Speaking Truth to Power
Dearn Alex:
I'm listening to your transmission dated 2-23-2018. I have been one of your greatest fans for nearly six years. I love you man. You are my brother.
The reason why I'm writing you is that I would like to assist you with your strategy against the globalist takeover of this country. You say we need to have a telecommunications law to fight against the likes of Twitter, YouTube, and the rest. You are a good brother but you are letting the evil doers bombard you with all of their lies. A wise man once said, " Never let them see you sweat."
Every day you let these people push your buttons. They got you looking like a crybaby. I'm not calling you one. I know how angry this makes you. I am just as angry. But we can't let them get under our skin because we've got work to do.
I started watching you after the 911 false flag attack. I believe you were in "Looose Change". Any way, before I started listening to the show, I used to watch all of your documentaries. These videos really woke me up.
As I began confirming the information from the documentaries, I began to truly appreciate the truthful information that I now had available to me. I then went on a journey to find other truth tellers. Since then, I have discovered enough truth tellers to never have to watch mainstream media again ever! During my search for the truth, I was introduced to Max Keiser Gerald Celente, David Icke, Jeff Rense, Alex Russo, G.Edward Griffin, Eustace Mullins, Cynthia McKinney, and Robert David Steele. I sold my T.V.
That being said, I'm listening to you talking to Mr. Pieczenik. He's always giving you good advice but it's hard for you to receive the message because you usually cut him off. Today, you are not cutting off as much. But still, I remember when he was warning you about Syria but you kept cutting him off.
As I said before, I love you bro. These globalist are playing you klike a banjo. Since Trump became president, you have become vulnerable. You have made yourself a wide target.
As Mr. Pieczenik said, you have to go on the offensive. They have been bombarding you with fake news and lies. You then report on 1000 lies that they are using to manipulate you. Wake up. Your American bravado is blinding you from the correct strategy. Why can't you just start suing all of these people. You could use Mike Cernovich as your legal counsel. Mr. Pieczenik is constantly trying to calm you down. Listen to him. Start putting your cases together against these wrongdoers. Day after day of listening to your show, I wonder if the deep state is getting to you.
You never fail to mention racism. However, you, being the white racist most white Americans are, never want to dig deeper into the subject. I know why you don't do this. You believe your success is because of your hardwork, desire and determination. I am not saying that is not true. What I am saying is that white racism/superiority was born in America and is an American phenomenon. I am saying that you have a superior mentality and you are white and you are a racist. You rarely have Black guest. I remember you had that young, articulate black man on the show and he pretty much just sat there listening to you rant and rave. You don't have the ability to utilize Black people effectively.
Black people of America are being exploited by immigrants of all countries. We are the beta test for mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual slavery. The issues that confront this particularly oppressed population have been perpetually ignored by the superior population. They don't discuss these issues with the immigrants that continue to pour into Western countries. So when they ciome into the U.S., all they do is come into our community and take dollars out. They do nothing to enhance the community or just show love.
U.S. Blacks have always been the tip of the spear in the fight for freedom against slavery. But whenever you mention racism, you never seem to to tie it to the victims of racism. Gay people are not the victims of racism. They are not a race. Woman are not victims of racism. They are not a race. Chinese and Mexicans are victims of racism. Why? Because white racist superiority convinced apathetic white people to make them the next generation of slaves while continuing to oppress Black people around the world.
When you haf a conversation with Farrakhan, he warned you about uncivil dialog. He said never attack personally. Obviously you are a White superior being because you failed to take his advice. Let me bring to you proof that there are chinks in your armour. You are a bully. You attack the islamic religion so much, it's really hard for me to like you even though I love you bro.
Here's proof number 1: "God is Great" is translated from Arabic: "Allahu Akbar" The u sound would be the "is" in "God is Great". I am so tired of hearing you, Paul, and Owen ayin Allah Akbar in such a derogatory fashion. This is my religion and I am an American born citizen just like you all. You distort the truth by glorifying America ridiculing the Muslims of the world who are the victims of the dispicable plot created by Albert Pike and his Illuminati accomplices to devise a plan for three world wars. The first two world wars are confirmed. The third world war would pit the Judaist vs. Muslims. You should know this. Here's the point of this proof 1. Your discrimination and racism is apparent to myself, a Black Muslim American of Philipino descent. Every time you, Paul, and Owen say Allah Akbar, you make it apparent to the Muslims and Blacks of America that you are all racist. Either you are too lazy to find out how to pronounce the words correctly or you are being a bully to Muslims (paricularly Black Muslims like myself and Minister Farrakhan) by ridiculing what a Muslim says all of the time in giving praise to the Almighty. If White people on your show constantly say "Allah Akbar", they are saying "God Great". Your racism is insinuating that Arabic( a semitic language) is an inferior grammatical language. These actions are the symptoms of white racist superiority language.
