ALEXA what is a chemtrail?

in #alexa • 6 years ago

Robbo Da Yobbo
Published on Apr 8, 2018
...Artificial Intelligence (AI) doesn't lie... right?

AI Alexa answers to the question 'what is a chemtrail?' and says... .
..."Chemtrail - trails left by aircraft are actually chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for a purpose undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by government officials"


That's funny and not funny all at the same time. Thanks and hope to see more content like this and to see more people speak out about Geoengineering

Eyebrows were raised recently when it was learned that
Amazon's Alexa device provided a rather curious response
when asked about chemtrails, but it seems that the popular
digital assistant may have already been silenced by the
'powers that be.'


The veil is lifting.

Wow... just wow .... Thanks for this post..