Four Days At Home - Upgrading My Online Business While Ignoring The Goings On Outdoors

in #alive4 months ago (edited)

For the last four days I have had no appointments or teaching commitments at all - nothing except dinner out with the Mrs last night. Apart from that one notable exception, I have spent all four days at home, mostly in my room, working on upgrading and updating and integrating my online business.

I spent the first two days, Thursday and Friday working on bringing out the 2025 edition of my "Traffic Exchange Success Secrets" ebook and funnel, which I blogged about here:

With that project completed, I was able to turn my attention to another funnel that was much in need of fixing and updating, my "Get More Sales" Funnel, which is really supposed to be my primary marketing funnel, but got almost completely eclipsed by my successful "100% Commission Funnel" during 2024.

Updating My "Get More Sales Funnel"


I have spent most of Saturday and Sunday working on bringing this marketing funnel into complete alignment with the five programs that I feature on my Top5Programs blog.

If I remember rightly, I launched the "Get More Sales" Funnel when I joined LiveGood in January 2023. Livegood was the "primary program" in the funnel.

The idea was to help people generate sales by starting with a low-ticket "micro continuity offer" and then step up to a "funded proposal" which also enabled Livegood affiliates to promote Livegood "on the backend."

Of course, to set up and promote the funnel and manage your mailing list, you would need to have a Leadsleap account.

So Leadsleap, the two other programs, and Livegood made up the programs inside the funnel.

Two years later, I feel the need to update the funnel and bring it into closer alignment with my Top5Programs blog. At the same time, I have added Livegood to Top5Programs for 2025.

Speaking of Livegood, I create Livegood health product related posts on my Fit50s blog, and when I launched that, I intended to use my sponsor's "Easy Commission Funnel" to promote Livegood, which is also why I more or less abandoned my own "Get More Sales Funnel."

However, I didn't like the direction the Easy Commission Funnel was going in - so I stopped promoting that funnel and focused almost exclusively on promoting my 100% Commission Funnel.

That worked fine on semi-autopilot as I did much of the promoting through my Leadsleap Pro ads, and automated safelist mailings through Traffic Zipper. However, it left several annoying loose ends, such as several blog posts about the Easy Commission Funnel on my Fit50s blog, and no marketing funnel specifically for the programs on my Top5Programs blog.

So that is the mess that I have been working on fixing over the last couple of days.

Step 1: Add LiveGood to Top5Programs for 2025, and drop the micro continuity program. Completed last week.

Step 2: Update my Top5Programs blog pages to reflect the changes mentioned in Step 1. Completed on Thursday.

Step 3: Update and Relaunch my Get More Sales Funnel. I completed that job this afternoon.

Step 4: Get rid of references to the Easy Commission Funnel on my Fit50s blog and replace them with info about the newly revamped Get More Sales Funnel. I have just completed that job this evening.

What Does It All Mean?

What it means is that from now on, the five programs I feature on my Top 5 Programs blog will be the same ones that I promote inside my Get More Sales Funnel.

Also, now that the "primary product program" on both Top 5 Programs and the Get More Sales Funnel is LiveGood, supported by four tried and tested b2b programs (Leadsleap, the Prosperity Marketing System, Wealthy Affiliate, and Traffic Zipper), it will be much easier for me to cross promote the two platforms. I can now blog about the Get More Sales Funnel on Top5Programs, and promote my Top 5 Program blog posts to my Get More Sales Funnel subscribers.

At the same time, I can integrate the Get More Sales Funnel with my Fit50s blog and cross promote the funnel to my blog readers, and my health and fitness related articles to my Get More Sales Funnel subscribers.

Phew! So now, all I have to do is get promoting the funnel, and blogging on and - but alas, that may have to wait as I have a busy teaching and "other offline business" schedule this week!

What Else Have I Done During My 4 Day Purdah?

I set myself three categories of goals for this four day period. Two were active and one was passive - dealing with things I was NOT going to do.

Active Category 1: This consisted of 5.5 high-priority goals, 3.5 of which were the business related goals I have already discussed.

The other two goals in this category were:

  1. Work out every day: 1 x "main" workout, 2 x "boxing" workouts, 1 x "basic" workout. (Completed!)

  2. Post blog content on / Liketu every day. I've posted 3 so far, and if you see this blog post on Sunday, it means I will have completed this goal, which also means I will have completed ALL the goals in this category. ✌︎︎

Active Category 2: This consisted of 4.5 lower-priority goals. These included,

  • doing some more work on my Fit50s blog (50% completed),
  • publishing two blog posts on my other blog, (Completed)
  • publishing one blog post, and cleaning up two or three older posts on yet another of my blogs, (Completed)
  • Publishing a blog post on my chess blog, (Not Done)
  • Publishing a blog post on my minifig questing blog (Not Done)

Passive Category: This was a total success as it consisted of things I am NOT doing all through Advent (and in some cases until the end of the month):

  • I'm not drinking alcohol AT HOME during Advent.
  • I'm not buying any clothes.
  • I'm not buying any Livegood supplements.
  • I'm not buying any Splinterlands NFT cards.
  • I'm not buying any other online stuff that requires spending mula (Using Audible credits is OK!)

Now this category has been a total success! 😄

I haven't had a drink at home for a week now. Last night, I enjoyed a couple of beers with okonomiyaki when out with the Mrs., but no popping into a convenience store to get a couple of cans on my way home!

I used one Audible credit to download "Autobiography of a Yogi" (narrated by Ben Kingsley), which is a highly entertaining listen, I must say.

I Completely Ignored The Opening Of A Shopping Mall In My Neighbourhood

Yup, while I was ensconsed in my room beavering away on my projects and having a fine time of it, there was a great hullabaloo not too far away as a new YouMe Town shopping mall had its "Pre Open" on Thursday and its full "Opening Ceremony" on Friday and got into the full swing of business over the weekend.

The approach roads have been jam packed with cars, the streets are bustling with shoppers and curiosity seekers. For two full days, I completely ignored it. It was only last night, on my way back with the Mrs after dinner out, that I deigned to pop in and have a gawk - without buying anything at all, of course.

Having clear goals of your own is a great help against the sundry distractions and vanities of this fleeting life.


David Hurley

#InspiredFocus P. S. If you'd like to have a gorp at my Get More Sales funnel, here's the link to the lead capture page: