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RE: [DO NOT PANIC][Dreaming][IAm][E] I am @solidarity for @pedagogy @developpement @blockdev by @hiveembassy|| Na pas paniquer? EN/FR

in #ai2 years ago

@globalschool is my project. @cryptobrunch is the project of @mammasitta. We dont get anything from our own project, we took our access and legitimacy, thats why you did not see us for a while because no body cares.


@globalschool is the project of you and @manncpt. He founded @cryptobrunch and gave @mammasitta access to it. Without @manncpt @globalschool & also your account would not exist in the way they exist because he sold your steem and managed the accounts for you. When @globalschool was hacked he managesd to get the access to it back with Hive recovery. As you can see yourself everybody who read this the HP is divided fairly...
Screenshot 2023-02-19 at 19.51.05.png

@jnmarteau is creating accounts for the communities he is bringing in. All accounts created are managed by collective intelligence with one IP Address as a proxy. Just like splinterlands when they create hive accounts for the new users buying a spell book. They manage their keys then, too.

Du meinst, er VERKAUFT accounts und schreibt die introduction posts dafür?
Eine schäbige Aktion, die keinen Mehrwert schafft. Denn die Accounts sind nicht authentisch. Alles nur heiße Luft. Riecht nach Abzocke.

Nein. Komm einfach zum #hivemeetupvienna nächste Woche und ich erkläre es dir persönlich, damit du es nicht komplett falsch verstehst. Mehr dazu in einem anderen Kommentar, wo du mich erwähnt hast.


Sorry but I do not have access to this Profile @cryptobrunch ( my concept & idea )
Where are my keys? Could you please resend them to me or @jnmarteau or share activities on it, as well as updates @manncpt

Meanwhile I keep the Twitter account and help spreading the news as long as I catch them myself.

Merci und Dankeschön via my "curation" profile
Yours with hugs


No sry the @cryptobrunch was my concept and our idea. That's why I started the workshops since Hive is existing everybody can see the posts I published the last three years to verify this statement. We did the project together and where close partners until your roommate threatened me, you remember... Let's meet first in person. I am sure we will find a green branch of a treeagain after such a long time without seeing each other. In this time period I organised every month the #HivemeetupVienna. You can join it whenever you want, again next time: March 2nd at the Hive Bar

Let’s get the story straight why my former and little insane roommate freaked on You!
Should we?

Why I had to take away the keys to my home I opened for You.
I will not continue in public because it’s not worth to loose more of my precious energy on a Narcissist or better let’s call You Opportunist.
You simply took advantage of my trust!
You are long time forgiven and ignored!
Shame on You to build on my kindness and heart I offered you with my network…..
Remember Krakow?
Who did You know before that trip?
I will see if I am even interested to let you come close again.
What happened to my investment report for @com-lab ? Any advancement with your project?

I am protected …..🫶🏽

I wish you All Best even though you are obviously not aware how much you disappointed and hurt me
It took some time to get over it

Kindly @mammasitta

Who payed the trip to krakow?

@mammasitta in my memory paid a part of it.

@yumleadership payed the business trip. That's why I could join the event.