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RE: A Cloud of Mosquitoes Puts the Bees Out of a Job (Fiction)

in #agriculture7 years ago

Wow how awesome would that be? lol Those darn ankle biters! By the way do you know why Mosquitos always seem to bite the ankles? lol. Pomegranates are awesome, I have one growing in a pot in my patio garden. There never seem to be enough bees around my garden, so I need to hand pollinate everything, with a little paint brush. Now if I could train the mosquitos to pollinate instead of bite me, that would be awesome. Oh, did you put a lyrical reference in this? I was looking for one, but didn't seem to find one. "Old timers still tell stories about walking through fields here that were covered with blossoms as far as the eye could see." I thought that line had potential, if the word gold was in there. Walking in Fields of Gold. But then I realized, no you probably weren't making a reference there. It is a new game for me now, to try and find references to music, in your posts, ever since you told me you hide them once in awhile. haha but I don't think I have found one since the "Enter Sandman" line you had.


I get it in the ankle also. Maybe those are the mosquitoes near the ground and that's the first thing they see? Yummy.

hahaha maybe so, that would make sense, easy pickings, since they are already near the ground. haha