Thanks for inviting me to read this post. I do see an advantage to having something like Alexa in your home.
Helping to remind you if upcoming apointments and dates. But we have managed without these devices for many years.
I think it will make us lazy and we may even lose the ability to remember things for ourselves. Relying totaly on a machine to do that for us.
And in the other side we are inviting a didgital spy into our homes, that will report our every move back to its maker
And even to our Governments.
If it were not conected to the outside world but a stand alone devise I would be more inclined to invite it into my home.
Most new devises will always have a side that either target's us with adverts
Or will certainty be used to gather information that could harm us.
Big Brother is already here....
Posted using Partiko Android
Hello @andyjem!
As I mentioned to @steemingmark, generally, the effects of technology are seen with the time passing.
I had not thought about that point of view. The AIs as spying objects. Well, we always have to consider and watch all the possible trends in technologies.
Thanks for passing by