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RE: Blockchain adventures: AI is good

in #ai7 years ago

Again, nice post ! But I struggle with the assumption "A.I-is good". I myself adressed this issue in one of my earlier posts:

Here is an excerpt from that post that gives my thoughts on this subject:

"It seems that A.I. is already deeply woven into the blockchain principle. One of the things that people may not know yet is that besides real people in flesh and blood the near future will see more and more DOA (eh...death on arrival ?) : decentralized autonomous organizations (ethereum) acting on the blockchain. In fact A.I. and a plethora of devices and objects forming the Internet of Things. Especially the A.I. thing worries me. Are we letting the A.I. break out, invade the Internet so to speak, consuming the data to do deep learning in a decentralized way ? Does the blockchain indeed act like a sort of “digital DNA” morphing quickly into the singularity ? Are we planting the seeds now to grow an A.G.I. (Artificial General Intelligence) ? Summoning the demon as people like Elon Musk and Stephan Hawking and many others warned us ?
In fact there is already something like the that wants to create a decentralized market system for A.I. algorithms on the blockchain....."

Finally....we didn't discuss this earlier JP, but I recommend the following (recent) book by M.I.T.- professor Max Tegmark: "Life 3.0 - Being Human in the age of artificial intelligence". I just finished reading it and there a lot of interesting ideas and issues we have to think of NOW before we humans lose control. Which is exactly my fear with the current rise of blockchain-a.i. combo.
Knipsel cover life 3.o max tegmark.JPG