Dear Friends, XYO HODLers & XY Shareholders,
What you are about to read in this email will go down in "XYO Lore" as one of our most memorable emails in XYO HISTORY.
First off, I'm still catching up to your replies on the previous email that I sent out! (The subject was "Check out this article...")
After three hours straight of responding to every single one of those emails, I've only made it through 84!
I still have 232 to go! So I apologize if you have something important to tell me and you have not heard back yet.
If it's super important, go ahead and shoot me an email directly at with the subject: "URGENT: This Will Help XYO!"
So yes... Only 232 emails left to go.
And guess what? Like that last email, I'm sending this one to you DIRECTLY from my personal email address.
This means the love, support, questions, and yes... even grammar critiques... will be read by my own eyes! (I learned that you're apparently supposed to use "Anyway" and not "Anyways", lol)
Anyway, I'm writing to you on this crisp, beautiful Tuesday morning for one reason:
What I'm going to reveal to you in this email will probably be the MOST AMAZING and talked-about thing that we have done relating to XYO Tokens in the past 6 months.
It will result in 300 of you receiving 1,000,000 XYO Tokens EACH!
But before I get to it, I want you to read the passage below because it sets the tone for what we're doing at XYO.
Read every single word and do not blaze over it.
Do not "speed-read".
Slow down to read it while enjoying a cup of coffee like I'm doing right now as I write this at 5am in the morning.
So without further ado:
Here’s to the crazy ones...
The misfits...
The rebels...
The troublemakers...
The round pegs in the square holes...
The ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules...
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things...
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
— Steve Jobs, 1997
This sets the tone for what we're doing at XYO.
If you're into cryptocurrency, you already know how unconventional and special XYO is.
We're not scared.
We don't back down from big ideas.
We don't follow the herd.
When people ask us who our biggest competitors are, I don't respond by naming another blockchain project.
There aren't any out there with an ambition as large as ours.
That's why I give the following answer: Our biggest competitors are the world government superpowers who operate the GPS Monopoly: That is, the U.S., Russia, and China.
But even that's not true.
Our biggest competitor is ourselves.
Our biggest competitor is losing focus. It's falling into the traps of other boring ass big companies.
The only way we can fail is if we turn our focus inwards on ourselves, instead of outwards on our community.
From DAY ONE our focus has been on our customers and shareholders. Our focus is on our MOVEMENT to decentralize and open up location technology!
Son here's why I'm writing to you this morning...
A lot of magic has happened in the past 24 hours.
First off, as usual, our office in Downtown San Diego has been buzzing with incredible energy.
Kevin Weiler, one of our GENIUS Blockchain Engineers who works out of our Sacramento Offices (aka XYO Winterfell) is in town. As well as Rasheed, another brilliant blockchain frontend engineer who you will be getting to know very well soon...
And also, one of our community members Aaron (also known by his nickname "PizzaMind" in Telegram), was in the office yesterday.
PizzaMind was showcasing his Archivist Geominer Prototype. The World's First Cryptocurrency Geominer Archivist is being built by an XYO Community Member!
That... is... incredible!
But it gets better...
At 4:06pm sharp, I held a meeting in our front conference room (I was a little late as usual).
The meeting included the following three members of our team: Mike Stenger (our Sr. Direct Response Copywriter), Kevin Stanley (Our Head of Media & Partnerships) and Bryce Paul (who is our Business Development Manager--a scrappy young 20-something year-old who thinks only about locking down MEGA PARTNERSHIPS for XYO, even while sleeping).
Anyway, the purpose of the meeting was this...
You see, like Steve Jobs' famous "Here's To The Crazy Ones..." speech above, we at XYO Network proudly consider ourselves part of the crazy ones.
We're crazy because there's NEVER BEEN an early-stage cryptocurrency project like us that decides to use their resources to give back and throw a blowout conference at such an early stage.
For XYO to be one of the most dominant cryptocurrencies out there, it's CRITICAL for us to build a passionate community.
A passionate community enables us to SUPERCHARGE the growth of the XYO Network by equipping everyone with the knowledge, tools, and resources to begin Geomining XYO Cryptocurrency.
In our distraction-ridden society, the BEST way to supercharge the growth of a new cryptocurrency and movement is to break away from the noise and the chaos of everyday life.
For this reason, a conference where you can meet other XYO Community Members and XY Shareholders, and get all of your questions answered and other special bonuses, is THE BEST format for launching our movement to decentralize location.
Best part?
You don't even have to be a super-genius computer nerd to get a TON OF VALUE FROM ATTENDING!
If you're an XYO Token Holder or Brand New XY Shareholder...
And even if you're 70 or 80-years-old, YOU WILL STILL GET A TON OF VALUE OUT OF ATTENDING SPATIAL!
The reason we're launching SPATIAL is to help demystify the world of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency for both Beginners and Experienced folk alike!
