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RE: 'Pedaling' an Agenda: How all bike lanes lead to Agenda 2030

in #agenda20307 years ago (edited)

I was a bike courier once. Later I owned a bike shop.

Now I own an online retail business.

In NZ in the 80's we had carless days. Each car had a sticker for the day it wasn't aloud to be used. It was a fucking disaster and nearly caused a revolution. People who could afford to had two cars.

Back then cars were expensive in NZ - now they are dirt cheap (cheaper than bicycles) because we have free open import of the used Japanese car fleet (we are right hand drive like Japan).

Because I have passed out on a couple of occasions I'm not aloud to drive, and thankfully we have a very good courier system and live across the road from the shops - we also live across the road from one of the nicest bike lanes in NZ - I walk on it most days - and guess what - virtually nobody rides bikes on it because cycling has all but disappeared- owning a bike shop now would suck - they have to be vegan cafes with electric bikes

No I didn't paint the graffiti :)

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