Google positioning to become a hardware AI company?

in #ai7 years ago

We already know Google was an Internet company, an advertising business, an an AI company, but what we didn't know is that Google seems to be increasingly positioning itself into the hardware side of things. A new article shows that Google is making some changes:

Google hinted at why it's putting so much effort into hardware at its press event earlier this month when it introduced the new Pixels and showed off its other upcoming products. The underlying theme of that event was Google Assistant, the company's voice-assistant technology that competes with Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri.

Google is trying to make the AI assistant technology mainstream and will be able to leverage hardware to make this possible. Of course Google will have a lot of competition in this space with Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, all seemingly trying to create "virtual AI assistants" to help us manage our lives. I do have concerns with centralization and privacy when companies manage these AI assistants as these assistants will eventually know better than we know ourselves. In fact, these assistants in my opinion are our external minds and there are risks if our most personal thoughts are not allowed to be private.



They need hardware because AI needs data. Data is required for info, the currency of AI. Reminds us of Johnny V alive! Need Input!

Data is a currency for us all actually.

They also talked about this some on their conference call last week.

All the major tech players are making efforts here (like you said) and are being rewarded HUGE!

Thats where blockchain comes in! Eventually. My Google Home is currently unplugged.

They require equipment since AI needs information. Information is required for data, the money of AI. Helps us to remember Johnny V alive! Need Input!
thanks post pals vote

There will always be concerns about privacy, but what we can be sure about is that AI assistants make us really more productive and the more data we feed to their algorithm, the better they become in serving us. Great post. I see your interest in AI I would love if you make a review of a post I wrote about AlphaGo Zero.