We will be explaining EVERYTHING in plain-English about cryptocurrency and blockchain and the NEXT PHASE of blockchain technology (which XYO Network is pioneering).
Never stop learning!
If you've lived a life where you've felt like you've always been too late to the party (like Bitcoin), then WHY NOT CHANGE THIS NOW by attending SPATIAL and learning about the world of XYO Geospatial Cryptocurrency?!
Even if you're 70-years-old or 80-years-old, you need to come join us in creating the next big thing! Bring your children and grandchildren along with you! Or ditch them for your San Diego getaway!
But I have a problem...
And I really need your help bad.
We, the crazy ones, have bitten off a bit more than we can chew...
Actually, I take that back... We can pull this off!
You see, people don't realize how expensive it is to put on a massive technology conference.
Hosting the SPATIAL Conference could cost us nearly $400,000!
And that's pretty good, even though we plan to get it down lower (through negotiation!)
Here's a breakdown of the costs to give you an idea...
InterContinental World Class Hotel 2 Days Plus Fully-Catered Food and Beverages:
PARQ Premiere Event Reception Rental Fee - Food, Beverages, Drinks- F&B:
Audio Visual, Production, Stage, Lights, Team, Equipment Rental, Time:
Speakers (Including Ethereum 2.0Prysmatic Sharding Creator, CIVIC's Founder Top 100 Coin), EOS Alliance, Wikipedia Founder (Everpedia ), Portis.IO Founding Team, special guests like Dennis Rodman, PLUS MANY MORE):
Internet & Support for 500+ People:
Event Planner:
Flights for Speakers, Guests and Partners:
Hotel Rooms for Speakers, Guests, and Partners (30 rooms, 10 suites, 2master):
SPATIAL Surprises:
Signage - Parq:
Signage - InterContinental:
And there's probably going to be some unexpected expenses, too!
But here's the good news...
Right now, the cryptocurrency space is in a bit of a "bear market".
Many new cryptocurrency projects are struggling to figure things out and thrive in this environment.
But here's a little secret I want to share that will make you even more excited about XY / XYO Network...
We just published our record-setting Semiannual Financial Report of XY (the parent company helping to jump-start the XYO Network).
And we are setting new records of profitability EVERY SINGLE DAY!
So, by "crushing it", I mean in terms of business cash flow, capital, operations, and growth.
What I'm trying to say is, the cost of this event is something we can actually afford and pull off, whereas other cryptocurrency projects--even those in The Top 100, wouldn't even dream about doing something like this!
Over the past 6 months, we have built out an AMAZING marketing team and business team that runs the XYO Network full-time and treats it like a job (because it actually is!!!)
So while the cost is high to throw this conference, we thankfully are backed by a team of people that have decades upon decades of experience running and growing profitable companies. So don't worry, we may be crazy, but we're not stupid.
But I PERSONALLY need your help.
You see, because of the costs to fly out leading blockchain speakers and HUGE Enterprise Partners from across the globe (and put them in hotels and pay for flights), we had to price the conference at a pretty steep level initially.
The price of SPATIAL tickets are there to help pay for the materials and food costs.
We will not be making a penny of profit at the conference.
However, we have XYO HODL'ers and XY Shareholders all over the world!
I realize that it's tough financially to pay for flights, a hotel, and THEN also have to help cover the costs of the ticket.
The number one thing most people ask is...
Why would you spend thousands of dollars on flights, hotel and tickets to SPATIAL, when you could just spend it on buying more XYO Tokens or XY Shares instead?
And that brings us back to the meeting we had yesterday in the front conference room with Mike, Kevin, Bryce and me.
You see, we have about 300 tickets left for SPATIAL available, and we need to sell them.
At 4:12pm yesterday, as we were mapping out the strategy to gather 300 more members of our community at SPATIAL, I saw one of our XYO HODLers who was visiting our office for the day, Aaron, AKA "PizzaMind", walk by the conference room glass window.
I immediately got up, opened the conference room glass door, and yelled across the entire office "PizzaMind! Get the hell in here. We need you!"
What came next was pure magic.
PizzaMind brought up an incredible idea.
You see, our GAMMA Sale of XYO Tokens is still ongoing. And the purpose of the GAMMA Sale is to continue to get XYO Tokens into the hands of our community members. This helps create a marketing with enticing incentives for those who provide trustworthy location data to the network ("Geominers").
And it looks like there will be a surplus of GAMMA Sale Tokens that we can allocate to a fund we call our "Crypto-economic Reserve".
The purpose of the "Crypto-economic Reserve" is to provide incentives in the early days of the network to help reward Geomining participants, Geo dApp Developers and other uses in growing the XYO Network.
Anyway, PizzaMind brought forth a brilliant idea...
Being that SPATIAL aims to supercharge the growth of the XYO Network, how about we use this as an opportunity to leverage the Crypto-economic Reserve and give back to our XYO Community?! That's what it's there for, after all!
Which brings forth the following CRAZY idea:
At SPATIAL, we will be introducing you to the world of "Geomining" digital currencies.
