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RE: What Happens When You Die?

in #afterlife9 years ago

Dunno, not dead yet. But if I was to guess I would have to say you change form from one type of experience to another. All things are impermanent and change from one form to another. Everything we see and experience is a form of energy according to what current understandings in Physics tell us. I believe we have an eternal nature and that which shines from behind my eyes is the same as that which shines from behind yours.


But maybe when we change, we change into nothing? :o

How can there be nothing? Even so called empty space must be filled with something, if this were not so wouldn't everything just collapse into a singularity? Nothing or so called “emptiness” is filled with all that is. (Kind of the basics of the Heart Sutra from my understanding, if anyone's interested)

I'm an agonostic at the end of the day. "Unknowable". I don't know anything, which is kind of spooky.


So, I don't have a particular belief one way or the other. One thing's for sure... I believe time and space are both infinite, so everything else must be infinite right?

The only problem is... I cannot remember who or what came before, this precious moment.


Thanks for the provoking discussion, and stay cool.
