Jean please Do NOT use My Name anymore in any posts.
I made a huge mistake backing a project I believed in but what happened to my dear friend @heryanna I brought on board to HIVE and her new account @quantummaa is unacceptable
@wölfchen leave me out of your judgement without knowing the whole story
I planned mit Ihm zu sprechen
You tagged @stayoutoftherz
Hello! I am the ex-quantum maa and this is my first account. I recovered my keys.
If you have any questions about "the case", you can ask me. I am here to clarify what happened.
Du kannst mich auf Diskord unter stayoutoftherz#9879 erreichen
OMG, I am so sorry for her. She didn´t deserve all this!
She can get a new account from me for free!@heryanna is @quantummaa ?
Hello there.
Somehow I figured out how to get my first, this account, back. I am still not pro with keys, I am still learning a lot. This was a huge lesson for me about whom I should trust and whom not. My mistake was that I was not clear about what I am paying, following some positive vibes and being amazed by people showing a huge intelligence level. I only wanted to have a Hive account, but I was pulled into some membership very fast, and YES, I should first see what I am paying, then decide.
I am still developing and strengthening my masculine side, which is protection, "security check" and being very careful with trusting new people.
I learned my lesson. I hope Jean will also find his way to mental healing because we all have our qualities same as our "bad life phases".
Thank you for your words, it feels really nice😊
Ich nehme an, das war eine Lektion, die Du gelernt hast. Jean hat seine noch nicht gelernt, denn wie es aussieht findet er es vollkommen normal, Leute auf diese Weise abzuzocken.
Es gibt viele Tips, aber ich gebe zu, es ist ziemlich mühsam, sie zu finden. Hier ein kleiner Ratgeber von mir:
Wichtig ist, Deine Schlüssel ein einziges Mal auf der Keychain-extension einzugeben (falls Du am PC schreibst), und sie NIEMANDEM anderen weiterzugeben!
Danke dir! Es fühlt sich ganz gut, dass in der Deutsche community eine Discipline gibt 🙏
Vielen Dank für deine Tipps!
good to hear
so you don't need a new account :)
if anything else: just ask :)
Thank you! Nice to have so much support here :)