the feel of this platform and I'm thinking on how to contribute meaningfully.
What I have decided for now, is that I will not be going to aim for upvotes or fame at this moment. I will simply blog the best I can, read and re-edit, improve, cut and have it checked by one of my friends before posting. Just focus on making the best content I can and improve at every step.
Also, I'm telling other people here in The Netherlands about this community. That'll be my primary way to help this platform grow and blossom with rich content. I'm a firm believer in a fantastic future for Steemit and will contribute in any way I can, even although I' m not a developer.
really nice post..I really motivated and than you so much
I would delete and re-do

Hi @lanceman, you're just kidding right?
My apologies @fuzztone, I meant delete the orig. post and re-do that, not delete your whole account!
Don't you think that might be a little unfair to the people that have already upvoted it?
Oh, if you have several upvotes and don't want to affect that leave it. It's not unreasonable to create a secondary intro post (have seen it done many times). No one should bother you about that, just explain that now that you have learned some tips and tricks you want to provide a more thorough directive on your initiatives. You can come at it from a specific angle such as a favorite hobby or topic (sport, cooking, photography, etc). Use the tags 'introduceyourself' and 'introducemyself' - also 'verified' if you are able to post a selfie with Steemit sign, date and your username on it. I never took advantage of those tips and probably missed out on a lot of follows. But no worries and creating a second one, it makes good sense and people understand
Thank you for this post! I have just joined today and will be doing an introduction post here in the next day or so. I want to do something fun and creative. Thanks again for sharing your experience with us an welcome to Steemit!
Nice helpful post! I wish I would have seen this before I wrote my intro. I received a whole 10 votes. I was so excited to get my account that I just said "Hi everyone"! @fauxden you need to check this out!
I wish I read this before posting my introduction!
@teamsteem you and @jerrybanfield are my new idols! You guys work so passionate about the things you do and work on! Thank you for putting all these amazing posts!
That feel really good to read. Thank you for sharing! Steem on my friend! I mean it!
Thank you for this post! I am so grateful that I was able to find it BEFORE I penned my Introductory post. Excellent resource!
Hey brother, @teamsteem can you check out my introduction that I made 2 days ago? I wish I had seen this article before I introduced my self :)
That was a really nice post! I enjoyed reading it!
Very well put together. I resteemed this. It's a must read for all.
Thanks for all your help.Is the dog there for sale? haha @teamsteem good one indeed. I cited you on my latest blog post about trading platform-pls feel free to see it.
You have got excellent instructions. It is a pity, that I've already written my first post-introduction
my introduceyourself post in one of the six you upvoted and shared!Hey @teamsteem, thank you so much for including
It's a pleasant surprise to have my first post be so well received. I'm very grateful. Looking forward to becoming a part of this community.
Hey I' glad to see you comment here Matt!
What an excellent template. Just resteemed it to my thousand followers. Steem on!!
Awesome! Thank you for the tips @teamsteem. 😀 Gonna make another #introduceyourself post 😀 Bright Blessings! 😀
Thanks for the layout. I really do appreciate it and stay tuned to my first post to Introduce myself!
This post explains it all. I will definitely play a role in spreading the word about steemit let's build the market value.
@teamsteem ur the man!
Hey @teamsteem, I wish I would have read this article before blogging my introductory post, it probably would have turned out a lot better... Thanks for all the good information, going to keep all this in mind and probably give this another read before posting again.
This is my first attempt ever at blogging. What do you think?
Great idea! I'll try to get this up onto the "Quick Start Guide" page in the next round of updates.
I think that could really help new comers. That's a pretty good initiative. I love it Tim!
Can I resteem this post, pls @teamsteem
Yeah sure! There's no need to ask when you're re-steeming. Everyone love to be resteemed.
This post is really helpful to me
You've made a great template for introductions, but personally I think people need to come up with their own creative insight. I mean, you talk about how great of growth steemit has in your 2nd intro, but yet you say people shoudl follow your template. I'm a little confused.
Great introduction!!!
So many great advices in one place! Thx
In what aspect did: "catch me if you can" changed your life? Beating the system or staying on the run?