This is amazing, it must have taken you quite some time to fully develop this program. I myself am studying IT, next year Application Development... This is one of the fields I would love to branch into... As well as VR or Robotics, even cyber security since that will be in high demand.
I love the way you had to implement the self learning aspect through saved data that have already been played... This was done quite exquisitely, well done bro :)
The only thing that you can improve is the graphics behind the game and it will be absolutely perfect... This was done really well and I am sure it must have taken a really long time to sort out bugs, troubleshoot and think of new ways to implement ideas into a better working system. Great work, hope to see some more projects, because this is getting me a little excited to start developing something soon... Can't wait for Uni next year, will definitely have the encouragement to start learning new languages and keeping up the A aggregate.
Is you code open source or private :D
I would love to see it if it is open source :)
If not, that's ohk... The methodology that is behind it seems sound and I would love to actually play the game, is it hosted online or and app, or is it just a local side game that is on your computer?
Anyway, this was a great project and well done on your completion of it :)
Thank you for your amazing comment @shadown99
Wow, that's my dream... Where do you study?
Thank you for suggestion, I will consider that.
Indeed, that was long but so exciting journey :)
I am glad to hear that and looking forward to your projects!
My code is fully open source :) Here is a GitHub repository: The code is written in Processing, which an open-source graphical library based on Java language.
Hey, sorry for the late reply... Days have been a bit hectic recently :(
I am studying at Durban University of Technology (DUT), in South Africa...
I am glad it was exciting, having fun is the best part of programming... Well for me :D
Will definitely share any new projects i may develop in the future... I would love to get feedback :)
Thanx for sharing the link... will have a look, I did Java in school. In Uni, I have learnt HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP this year. It was really difficult, but I really want to learn all I can to become a good Software developer, Cyber security wiz, Work in AI or in Robotics... Can't wait for next year to begin :)