You are well aware of the NeoCon's Project for a New American Century; a plan to have regime change in seven Islamic countries. Those Islamic states are the Davids vs. The American Goliath. Do you have any sympathy for these victims of Albert Pike, The Neo-Cons, Bushes and Rothschilds. Even though you know about divide and conquer, you still sow divisions between races and religion. I will end proof #1 even though I could go on and on.
Proof #2: I heard you say on more than one occasion that Lynch was just an Irish name and has nothing to do with lynching. Alex, I know you are the leader of infoWars but your racism along with white superiority restrains you from seeking true intelligence when it comes to the issue of lynching. When you brought up the issue a second time, I had to write this letter.
The name Lynch is derived from the French-Norman DeLynches who conquered Europe frome France to the British Isles. They were the sheriffs and constables of the British Isles. They obviously expanded into the Carribeans and the Americas which is how the "Willie Lynch Letter" came about. Your blindness to the invention of the White race, Willie Lynch, slavery and its poisonous fruits is on the table. The victims of this particular demonic pardigm, American Black descendants of stolen Africans, are, as I said earlier, still the tip of the spear when it comes to American Freedoms. The problem that blacks of this country have faced, you are now facing. You now face censorship ( massa tell ya what to say and how to think) They just took a million dollars worth of revenue like you were some type of coon negroe.
Can you imagine working and not getting paid because someone decided that your work has no worth. Can you imagine that? I can. I am a descendant of slaves. i know this because my skin is darker than yours, the Indians, Hispanics, and the Chinese. We the Black people have been designated a permanent minority. Our community has been flooded since the early nineteen-eighties with crack cocaine. In this millennium, we got drowned with heroin. These are my people. I can't move where the rich White people live so that I too can be impervious the situation that we are all susceptible to. I have to remain in a community where the majority of my people voted for Hillary and hates Trump. The victims of slavery, lynching, segregation, racial discrimination , cocaine, and poppies should not be ridiculed and ignored. It took White people a long to realize slavery was and is wrong. That is why you are all racist. Your cognitive dissonace will not allow you to discuss the issues arising from slavery in any meaningful manner when it comes to today's Black people. When the same culprit attempts to enslave all of America, you say we're fighting for "Classic Americana" It's just like saying "Make America Great Again" It sounds good just like the Patriot Act. The Defense Department. The Dream Act. The Affodable Care Act. However, it shows an ignorance of the true history of this country.
Let's go white people. The first part of healing is admitting that you're sick. How can America be great when its Blackpopiulation is in such dire straits? Last year, after quitting my job as a slave at The Grand Lux Cafe, I became a full time freedom fighter. From my perspective, Chicago is like being behind enemy lines. The people said some of the worst thing I ever heard about President Trump. I was ashamed . Check out this video I put on facebook giving the police a tongue lashin for making me late for the Marchon Springfield last year. I was given 2 tickets for selling a single cigarette.
This is just another example of evil racist slave-making conspirators testing out, on Blacks, new ways to criminalize our actions thereby re-enslaving us once again according to the fourteenth amendment of the the United States constitution. You said you were hiring that Mother's day weekend before the march. I wanted to work for you but you never got back to me.
When I escaped my job as a dishwasher, i really wanted to leave this city. I would have tried to catch you in Austin, Max Keiser in North Carolina, or Gerald Celente in Kingsto. My Three Amigos.
2017 was my year of protest. I am truly an Info Warrior. I have so many ways which I may be of assistance to the fight for freedom justice and equality. We freedom fighters and truth tellers know the ideals of the founding fathers. As a country, we have failed to deal with the cognitive dissonance derived from having slaves while claiming that all men are created equal. Simultaneously, the so-called Blacks were conveniently degraded from whole men to three-fifths of a person so that White men without slaves would be more fairly represented . Is that not an accurate example of cognitive dissonce?
I know you are a strong person, Alex. I am not trying to hurt your feelings or any one elses. I am just speaking truth to power. That's right . You are very powerful person. The only person I have ever seen to keep you from dominating a conversation was Minister Farrakhan. The Alex Jones show since that interview was just another example of the racism in you and the White race. This is America and we love our racist. We believe that they can change.
