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RE: AI makes music. What happens after?

in #ai8 years ago (edited)

If I understand correctly "the chord structures and instrumentation of “Break Free” are entirely the work of Amper’s AI, " means she sang the song as she imagined it and the AI filled in the music?

By "democratizing content" I think what the author really means is now anybody can now decide to be a singer with their own "back up band" - not democratizing in a political sense, but a removal of quality criteria for entrance to the field.

The song itself wasn't bad per se, but it did sound like some kind of human soulfulness was missing in the music - maybe because I knew in advance it was by an AI? That would be a study worth doing, choosing 10 songs by people and 10 by the AI and seeing if you could distinguish between them.

Haven't seen you on in a while, check my blog @cupidzero to see what I have been up to! Check out @thatgermandude, he might be able to give you some pointers on accessing the German speaking community on Steemit if you ask nicely.