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RE: AI-Generated Content = Not Original Content

in #ai2 years ago (edited)

Exactly, I'm 100% with your feeling here, the same is for me, and I think, many others now, because, we see, here is not the freedom we thought we had and should be.

I have put extremly much effort for the past years to write my posts, hours and upon hours of writing, and for what? 1-2 Hive... but, @azircon , for a 2 min read posts, earns over 50 Hive... WHY? What is his text better than our? Ah, THEY may have the privilege, because, they are the boses here on Hive, we are the dumbs...

Sorry HW team, we leave you. But, before we leave you, we, real people, with real faces here, will DESTROY you, and take our power back - You can't stop us.

If we don't menage to change the HW team, or to create one new, but with real faces, and not with masks (everyone in the HW team has a profile image with masks - sound familiar from the masonic world, so that no one would recognize them, what they do and who they are. I think they are here too.)

We have real faces, they don't, and people should start asking, why they hide their faces?...


I have not such a problem with somebody earning more than others.
I have a problem with how the powers are used to put Hive in line.

But I do have enough experience with alternative projects and intentional communes to know when to stop my efforts, and shut up. Usually it is at the point when I am part of the 'nostalgic' corner where the oldtimers hang out ;)

Anyways, the world out there is much much more interesting; social media, I can live without.

I don't have any problem either with someone earning more than other, but, i don't like the fact that they use users HP to vote for himself, and downvote us, for no reason, and no decision of Hive communities about AI, or whatever.

Use own power, ok, but use power of other to satisfy your own opinions and wishes, and banning or blacklisting users, just because, they think so, because, they asked AI, that's bothers me.

And yes, you are right, it is time to brake this masked Hive, and go away from this corrupt HW governance team.

Maybe we should fork the Hive into something new, but, without giving power to some unknown, masked idiots.

I think it's time to move on. Hive's hirarchy is written in its code, and I do not think to fork into another niche makes sense.
Leave Hive to whoever likes it ;)

I personally think, the code is ok, but the people behind it, who have leave for themselves too much power, and trick the people to vote and give them stake power to abuse other.