The ARV's or "Fluxliner"
In the beginning the Nazi's developed the ARV from partially "Channelled" information and the rest was from Ancient Indian/Eastern writings of the Veda’s Vimana (Blueprints), Vatican Library access was granted to various Ancient Secret Scripts, Scroll's, Tablet's from Libraries of Ancient Civilizations that are still unknown to us. They were given access to The "Library of Alexandria" records (Only census records were really burned and the real library was smuggled and ended up in the Vatican Basement along with these "Other" secret texts) and "Off World Beings" who helped perfect their technology after the War at their "joint base" that they referred to as "New Berlin" (AKA "Base-211" and "Rainbow City").
It all started back in 1930’s. It’s also interesting to note that Germans had a Roswell of their own. They had a craft that had crashed long before Roswell, in the '30s. But there was a very big agenda behind that, those crashed crafts weren't coincidence or an accident but it was done deliberately to serve a very big, hidden agenda by an extremely advanced AI race. Alien Crash Scenario's were all engineered quite intelligently and precisely. It’s very interesting to see how Shadow government/Cabal who wants to control everything becomes a prey of this highly advanced AI’s. Well, it's a completely different topic to talk about. I will write on this someday in near future.
The ARV's or "Fluxliner" were quite simple devices using mercury and copper counter rotating plates that created unpleasantly rough effects on the pilots and anyone near the craft. At the time we were not able to back engineer the extremely advanced Extra Terrestrial “Biological” Entities (EBE's) crafts that had crashed so we used these ARV's in the beginning. When the Americans were building their own ARV's in one of their Separate "Secret Space Programs" they had not worked out the problem in "Electro-gravitics" of the Mercury transmuting into a "Coral Like Gold" inside the "Vortex Tubes".
Isn't it strange that "Creating Gold" would be a problem? but the Gold shielded the Copper Plates from the full effects of the Torsion Cylinder and this caused "Crashes" and "Temporal Incidents". Gallium Alloy's were developed that were substituted for Mercury in the process and eliminated the "Mercury to Gold Transmutation Problem".
TR3B creating Corona Orb.
Similar Electrogravitic drives are still used today in some of the "Triangles" or well known “TR3B” that are seen. The videos of some of them developing a "Corona Orb" discharge in their centre before they disappear is one of the effects of these drives. The early ARV's had Very Poor Shielding from the large spectrum of "Radiations" that were produced, as it actually releases X-ray photons, which are so deadly that there can't be windows in the craft. And All of the Pilots ended up with a long list of health issues."
Zero Point energy is embedded in space-time all around us; it's in everything we see. There's enough of this flux, this electrical charge, in the nothingness of space, that if you could capture all the energy that was embedded in just a cubic yard of space, you'd have enough energy to boil the oceans of the entire world. That's how much energy is sitting there waiting to be tapped. The best way to tap that energy is by driving it out of equilibrium. It’s just like a box of cigarette smoke in a box, but if you somehow send a shockwave through it, you can get force – you can get ripples through it. Then, if you have a way of collecting that energy at the other end, you have a way of tapping into it and using it.
Have you ever wondered, what keeps those little electrons spinning in their different clouds/orbits around the nucleus of every atom in our Universe. What keeps them going. keeps them from crashing into the nucleus like a satellite orbiting the Earth gets pulled into the atmosphere by gravitational drag. Why the electrons never slow down, they don't follow the second law of thermodynamics, which is entropy, you'd expect them to slow down over time, but they don't.
And the reason they don't is because they're constantly absorbing this zero-point energy. And that's what keeps all the parts of the atom going all the time. The zero-point energy is actually what keeps the electrons around the atomic structure of everything in our universe. It keeps them energized. That's why it never disintegrates, falls apart.
And so as an object, you know, made of atoms, goes through space-time and is accelerating faster or faster, it's absorbing more and more of this energy, and all the parts are spinning faster and faster like a gyroscope that gets spinning faster and faster.
