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RE: AI-Generated Content = Not Original Content

in #ai2 years ago (edited)

This drama, that you created, and not people like me or @bala41288 , people should known, how you "act proportionally" - because, you have power?

I write a post with all the screenshots we have discussed in appeal channel, and how YOU LAUGHING at me, and tell me to "call the police, hahaha..." in appeal channel - Is that the serious way you threat users? who voted for this?

That's not the way "acting" that WE, real users, with REAL faces on Hive wanted and voted for!

I just wanted one answer, where you and your HW team are clearly stated, before 28.02.2023 (day you blacklisted me) about AI, and how you will act, or how should we use it, or anything, about AI?

And, I don't want to see your own post about you don't support AI, I want to see a project or/and proposal of Hivewatchers team, where is clearly stated, and users are voted for?

Because, you say to me in the discord appeal channel, that "the communities have voted against AI" - WHERE is this statement, project?

Because, in HW latest project, it is nothing about AI, here:

And that is the project for 2022-2024.

Again, where is your or your HW team clearly declaration project or proposal about AI, before the date of 28.02.2023 ???


Yes please write a post. Many people before you have written posts on me :)

I like it. I appreciate it.

Also you are saying that you will write this epic post but nothing I see. Please get on with it and show the world you writing prowess:)
