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RE: AI-Generated Content = Not Original Content

in #ai2 years ago

I agree that a paint or a translator is not a very correct example for comparison with artificial intelligence. These are just one of the many high-tech tools that can help us. But what these tools will help us do is already a matter of morality for the users of these tools.

In my example, you can see how a text that was not very well-written by me (due to the imperfection of English proficiency) can be made pleasant for perception with the help of AI. But I could also copy your entire comment and ask the AI to respond to it instead of me with words of support or factual rebuttal...
Which would not be fair to other hive users at all.


As I said, I do not envy Hivewatchers their geas.

However, your suggestion that my comment, or part of it, be used to prompt AI for a response which could then be posted as a response to me, has already been done, albeit elsewhere. When this happened it was immediately noticeable, and I noted that in my response. The poster that did this soon lost interest in the topic, and quit the conversation, which I suspect will be the fate of any who do this regarding substantive matters.

If your only participation in society is as the AI prompter and reposter, society is of little interest to you, and it will be less after you start serving AI commentary, because that's a pretty crappy job with little prospect of advancement. It will never pay well, because it's zero skill and easy entry, and not ever will it engage or tax your faculties, touch on your interests, or enable any intellectual or personal growth - even if you never get challenged on it and can keep doing it forever.

You will only feel smart the first time you do it.

As I have always said, Hive is a society that has far higher values than it's token. People that parasitize Hive only for it's tokens have little actual interest in Hive. There will always be greener pastures, more happy climes, more conducive environs that such people will inevitably depart to, freeing the rest of us from their parasitic cost.

If you resort to using AI to edit your posts, you will never improve your ability to write English, and the task will become burdensome to you. If you enjoy discussing things on Hive, you'll write your own posts and comments, and will get better at writing as you practice it, all while deriving ever greater rewards than whatever upvotes on your posts provide.

Abusing AI plagiaristically is not fair to anyone on Hive, but least to who does so.