Well, if you have a way of interfering with that interaction, that absorption of zero-point energy by those electrons, they begin to slow down.
Every atom in the universe is just like a little gyroscope: it’s got all these electrons spinning around the nucleus, and they have a gyroscopic effect, which is the effect we call inertia and mass. We have one nucleus with a proton and a neutron and one electron – hydrogen – spinning around like that: not very much mass, not too much inertia. If you take uranium, [with] 235 electrons all spinning around in their different clouds, there is a lot of mass; there is a lot of inertia, becauseit’s like a bigger gyroscope, in a way. At least, that’s the analogy that I’ve kind of picked up here. But, if you have a way of interfering with that absorption of zero-point energy so those electrons become de-energized, they begin to slow down. The effect of that inertia, that gyroscopic effect, begins to drop off, and the mass drops off to, even though the atomic structure is intact; and it’s still there – it’s still uranium, but it’s not as heavy.
One of the things Einstein said, was that you could never accelerate anything up to and past the speed of light. If you did, you would have to have all the energy in the universe, because as you accelerate through space, mass increases. This would slow things down and make it impossible to ever have enough energy to go up to and exceed the speed of light, because your mass literally begins to approach infinity as you get closer and closer to the speed of light. One of the old films showing this concept shows a train going faster and faster towards the speed of light, but the train keeps getting bigger and bigger until the engine just can’t pull it, so it can never pass the speed of light.
But, what if you have a system, a device, that absorbs that zero-point energy and prevents it from interacting with the atomic structure of the vehicle? And, at the same time, it’s providing additional power to the capacitor section – this whole electrical system that is going on in the vehicle, that’s running. In effect, the faster you go, the easier it becomes to go up to and exceed the speed of light.
And so what the engineers figured out was that if you used that same energy in the environment that would increase your mass, but you used it as a propulsive energy source to power your system, it means that the faster you go, the more energy you have to propel your craft even faster. You don't have to carry a fuel supply, so you don't have to worry about the weight of the vehicle.
So the faster you go, the faster you're able to go. And that's how you actually break the light-speed barrier, because your mass never really becomes anything greater than what you started out with. But you have this tremendous, almost limitless, amount of energy that you can draw from as a propulsive force.
Here, I’m going to write about basic ARV version. The bottom of the vehicle is about 11 or 12 inches thick. In both cases, the coil and this large disc at the bottom are like a big plastic casting – sort of a greenish-blue, clear plastic, or glass. There are exactly 48 sections like thin slices of pizza pie, and each section within this casting probably weighed four or five tons. It is very monstrous in weight. It is full of half-inch-thick copper plates, and each of the 48 sections had 8 copper plates. Biefield-Brown effect comes into play here – this levitation effect where you charge a capacitor to lift towards a positive plate. Now, when you got eight plates stacked up in there, they alternate. It goes: negative positive, negative positive, negative positive – four times, so you ultimately wind up with the positive plates always being above a set of negative plates as you go up. Huge Tesla coil, which is kind of like an open-air transformer. What happens is that when you pass electricity through this large diameter coil, it creates a field. That’s what this system does: it takes electricity, using two large 24-volt marine-style batteries. You basically use that to somehow put an alternating current through these windings. Then, you step up that electricity through the secondary coil, which is on the column in the middle, and you get this extremely high voltage. You can selectively put the voltage on any of these 48 capacitor sections. This gives complete control over craft, as you can decide how much electricity you want to put on this side or over there on that side, so you can control the amount of electricity and the amount of thrust and vectoring that you get. You can make it go straight up, you can make it back and turn and pitch – whatever you want to, by virtue of the fact that you can control where the electricity goes in those 48 different sections.
