Is it good for mankind to have free trade when in free trade we build hundreds of the same or similar products, for cheaper and cheaper, junk that we have to upgrade so often just to feed this economic system, ofcourse the corporate model will become the "most effective way to keep you purchasing the same product for upgrades every year." And all of this for the so called betterment of mankind. On top of this dynamic, the economic system we live on is feeding this same mental disorder. I am joking about the mental disorder, however this is a disorder, it certainly isn't order.
Now is there a better way, certainly...
Take Aliens: Aliens would organize themselves as one species, have all them working in their field of choose all for the betterment of their species, not tied to an economic system, ever watched alien movies, have you ever seen an alien with money making purchases. This would be more efficient and produce continual growth unrestricted by monetary means.
How does this work: Federation, pay with some form of monopoly money to wing people off this "disorder" I was referring to above. So, Monopoly money is a form of payment that is not tied to gold or any other backed resource. Everyone would work for the people (country). Create departments, i.e. Computer design, they work to design the best computer known to mankind, why for the betterment and advancement of mankind. Upgades would only occur once every 5 years or maybe even 10, depending on our knowledge and development. I also don't believe that inventing things should supply you with the means to monopolize on all of the rest of humanity.
I also belief in free health care, housing, some foods not all (purchase some), highest education. How, with monopoly money, which has NO restrictions, think about it, people make things, so pay the people its that simple. Natural resources we have them, now for trading resources with other countries, this is simple I am sure we have something they need. And often trading with other countries has been done just to help each others economy, not because we need it. We have oil in america right, trees, gold, humm, well ok. So, why has this understanding been hidden from us, I will tell you in one word classism the new form of royalty. Question everything you have be told to hate, dislike, or told doesn't work, because the question is did they not want it to work and why?
Open transparency in governance.
We are developing at a slow pace not a moderate or even fast one.
Now I know, this sounds like communism right, doesn't have to be, how we choose to organize this governance is a separate but connected issue. So, let's discuss it.
Because this economy and governance is not sustainable or efficient.