Maybe it's because the post isn't long enough to explain it, but with all due respect it seems to me that they walk a fine line.
What do I mean? Like those who use continuous banking transactions to disappear a money trail and complicate investigations, passing a text through different IAs who draft, correct, paraphrase and then ask another to do another version of the text and repeat, may not eliminate all traces but complicate the detection of text generated by IAs. There are even untrained detectors that detect translations like this one made by DeepL as AI-generated text, while others once you translate the text are unable to detect it, even if you use a language outside the 5 most common, such as Catalan, Dutch, Italian and do the translation it detects it as AI-generated text because of the words used. So how to measure when yes and when no? At the discretion of the Watcher on duty?
Another thing that I really do not understand and that seems important to me, is that if @hivewatchers has the ability to detect these people who intentionally took advantage of this to farm rewards, what happens to them? Are there sanctions for those who already did it? Is there a public list so that other communities and curators are aware of the people who perform these practices?, since reading the post it seems that what happened happened and from this moment the alarms are turned on to a situation that has been going on for more than a semester.
All this I want to clarify that it is not an attack, they are doubts that I have after reading the publication and I say this with respect.
People who use AI ARE NOT using AI to "farm rewards" or anything. If you don't understand, AI is a tool like any other, that is just fast to beautify your ideas, your text, or create images on your given ideas. It is like your PC, or a software you use every day, for example, you use Gimp, Krita, Photoshop, to beautyfy your images, or add text or fantastic effects to your image - it is an AI software that do this for you. Why don't use a pen? Because, if you beauty your image, or, no matter, if you create an image just with couple of clicks with effects in Krita, Gimp or Photoshop, for example, should be consider fraud? Because, this graphic software is creating this image for you in seconds, just because is fast?
So what now? If i add here in my posts just images with effects created in seconds with Krita, do I should be blacklisted? Because, I create this images fast? The same with text.
Stop thinking that someone who use AI is farming rewards. It is just a tool to work fast on ideas. Like your PC is too, an tool to work fast for you.
Ma'am with all due respect, I learned not to respond on the Internet when I'm in a bad mood.... That's why it took me so long.
First of all, if you don't know what you are talking about, LIMIT yourself to not go around spouting ignorance with arrogance, aspiring others to assume that you have knowledge of it. As someone who has more than 10 years using artificial intelligences, who has programmed them and who uses them daily in his work, I find the crude and meaningless explanation you give to the definition of Artificial Intelligence pathetic and ignorant.
When here we talk about people Farming rewards, I'm talking about users who write, correct, program and publish everything using different AI without any work of their own that involves beautifying or developing ideas, that can be done? yes, but being against it I'm not the one who will tell you how to do it. I don't care about people who use Photoshop AI's to edit their images, or use an AI to translate, at no time I refer to those people as FARMERS.
Compare designing in Gimp, Kirita, Procreate, Illustrator, Canva, or whatever to writing a Prompt in Midjourney.... Not only does it offend me as a graphic designer with 14 years of experience, but it makes me realize that there are still people out there who have no idea what designing entails.
Anyway both in my comment addressed DIRECTLY to the Watchmen I was very clear why these people who are damaging the bounty pool are still out there.... If you use AI as a tool believe me I don't care at all, you can keep doing what you want. In my message I was referring to a specific group.
P.S.: To give an opinion on the internet is very different from wanting to give lessons, and as a suggestion I tell you that you should study a little more about AI because it is obvious that you have a vague knowledge.
Ok, I'm sorry if I misunderstanding your message here, English is not my first language, so, I must use translators and AI to help me out translating.
The "bad mood" is due the fact that HW team is going to ban and blacklisting people that uses AI tools to write their posts, and that is what bothers me and take me to the "bad mood". It is my own decision, how I want to write my posts, do I write with hands, or with help of others, no matter, if this is my brother, or AI, they should not ban users. Just because AI is fast - so they told me in HW appeal discord Chanel, and that is not ok, and therefore "bad mood" here.
More of, there are plugins of AI for gimp and krita, so, don't be offended, because, you obiviously don't known about this. Research it, please.
Look here I posted screenshot of what they ask me, and others to do, if we use AI - it sounds like I have killed someone, and now to do apologize to them? What?
Sorry one more time, if I misunderstanding you - I'm web and graphic designer more than 20 years too, started somewhere in 1997-98, so, I understand very well I'm talking here about, just, maybe I misunderstanding your point, my false, because of "bad mood" that this HW team put me in.
where is the project stated about AI, and how should community use it, or not?
They have created this post here couple of days, after they blacklisted me, not before, and they want now to claim, they described here in this post about AI. That's not ok, and that's why is my bad mood very angry.The art should be treated as art, no mater how is made, if you liked, upvote, if you don't, downvote, but not use the power of others to ban and blacklist, because you personally don't like it, that's my point here, because, HW is doing so, and they have no evidence of project where they clearly describe to users about AI using on Hive, beside this and other 2-3 posts that they make - AFTER they blacklisting me and who known how many others here because of own opinions. If you would be blacklisted and treated like so, without any warning or something, just from one day to another, trust me, you would be in bad mood like me, because, investing 5-6 years of work, and then, it come one or two idiots, who have the power to ban you, and more over, they laughing at me in their discord appeal channel (of which I write a post, and I have all the screenshots of my conversations there with these HW people, one of them is @azircon that laughing at me), and no answer at my one question, I ask here in this comments too:
After we check posts for visual clues, we check these suspicious posts using multiple AI detection tools and compare results.
We also look for many other giveaway clues in the blog.
It's not difficult to differentiate visually which post is an AI-generated article (they have specific structures and words that are detected) from those translated using Deepl or Google Translate.
There is a list of accounts blacklisted by Hivewatchers:
i added a song to all of the ai detection tools and it said it was not human created... i wrote it when i was 16... wait... am i AI???? dun dun dunnnnnnnnn....
There are some useless detection tools online. I recommend the Open AI detection tool. It requires a minimum of 1000 characters input.
that was the tool i used. but it's crazy how yall downvoted me for something that wasn't explained to me and something that I didn't do in the way you are claiming. I read about this and many people are not liking it. I'm going to post a bunch of articles next week I hope you guys don't downvote them too because Im only gonna use Grammarly lets see. because I know for sure your tools are wrong on at least 2 of my content that was ZERO input. the others I used to reword what I already wrote.
They downvote anything they can remotely jsutify to get mroe rewards back to the dhf and in the pockets of the heavily curated few and dv most ppl for doing what they do