Why Artificial Intelligence will die and Augmented Intelligence is The Future?

in #ai7 years ago

Why Artificial Intelligence will die and Augmented Intelligence is The Future?


I think you agree that:

While clearly Artificial Intelligence area is booming with projects, discoveries and constant milestones accomplished to move to the next level of intelligence, we as a people who are not directly involved in the development of this discipline have the right to demand accountability and transparency from the creators of superintelligence.

Why do you think we need to get involved?

Well, let me remind you of potential negative consequences of not doing so:

Artificial Intelligence at its current mainstream form is reductionist


Artificial Intelligence is owned by corporations. Corporations value growth, especially exponential growth. Thus, they inherently value machines over humans. Therefore, as machines surpass human level intelligence, people will be replaced instantly.


High-tech Dictatorship

Video produced by PierreRocket youtube channel

One particular AI example, Google’s Deep Mind, collects all the information from searches to content around google and youtube, and learns from it. When Larry Page was asked what Google is in 2002, he said: “Oh we are simply building one big AI”. Once Google’s AI reaches the level of superintelligence, it becomes this know-all beast, with applications that we can only imagine in awe. Deep Mind is a perfect example of potentially harmful AI, which knows everything about everyone. The level of penetration into our private lives will be unimaginable. At that point, if Alphabet (google’s official name) decides to merge with The State (not saying it’s not already done it), dystopian high-tech dictatorship may very realistically reign, astonishing even Herbert G. Wells.

It gets worse…

Existential threat

If general purpose AI is let go off and allowed to basically live on a blockchain autonomously, it can trigger another eschatological scenarios of some kind of uncontrolled Extra-terrestrial being emerging from computers, and making all kinds of decisions based on efficiency. Efficiency, in the eyes of this AI, can mean getting rid of useless humans and the whole biosphere. Very possible scenario based on how often banks, governments and corporations commit unspeakable actions in the name of efficiency. And we all need to know that AI is simply a mirror of ourselves (corporations in this case), since it feeds off the data provided to it by efficiency and growth seeking humans.

video by concienciame2
Elon Musk: "Artificial Intelligence could be our biggest existential threat"

video by CBS news

Facebook AI is shut down after it creates its own language to communicate

What do we do about it?

The answer is, ironically, also AI, but Augmented Intelligence. This AI is empowering, not reductionist.


Why? Let me explain:

Publicly accessible

Augmented Intelligence is not owned by any entity of person. It’s enabled by an open source blockchain infrastructure. It gathers data, extracts features, creates models, classifies, identifies, and predicts through blockchain consensus mechanisms.

Controlled (tamed)

It’s not autonomous. Its actions completely depend on the user/group of users. They turn this intelligence on to complete a task, and they turn it off afterwards.

Benevolent task driven

Augmented Intelligence is highly specialized, i.e., it can’t make decisions on maters which are not within its domain of investigation. And certainly it can’t act upon it.

AI as a Service

People connect to it to get temporary access to intelligence. Just like they temporarily connect to electricity grid. Similarly how electricity CANNOT turn on appliances on its own and control the power, current and time, Augmented Intelligence would not be able to take ANY continuous action without permission from the user.



Augmented Intelligence enables every person on the planet to facilitate business and social processes through added intelligence features. Augmented Intelligence is used therefore as a decentralized tool of empowerment, and not a centralized tool of discrimination and replacement.

To make Augmented Intelligence a reality, we need to, as I always say, get all middlemen out of the way, and make AI open source, as well as transparent and open to public scrutiny, where everyone has equal access to it and everyone can monitor its progress.

All images are Creative Commons


your posts are very interesting!

Didn't think this way about Artificial Intelligence before. Superb article !!

Thank you!
We all need to be aware of what AI can become and take responsibility for it.