This Alien Reproduction Vehicle, this Flux Liner, has a way of tapping zero-point energy, electronically. Now, that this central column has a kind of vacuum chamber in it. The Vacuum chamber is one of the things that all of those over-unity or free energy devices they build have under their system. They all have some kind of vacuum tubes, vacuum technology. Inside this big vacuum chamber in the central column that's inside everything else - inside the flywheel, inside the secondary coils ofthe Tesla coil, inside the crew compartment - there is mercury vapor. Mercury vapor will conduct electricity, but it produces all kinds of ionic effects. In this middle section, The liquid travels up and then down through the tube and back down through the system. And the donut shapes that go down or up depending on the polarity of and in which way the plates are spinning. The liquid travels up and then down through the tube and back down through the system.These little molecules of mercury or gallium alloy liquid become charged in unusual ways, and if you fire a tremendous amount of electricity through mercury vapor that's in a partial vacuum, there is something special, something unusual that happens in that process. it's the process when driving the energy in the vacuum out of equilibrium, putting some kind of a shockwave through it. And what happens when you create this kind of an event with high voltages, is in this donut shaped event, you have the ions that are not only moving around the perimeter of this donut shape, but they're also moving in and out, precessing around the perimeter of this donut shape. And they create a powerful electromagnetic field. So what you have in this device is an electoral discharge that creates what amounts to a smoke ring of ions that shoot down through the column. The outer edges are basically stroking through the whiskers of this electrode and giving off all the power that's essentially being drawn out of the vacuum of space-time.
And that's how they're drawing the zero point energy out of the vacuum – is with this system.
Now, the next thing that happens here, is that as this system begins to tap into this zero-point energy and is drawing it away from the local environment, the whole craft becomes lighter in weight - it becomes partially mass-canceled, if you will, which is one of the reasons why just a little bit of energy in the capacitors could shoot it all over the place. The fiber optic control system, that’s also one of the things that goes back to the original Roswell account that there were all the selittle fibers with light going through them, and they couldn’t explain what this stuff was. Well, why would you need a fiber optic system in your spaceship? If, suddenly, everything in the vehicle becomes mass-canceled, and even the electrons becomes mass-canceled, it means that all of the telemetry that’s going through your system is going to go haywire. It’s going to be like, suddenly, the system goes through a phase change, and everything is super-conducting. So, you have to have some way of maintaining the same level of control for your spark gaps – the control of the amount of electricity that goes out of the capacitors – so that when you change the control stick, you still get the same amount of movement and deflection in the system, even when you go into a state of mass-cancellation or partial mass-cancellation, because the electrons are also mass-cancelled,so they become super-conducting circuits.
Why use fiber optics? Because photons have no mass, so they are unaffected. That means any information, any telemetry that you send back and forth to your computer gets there. It doesn’t matter if the computer functions at the super-conducting level, because it just makes it faster, more efficient, smarter. You want to be able to control the aircraft so it doesn’t crash, and what’s the best way to do it? With fiber optics.
One of the other things that happens, is when you take a system like this and you fire it up, everything in the system starts to become mass-canceled. The next thing that happens is that the electrons that are flowing through the system also become mass-canceled. What does that mean? It means as that system and all the electrons flowing throughthat big Tesla coil become mass-canceled, it also becomes the perfect super-conductor, which means the efficiency of the systems goes right through the ceiling. You get dramatic efficiency, just like the whole thing was dunked into liquid nitrogen or made out of pure silver or pure gold, which at certain temperatures are perfect conductors - it becomes lighter and can accelerate at incredible speeds. The faster it goes, the lighter it gets, and the faster it's able to go.
So when people talk about seeing an object moving through the sky at 9,000 mph (miles per hour), plotted time-to-distance over the land, and making right-angle turns at these tremendous velocities or doing strange maneuvers that seems impossible, people who've never seen this say, “Well, that's impossible. The pilot would be turned to hamburger, smacked around on the inside of the vehicle.”
