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RE: AI-Generated Content = Not Original Content

in #ai2 years ago

If the number of AI-generated content increases, it could bring a manual penalty from Google to / peakd / ecency and other websites, imo. (even if it is stated that the content was produced by AI) I came across an article about this topic recently. Google executive John Mueller made the following statement:

for us it's still automatically generated content, and that means for us it's still against the Webmaster Guidelines. So we would consider that to be spam.


So it's actually best not to use it at all.


This is a good point. It is another detrimental effect on Hive Ecosystem.
We read about it a few weeks ago.


What is deterimental to is the perma dvs it kills peoples want to even come here when they violate arbitrary rules that make no sense there permanently on a blacklist then they need to make new accounts and use those while just adding the others to a curator.