Cyborg Art
I have been following the AI debates lately. From what I understand that is just the tip of the Ice berg. I have been experimenting with some of the art works I see here on Steemit.
deep dream generator.See below for the recreation of @opheliafu art works by Google's deep dream software, expressed with my style of the day ;folded colorful papers. You can turn your images into amazing works of art using help from google's

With permission to recreate and post from the original Artist @opeliahfu
My Photos turned to art

The fisherman

Afternnon by the Creek

These are cool but keep in mind this isn't really ai. It's machine translation applied to art. :)
I know but it's still machine translation of images ;)
Thing about AI is we will never have AI because we keep moving the goal post.
Doesn't mean this isn't way cool though!!!
Fantastic. I'm a little jealous of how well the AI did with my painting! I just can't compete against such an algorithm !
Thank you for discussing my explicit permission and encouragement for you to publish this. I wouldn't want people to think it is OK to take someone's art or photography and run it through an algorithm to create an adaptation without the authors permission- this can be an infringement on copyright.
I have a few ideas on how we can develop this further that I will discuss with you in the future, it should be fun!
Thanks @opeliahfu , don't really be jealous yet the program still has to be fed something :)
....Yes we should take this several steps ahead
@stellabelle @yogi.artist thoughts?
who are you?
is this digital?
The 2nd image (large blue one) is my original painting, the others are my image put through the google's deep dream generator. The bottom 3 are @samether 's photo's put through the generator.
Haha, I was wondering when somebody would use the deep dream generator! Yeah, this is one trippy little piece of software, and I must admit, the pictures are really cool!
It is incredible how some sketches are transformed into :)
They do have a certain charm to them, I must say.
Now anyone with little to no talent can make works of art!
Cool !
I am glad you like them @serejandmyself :)