WHAT I THINK OF ABORTION:- air-clinic writting contest

in #air-clinic7 years ago (edited)


Judging from the many definitions given by Oxford dictionary, it goes down to one simple tag of the word abortion which is "EARLY TERMINATION"

This termination connotes alot of activities, of which the termination of life is not left behind.

When an act of abortion takes place in the life of a woman, life is TERMINATED!

Destiny is cut short!

The existence of a unique being is not given the priviledge, to decide if he/she actually desires to stay alive or leave the planet. The aborted baby is decided for by cruel adults, who brutally and selfishly don't feel he/she needs to take permission from a helpless baby to either stay alive or die.


This "DEMONIC ACT" as i call it, is entered into by two reckless unmarried_youths, most times who rightly know that they are not ready to father or mother a child, yet decide not to control their sex-urges, as i believe every human is bestowed with the grace to resist sexual immorality (afterall, Joseph fled from sexual sin).

I am, and will ever speak and act against ABORTION as many innocent babies who never begged to be brought to earth have been brutally killed, through the intake of abortion pills, drinking of jik or izal, mixing of hot concoctions and most times painful DC are carried out to scrape the babies off the womb of these ladies.

Cases arise, where ladies condone the pains of birthing children, for fear of undergoing the painful processes of abortion, yet they strangle or poison these babies and dump them in trash cans.

Abortion is demonic!
Shun it!




This is deep.....
Makes me remember the last abortion I witnessed....it wasn't a pleasant thing as the baby was already four months old......it is a practice that is against Christianity and as such shouldn't be done by anyone.....
When you have sex, you should be prepared for the consequences.....either STD or unwanted pregnancy....
Please let's do our best so that we can avoid ABORTION at all cost

Wish you success @victormichael..... Followed you @ossom.....

Thanks dear

Good write up