But if you're eliminating mass, then there's no inertia. And if you're talking about uniform acceleration of a metrically engineered space-time – the vehicle, its contents, and everything – the whole thing moves together so that there's no sense of g-forces at all, because there's no inertia inside this metrically engineered local space-time.
What happens actually is, this thing creates such a tremendous stored potential of energy on the entire array of capacitors as a whole, that it was actually beginning to warp space-time. By controlling electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, that you could create a compression of space-time ahead of the vehicle, like what you'd find with a black hole, like a singularity.
And then behind the vehicle, you would create an expansion of space-time.
And this polarization process allows you to create what amounts to a system that is kind of like surfing on a wave, where you have a depression in front of you and a ridge behind you, and you're basically sliding down the face of this warp in space-time.
And that's what creates the vector that allows you to move forward.
But the interesting... The fascinating aspect to this whole concept, this principle of creating what is called a dynamically engineered local space-time or metric engineering, is that you're taking a bubble of space-time that surrounds the vehicle, that is being created and influenced by the system inside the vehicle itself, but when this thing begins to move through space-time, it moves uniformly, where a portion of the space-time – the vehicle, the crew, the components, everything that's in it – moves as a unit.
And it's moving as a unit that's being influenced by other things that the craft is doing to the space-time around it. So it's creating an expansion of space-time behind it, a compression of space-time ahead of it. But the whole thing is moving uniformly, so there's no sense of g-forces at all. None.
It'd be like taking a goldfish in a spherical-shaped goldfish bowl, and you move the whole thing very quickly. And the water, the fish and everything move together with the goldfish bowl, but the fish doesn't feel anything, It doesn't feel any g-forces at all.
I can tell you as a matter of fact, there are so many exotic technology or free energy tech/devices that can bring revolution on the planet, but unfortunately locked in what is considered as much by the Black Operations Entity who hides in plain sight behind companies like Raytheon, Boeing, Hughes Flight, General Dynamics, Motorola, Hewlett Packard, Dow Chemical, Monsanto, Microsoft, Google (This one’s way deep!), etc. For everything we take for granted in our little slice of the world ‘they’ are at least 100 – 150 years ahead of us. In other words the most ‘up to date’ tech you use is actually obsolete by the time you buy it, even BEFORE!
The Three Trillion Dollars that just ‘vanished’ from the Pentagon budget the day BEFORE 9/11. The United States and now other countries also have technologies to send man faster than the speed of light and crafts that can travel anywhere in the solar system in a matter of hours? They used this technology to established bases around the solar system. There are multiple Secret Space Programs SSP (s) and Groups (Allied w/different "Beings" and Earth Corporation Conglomerations), there is a De-facto Civil War between them currently. Some of the SSP's are from Ancient "Break Away Civilizations" and have aligned themselves with foreign Earth Governments that are enemies of the “Secret/Shadow Governments” and what is known as “The Cabal”.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading this. 🙂
@invinciblelight 💫
Positive aliens can offer free energy tehnology for all human, but they feel we are not spiritualy evolved to have this kind of tehnology. They will also land openly long time ago, but they know most of the people will go nuts from that event.
I had my UFO experience 10 years ago in middle of night (4:00). Flying saucer wasn't producing any sound. It was flying really slow and low, it was only 15-20m above ground. It lasted few minutes.
Yep, they can offer us energy tech, but it will take some time for first contact in which Hybrid race may came forth.
I had my first physical UFO experience on 28th August ,2015. It was very very unique as that craft not only did fascinating maneuvers but also shape-shifted and changed its colours and forms and me and my sister @starangel both got connected to that craft telepathically, and can intuitively know where that craft is going to appear next. It was from our star-family from Vega-star system. After that we both had so many other UFO experiences. ☺
That is fascinating! Glad you talk openly about it. Followed you and your sister, looking foward to your posts. I also post about similar stuff, not much now because I'm busy, bit will more soon.
nice write up 👍. we will definitely have this technology in our lifetime. especially if the people understand how it functions
nice write up 👍. we will definitely have this technology in our lifetime. especially if the people understand how it functions
Thank you! We already have that tecnology and even better than that, but it is hidden behind the 'black projects'. But things are changing now and we will likely see them soon in our reality. ☺
thanks for sharing keep it up
You're welcome and thank you! ☺
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Home Run!
