Hope you're all staying warm this Ides of March?
A bit chilly where you are? I suspect Algore is becoming a tad frosty AND grumpy since his Globalist, NWO GLOBALONEY WARMING SCAM is falling apart before his eyes. Not to worry about old Al. The $500 million or so he's scammed over the years will allow him to stay snug - not to mention crazy - as the proverbial bedbug he's become.
(Am I the only voter who believes that Trump has understood all that from the get go and why he pulled out of the Paris Accord and will hopefully renounce the Montreal & Kyoto Protocols?)
But enough about Algore and his cohort of would-be executioners of "climate deniers".
Watch a few minutes of the video at the link if you want to fully grasp what's coming for planet earth. You'll see that it's NOT caused by CO2 (which occurs AFTER the planet becomes warmer): That warming is caused by - surprise, surprise - that big ball of flaming gas you see when you look up. And, no, I'm not talking about the gaggle of politicians on Capitol Hill. We're talking about the S.U.N. which is now settling into ANOTHER period of reduced activity called a "solar minimum". Historically, those periods have ALWAYS resulted in a COOLING of the earth, many of which have brought about MASSIVE population reductions and the destruction of earlier civilizations.
So, stock up on the "stuff" you think you may need and get out those long johns because, as the old-timers up East used to say, "It's gonna be a long, cold winter." Think YEARS or DECADES!
There are some graphs starting around 3:30 that tell the story.
PPS: I'm taking wagers as to WHEN Algore and his fanatical fans will SWITCH the story over to the “INCONVENIENT TRUTH “ of GLOBAL COOLING!
Colder weather can be attributed to an increase of atmospheric humidity levels over the arctic region, due to heating and evaporation, which in turn has led to increased snowfall across Eurasia and northern America. And furthermore the de-glaciation makes the ocean, which is becoming more exposed to solar radiation, heat up and thus add more energy to the atmosphere than usual, which is having an effect on the jet streams in the stratosphere so that they push down the cold polar air over parts of the northern hemisphere and create "pockets" of extreme winter weather.
We did have a more cold period in late feb and beginning of march but in 2 weeks the average temperature rose from minus (somewhere 17 to 32F) to 8°C (46F). JUST IN 2 WEEKS. And it is forecasted that we can get below 32F (or 0C) in a week. So it is a Climate CHANGE!!! some places get warmer some get colder some get drier but all in all it weather gets f... up
And btw I live at the same latitude as Montreal, Canada
And don't even get me started on those photos from the video.
The climate has been changing since the earth and sun have had a relationship. CO2 doesn't change the climate. Changes in the climate are due to more or less solar activity. CO2 levels follow and lag the solar cycle. Algore is full of shit and has been for decades.