You are the leaader of the infowarriors around the world. We must take it to another level if this country is ever going to be great. Try seeing things from my perspective. I was one of the first American crack babies. I was stabbed twice by two different so-called friends. I was hit by a stray bullet two weeks before my freshman year in college. I have few fiat devil dollars. My education classifies me as a community outcast. A White social worker took me out of an integrated,diverse homeless shelter and placed me back in the segregated ghetto I was trying to escape. I am the left and a liberal. I am the right and a conserrvbative. Give the Black man justice and you will have justice. Do not ridicule the orphaned Muslim migrants. Take responsibility when your country, whom you claim used to be great, destroys other countries for malicious reasons or no reason at all.
When it comes to racism, the Alex Jones Show is on the wrong side of the info war. Racism is only one thorn in Satan's bush. The courts must experience a total denial of service attack. We have to sue the liars when they lie on us. We must take control of the law, put the facts on the public record, and prosecute evil. Since they are committed to doing wrong, we must set traps. SNAP! Google-we got one. Facebook--got another. You Tube --we got you too. Twitter --don't be such a twit. We gave you our lives, our hearts, our trust, and our hard work. You have betrayed us.
We must admit we have a problem before we can solve it. We have a problem. It is White racist superiority complex. Its symptoms are Black ignorance andlearned helplessness. Surveillance, propaganda and censorship, unjust laws
along with corrupt lawyers judges politicians and lobbyist are the root causes of the ills that all Americans and all freedomlovers of the world must strive to obtain a more clearer picture of. We will the be able to devise a more effective strategy to defeat our common enemy. Alex, if you are not a racist, then start helping the Blacks! America, You too! We need help with Black-owned business in our own coommunity so that we can spread the wealth and circulate it amongst each other . Foreign immigrants: learn about the history of the people who's community sustains you so that you are not just another exploiter of the Blacks. We are a resilient people and we need our self-esteem repaired. Give back some of the money you take from this community and help us build a strong community, not an exploited neighborhood. Amercan Indians show the Black people how to have their own nation. You are not White or Red. Become our allies so we can together expose the white racist superiority disease and eliminate it. We deserve respect and reparations for enduring this sickness that festers to this day. Poor whites: tell the rich whites that you will no longer tolerate the opression and mayhem that they sanction.
Stop calling yourselves white and stop calling us black. The racist english language telss us that black ball is bad, blacklist is bad, black sheep is bad, black swan is bad, black market is bad. Who's bad. Black is bad. Alex, Black folks are going to die from lead poisoning. They put it in the water in Flint, Michigan. They got us in old houses and apartment buildings with lead pipes delivering flouride water. We've been dumbed down and poisoned. HELP! Can you deliver water filters,brain-force , and non-flouride toothpaste to the Blacks? When the economic disaster or the aliens or the asteroid or the ice age comes what will Alex Jones and his organization do to help us Blacks.
We are the test dummies infected with AIDS and HIV, hooked on crack and heroine. We eat genetically modified corn, soybeans, bananas,etc. Police shoot a Black person every 28 minutes. We've been bred by our slavemasters to hate ourselves. Willie Lynch said if his plan is put into effect, the slave will remain mentally a slave for three hundred years after the physical chains are removed. This is the fate of the Black man if we don't break the slave-making process. Do your homework Alex. Wage the infowar against racism. Expose the Rothschilds, the Queen, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Hillary and Bill, Mueller, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Obama.....etc. Come to the Black community and see what we face every day. Don't be afraid. We have been bred to only hurt one another. White people hurt themselves and everybody else. Look up "The Invention of the White race" Check out Jane Elliot. Introduce yourself to brother Claude Anderson. See if you are able to have a conversation with Dr.s Umar Johnson and Joy DeGruy. Listen to Dr. Frances Cress Welsin take on eugenecist William Shockley. Put a bit more color on the show. Some one who our people can take pride in that respects the truth. Someone who can convey that the Black man's cause is the cause of humanity
I have a dream that we will no longer have to call ourselves black,white, red or brown. Let's just be men and women, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters. Then we might be able to sit at the table together and have the honest discussion we need to have in order to achieve the honorable goal of freedom justice and equality.
If you made this far, thank you for your time.
God is Great
Allahu Akbar
Abdul Muhammad
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