Before offering complete production packages there is a need to develop simple production components that can be adopted individually by farmers, or at least mini-packages consisting of a few techno-logical elements that can lead to clear and rapid yield increases.

▶ The collection and conservation of stable maize breeds and varieties has become an urgent task to which many efforts are devoted, since the creation of new hybrids depends on these collections or germplasm banks. Most germplasm banks are located in rich countries and/or in the hands of private institutions that exploit them commercially.

▶ Credits: botany – [Image of Public Domain]
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Generally, plantings of four maize varieties are established in order to compare them to see which of them is the most recommended for forage purposes, because the nutrient-rich soils for harvesting maize do not have a culture of agricultural production.
As well as stable sources that give the necessary advice on the actions of stalk growth, flowering, biomass, among other characteristics of corn cultivation, so farmers work with traditional knowledge, and have not defined what kind of corn is the best for fodder development.

This sometimes results in the loss of time and money, misuse of the product for such purposes, which translates into a poor quality product, poorly prepared for the aforementioned purpose.
NOTE: Reference material.
Your place had a wonderful type of soil. Were also plant lovers of corn and Yes we need to select good varieties of it.