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RE: I made a self-learning AI to play Tic Tac Toe!

in #ai6 years ago

Thanks for your amazing comment @crypto.piotr. I am glad you enjoyed my little project :)

Our iphones have already quite advanced AI supporting users operations.

Indeed, and it is incredible how fast this technology develops. Not so long ago Google announced that its personal assistant will be able to make phone calls instead of us. For example if you want to book a table in a restaurant, you can just ask your google assistant to do that and it will call to this restaurant and have a conversation with a waiter.

AI of the assistant will implement every hesitations to imitate process of making decision, in order to make converser think he is talking to a real human. In my opinion it is an incredible breakthrough! Check this out:


I wonder if people will trust Google / facebook / amazon "asistants". Right now trust it's at it's lowest and we all know, that by buying those products we're giving away our privacy.

Thx for that link :)