I think you really nailed a lot of details here but I wonder how many sources there are to put some kind of 'overview narrative' like this together? Much of this I was familiar with, but I'm guessing you went much deeper than I have ever attempted.
It does sound very well informed, so I'd really like to see any sources you can cite. Thanks for posting this.
It's not hard to see why tech gets suppressed; that's all we need is kids running around anti-gravity automated drones! The new Wild West.
Thank you very much, @surfyogi! What I posted here is from my old post I wrote on fb on 15th June. In case of sources, What I share here mainly come from intuitive downloads I recieve and from the symbol codes THEY give me to research. I have just begin to get more detailed about the basic old Alien-tech, I will soon come up with detailed post about highly advanced facinating technology.
Anti-gravity techs are revolutionary, but drones? That would be a little alarming for us and good for AI's. That's what they want to create - "drone army". The new Wild West would become the Wildest for everyone - if that would happen.
Things are way more deeper than what 'few' people are aware of.
Together we will create a better future for everyone! All we need to seek is love, balance/harmony, and unity in NOW, as our future will simply be a reflection of who we are NOW. ☺
Ps: You may like to read my previous posts, too.
~Thank you!
@invinciblelight 💫
Thanks for this wonderful article,very interesting keep it up buddy :)
You're welcome, @thecrytotrader!! Thank you! ☺
Thanks for sharing this info with all of us. Very informative. However, I believe this technology already exists on earth and is just being from hidden from us. If this where to be made public they would no longer be able to sell us electricity at ridiculous costs ! The shadow government wants to be in control and this is one of the things they are trying to suppress, but I believe it wont be long now and the truth will come to light about this and many other thing they have kept hidden from us. Mass consciousness is changing at a rapid rate, and that will change everything we believe.
You're welcome, @claudiaz! That's what I said, that it already exist since 1930's, but antigravity crafts are not new technology at all. It's even more older than the humans itself. And this is not the only thing they are trying to suppress, reality is way more deeper than what someone could have imagined.
But I am glad that now we are moving towards "golden-period" again, like the one we had in Atlantean period. ☺
Much love, light and abundance to you! 💚🌟💫 peace. ✌
Incredible blog my friend. How did you ever become so well versed in this science?
I had a friend that lifted the front end of a pickup truck with a homemade tesla coil, and 3 cars that ran on water with beefed up injectors for the finest mist possible and plugs that fired at 1400 Htz.
Thank you very much, @codypanama! ☺
Most of the things I share here are based on intuitive downloads I recieve from THEM. I can literally built a better version of "ARV", If you can provide me all the resources and money require to build such crafts.
That's great! So many great inventers invented so many amazing, revolutionary devices and machines but sadly got killed when they went to patent their inventions. If those inventors had not been so greedy and tried to get patents for their invention then they could be alive and the world could be a different place.
Anyways, you may like to read my new post on "geoengineering".
Of course, The patent office is just another criminal organization run under the disguise of Government helping protect people. and a stop gap for things we are not allowed to know. it should be outlawed.
Do you think they have strong enough technology now to brute force private keys, or map every possible combination at this point in time? That 1 of my biggest concerns with crypto, and almost all alts use the same algo.
Absolutely. Their quantum computers are capable enough to break any master password quite easily within a second or a minute.
But I suggest you to don't focus in that way otherwise you will allow such things to manifest in your reality.
Live without fear and worries. ☺
You're welcome! 🙂
that has been my suspicion all along that when fiat collapses, stocks and crypto will be brought down too. No Fear :-)
Cheers brother