Good info. I've mentioned your site at my last REIA meeting and coffee meetup as it seems the vacational rental folks only know homeaway and airBnB.
Being I provide "how to buy a rental property" education to people I have no problems promoting you guys for the renting out piece. I'm proud to say my rental property book was just published!
Do you have any success with your rental properties thus far?
Yes. I have been fortunate to be profitable on all my rentals each year.
I also made sure to "buy right" as I call it. Which starts by running the financials through this basic property calculator I created in microsoft excel.
If the cash on cash return is not acceptable after factoring costs (mtg. maintenance, vacancy, etc.) than I wont even look at it. The calculator is out on the web for anyone to grab, you can grab it at ScaredyCatGuide if you want it.
So I'm curious how you actually evaluate cost for vacancy, maintenance, etc. I've been investing in real estate for about 6 months and it's so hard to predict when your tenants going to leave etc.
Agreed that most people only know about the larger/advertised travel sites. As a travel nurse, I have mainly used Airbnb site. It wasn't until recently I discovered other sites. It can sometimes be difficult to find furnished housing for longer than a week and at least 13 weeks.