Marriage is the sunnah that is glorified by Allah SWT. In addition to seeking His pleasure, marriage also becomes one of the ways as a door opener of sustenance. Allah SWT always satisfy the sustenance of married couples, although only one of the two who work.
Apparently, not only with working alone married couples can bring sustenance. But by improving morals and reproduce do good, then easily sustenance will often come to a family.

If the husband is usually responsible for earning a living, then the wife also has other responsibilities that are not less important. Behavior of a wife turned out to have an impact on the amount or amount of sustenance earned husband. By recognizing the characteristics of the following wives, family couples can fix sustenance that may have stalled during this time.
- The Woman Who Adheres to Allah and His Apostle
Before marrying a woman, a man should consider the following four factors: (1) her beauty, (2) her offspring, (3) her wealth and (4) her religion. However, of these four factors the religious factor must be the most preferred. It would be very fortunate if you can get all four factors.
If looking for a woman with a religious factor of course she is a woman who is obedient to Allah and His Messenger. Not only that, women with this trait will also bring the household to heaven and bring peace in the family. Thus, the family will be happy, peaceful, comfortable and that is a very precious sustenance.
Households led by a pious priest and accompanied by a sholehah wife will surely make the household a blessing from Allah SWT. Not quite there, the marriage will also produce children who pious and sholehah, and get the pleasure and grace from God.
. The Woman Who Is Obedient To Her Husband
If I may send someone to prostrate to someone else I will send a wife to bow down to her husband (H.R. Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah). That is the hadith of the Prophet concerning how primarily to be a devoted wife to her husband. Being a sholehah wife must obey her husband's command, while the order is not against the religion.
With such obedience, it will make the heart of the husband to be calm and peaceful. That's what makes the husband easy in carrying out his duty to seek a halal sustenance for his family. However, if a permanent wife is a career outside the home must first get permission from her husband. In addition, he must also be able to keep themselves well in the workplace.
"Men are the top leaders of women because God has overwhelmed some of them (men) over some other (women) and for the cause of what they have (men) spend from their wealth. So virtuous women are the obedient ones to keep themselves behind their husbands as God has preserved him. " (Q.S. An Nisa: 34).
- The Woman Who Serves Her Husband Well
Being a wife must know what her duties and duties are. Carrying out housekeeping duties and serving the husband well and educating his children is the main duty of a wife. Sholehah's wife always strives to serve her husband well such as preparing breakfast, providing her needs, fulfilling her biological needs and keeping the feel of her husband not to get hurt because of her wife's attitude.
Women who have this attitude will become the husband's favorite wife and become a good partner in realizing a sakinah household and attract positive things into the household. Including attracting a halal sustenance for her husband.
Women who are decorated only for her husband
"Surely the world is a jewelry and as good as world jewelry is a virtuous woman" (H.R. Muslim). Women are creatures who love to decorate and beautify themselves. However, a woman who sholehah only berhaas and reveal the jewelry is for her husband. When a wife is always considered fun and knowing how to make happy her husband then the angels also come to pray for God ease sustenance come to him.If Left Keeping Honor and Husband's Treasure
When a husband comes out to earn a living, the obligation of a wife left behind is to be able to keep her honor. In addition, he must also keep himself from inappropriate guests, restricting out of the house if the affairs are not so important. In addition, the woman should be able to keep the property left by the husband and use it on things that are beneficial to the permission of her husband. Women who have these characteristics will make sustenance easy to enter into his home as a reward from his obedience to God and his loyalty to the husband.Women Who Always Asked Ridha Husband Above
Character of the wife of the next carrier of sustenance is the one who always asks for the pleasure of her husband. Women with this characteristic know how to please the husband and can maintain his attitude and behavior so as not to offend and hurt the feelings of her husband. She always tried to keep her husband from getting angry with her. He will not sleep in a state of anger or leave the husband in a state of anger to get his forgiveness. Inviting a joking husband can also make a happy husband because it can cheer marriage.
Such a wife is a heavenly dweller, the Hadith of the Prophet "Would you tell me the wives who are the inhabitants of heaven, the loving wife, the many children, always return to her husband, where if her husband is angry she goes to her husband and puts her hands on Hands of her husband saying "I can not sleep before you are pleased" (HRAn Nasai). A wife like this is a wife who eased her sustenance through her husband's hands due to deeds and allegiance to her husband,
Women Who Receive Giving Husband With Ikhlas
Character of the wife of the next carrier of sustenance is he who never complained of gift from her husband. This woman always accepted with sincerity and appreciate whatever given the husband to him. She was always grateful for what her husband had earned even a little. Women who are always grateful and sincere of this sustenance will always increase both the quantity and the blessing that God will give to him or through her husband.Women Who Can Become A Partner To Reach God's Ridha
Wives who make the household as a place of worship and devotion to Allah SWT can be a balanced discussion partner for her husband. Not only that, he can also make corrections and deliver it gently to her husband. In addition, women who have this trait can also be a motivator of the husband to achieve success in the world and the hereafter. That is what led to the emergence of the phrase "behind a successful man there is a great woman behind him".Women Who Never End Prayer For Her Husband
Characteristics of women who bear the last sustenance is a woman who always accepts the destiny of Allah SWT but still trying to pray for her husband and children to succeed in the world and the hereafter. The routine of praying is never cut off from this woman, being a lip decorator after performing the prayer service. Women like this will bring sustenance to her husband because it always involves God at every step of her husband through daily prayer.
These are the characteristics of the wife of the bearer of sustenance for her husband. So lucky my man who got a wife with these characteristics. However, if you do not have such a wife is the obligation of the husband to educate his wife to always be in the way of Allah SWT and bring the household to His heaven.
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