Meaning, through buying dedicated Geomining Location Hardware, or even turning your mobile smartphone (iOS and Android) into a Geominer, you can earn digital currency (XYO)!
XYO, the cryptocurrency that powers the XYO Network, is the critical piece because it provides an automated way to reward YOU with digital tokens, which you then can exchange for other currencies (like USD).
This would be impossible to do with traditional fiat currencies (like the US Dollar because a) it is not backed by cryptography, b) it does not run on an "open world computer" powered by Blockchain Technology, and c) the fees would be too high).
To get you started in the world of Geomining, EVERY SINGLE ATTENDEE AT SPATIAL WILL RECEIVE 1,000,000 XYO Tokens. They will be pre-loaded onto a device and/or redeemed on the XYO Mobile App, which can be used immediately for staking and using the XYO Network!
That's right...
EVERY SINGLE ATTENDEE (AND OF COURSE THOSE WHO ALREADY BOUGHT A TICKET TO SPATIAL) WILL RECEIVE 1,000,000 XYO Tokens. They will be pre-loaded onto a device or redeemed on the XYO Mobile App, which can be used immediately for staking and using the XYO Network!
When you purchase a ticket to SPATIAL, you are purchasing 1,000,000 XYO Tokens, which will be loaded up and used for staking to help jump-start the market of the XYO Network.
Yes, we are crazy...
You know why?
Because we're about to change the world and change the way location technology works on this planet, and the next one.
We are on a mission to pull off something MASSIVE. But we need your help!
If you're into cryptocurrency, you can calculate the cost of 1,000,000 XYO yourself.
You already know how crazy of an offer this is.
As of this morning, 1,000,000 XYO Tokens are valued at $3,003.00 USD according to CoinMarketCap. Alternatively, it is valued at $3,712.86 USD for XYO Founding Holder Registry perks (offered through XYO GAMMA Sale).
The reason why we're able to offer this to you is that , as we've said all along, and even in our Green Paper, XYO Tokens in the early days will be used from the Crypto-economic Reserve to jump-start the network.
This means rewarding and incentivizing early network participants through things like this.
The reason they are priced in this way is that it's SO CRITICAL to get you to our conference. So to have you at our conference AND use XYO Tokens to stake XYO, it is absolutely worth this price.
The price you pay is the price of coming to SPATIAL, flying across country, giving your time, energy and your commitment to helping us build the next biggest thing in cryptocurrency.
If Bitcoin had a conference like this in 2009, I'm confident that they would be at LEAST 5 years ahead of where they are today.
In return for coming to SPATIAL, you get a value of 1,000,000 XYO Tokens to help us continue to build the XYO Network!
Of course, due to the newness of this space, and to comply with securities laws and regulations, you will need to accept the terms of these XYO Tokens and use them to help build the network and stake them and to help us grow the network -- not to just speculate on them. But don't worry, the concept of "Staking" does not mean you have to spend your XYO, you can still "HODL" it, it just means you need to participate in the network, use it and help us grow XYO. There are many ways to do this, which we will outline.
In other words, if you intend to join the XYO Movement and attend SPATIAL and NOT contribute, then please DO NOT take us up on this offer!
You MUST ATTEND and commit to being a member of our community and helping us grow the network to receive the 1,000,000 XYO Tokens.
I don't need to say anything more. You can probably guess these tickets are going to now move like CRAZY now.
But here's something even crazier...
For the next 48 Hours, we are going to knock 60% OFF the price to SPATIAL.
That means you get to attend SPATIAL, get your 1,000,000 XYO Tokens and help build the next biggest thing in cryptocurrency for just $497!
We are crazy!
We are the crazy ones!
That's what makes XY / XYO Network special.
Arie, Markus, myself and the entire XYO Network team have already pulled off something crazy. We've become one of the fastest-growing blockchain technologies to come out of 2018.
Arie has been working on this mission since 2012. He refused to quit even with MILLIONS of dollars of his own personal money on the line. He refused to quit even when things looked BEYOND dire!
Yes, my friends, we are the crazy ones.
And I invite you to join us.
If you're a crazy one, then you need to come to SPATIAL. Period.
Click this link below to pick up your tickets in the next 48 hours before they're completely sold out:
(I'm only going to post this link once and post about this once. It should be obvious by now that why you need to jump on this before it sells out...)
I look forward to seeing you there!
Let's do this!
Warm regards,
Scott Scheper
XY / XYO Network
P.S. It would help me out if you could forward this along to a friend or someone you know who's interested in blockchain and cryptocurrency!
Please forward this email along to them now!
P.S. #2 DO NOT WORRY IF YOU ARE NOT A TECHNICAL GEEK! You will still learn a ton at SPATIAL and we will be communicating with you in plain-English, not technobabble!
Even though our office is filled with computer scientists and math freaks, you don't need to be a mad scientist to get a TON of value out of SPATIAL!
I hope to see you there!