in #airhawklast year

In the tech world, 2023 was declared the "Year of Efficiency," and industry giants like Mark Zuckerberg made it clear by letting go of thousands during a global economic downturn. Fast forward to 2024, and the efficiency mantra still echoes in Silicon Valley.


Google's parent company, Alphabet, isn't shying away. After cutting 12,000 jobs in January 2023, they are reportedly letting go of more employees, this time from Google Assistant and hardware teams. The reason? A commitment to "become more efficient."

Amazon, another tech behemoth, is also on an efficiency drive. Streaming platform Twitch, owned by Amazon, is slashing 35% of its workforce – 500 jobs. According to Twitch CEO Dan Clancy, despite cost-cutting efforts last year, the organization still remains "larger than it should be."

Amazon's Audible division is reducing staff by 5%, while the Prime Video and MGM Studios teams are also facing layoffs. Discord, not to be left out, announced a 17% cut in staff. Discord's CEO, Jason Citron, acknowledged that the company had become "less efficient" in its operations.

While these layoffs may not seem massive in comparison to the tech giants' overall workforce, they signify a shift in mindset. Silicon Valley is moving away from the "more is better" approach, as highlighted by investor Keith Rabois. He argued that Big Tech had become bloated, hiring people into roles lacking direction, leading to "fake work."

As tech firms continue to focus on efficiency, the goal is clear: getting more done with fewer employees. Discord's CEO emphasized the need to sharpen focus and improve collaboration for greater agility.

While these efficiency measures may raise concerns about job security, they reflect a broader trend in Silicon Valley. Tech companies are signaling a shift away from a relentless pursuit of growth to a more nuanced approach, considering factors like revenue per employee. As the industry reevaluates its priorities, the verdict on this new era of efficiency will be seen in the productivity gains these companies achieve with a leaner workforce.