Vlogging is the new black on Steemit, so today, I invite you into my world this morning:
Some thoughts that have been circling inside my mind the morning and while commenting with @aggroed and @bania:
While the West is trying to figure out how to get the average consumer hooked on Virtual Reality, the rest of the world struggles to get enough energy for their internet in order to change their reality.

A big project is brewing and it involves solar phone chargers and Africa. I'll be sending the first solar smartphone charger to @ogoowinner, while @ackza sends his first solar phone chargers to a few in Africa. After we do these test shipments, we will let you know what shipping methods work the best. We will get this process down to an easy method, and with our solar chargers, we will help people bypass the centralized energy companies, by using the free solar energy to get onto Steemit. @ackza wants to include an entire phone package idea, but my first goal is to get solar phone chargers to all Africans on Steemit (for people who already have a smartphone). @ackza has named this #OperationUpgradeAfrica.
If you have a smartphone, but no reliable source of energy, and you live in Africa, please comment below to see how many this is on Steemit. This project will require a network of trusted people, working together to make this a reality. But I am optimistic that it can be achieved. Not having energy to power smartphones is something that can be eradicated, and we now have the technology to make this dream a reality.
Here's the link to the solar-powered smartphone chargers on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/i/111952495906
If you would like to help this project, either by blogging about this for the group account (@umami), or you would like to donate Steem and see this solar charger idea happen, please comment below.
After the first solar chargers are successfully received, we can expand this out. Let's do this.
Here's @ackza's original post about this idea: https://steemit.com/africa/@ackza/just-received-solar-powered-usb-phone-chargers-to-send-to-steemit-user-in-africa-ortigas100-who-can-now-tell-us-just-how-much-of
Also, I just did an interview with @efrageek about the ground-breaking project, @provenezuela, which basically put Venezuela on the topic map in Steemit. I along with many others have been supporting this project, and I am anxious to reveal the astonishing results with all of you. @efrageek, @jocra and @gabystories are the ones powering the @provenezuela account. Their hard work and determination to get the Venezuelan people to adopt blockchain technology is inspiring.
I'll be using the rewards this generates to purchase the solar chargers and sending them to Africa.
art by @lauralemons
"I have researched the magic shapes of the happiness no one escapes." -Rimbaud
Brilliant! Making life easier for those that have it hard is a noble thought and will take a lot of hard work and determination to achieve. But, persist and the folks in Africa will be eternally grateful! I'm sure it will work out well in the long run too. I wish you all the very best!
It's amazing to see how much Steemit is doing for the world :)
You're right, this is Tesla's dream...or at least a part of it. I think you will find it the dream of so many people, and if we can make it reality, the global effects will be incredible. No more bankster created conflicts over extracting oil and gas, the end of the Petrodollar, the evening-up of Africa as an economic player! Have you looked at Perovskite at all? When this becomes mainstream, it could seriously change everything in terms of solar energy harvesting.
! I'm sure it will work out well in the long run too. I wish you all the very best!
this gon be big

satelite internet for every school in Africa is the next step
and eventually we will build high speed space internet

with lasers to send steem from earth to mars
you're hilarious.
Great job and super initiative. This will give them access to so many more needs that we take for granted here in the states. Ttyl
hey great initiative.I am @tinashe from Zimbabwe Africa.I am interested in this project i am sure it will change lives for the better.Like you said on the other part of the world they are into virtual reality while many of us africans struggle to get enough energy for our internet in order to change our reality.
I really want to see this project taking off and i will tell more Steemers from SteemitZeembabwe about this initiative.
ok, great. What sort of smartphone do you have and would the solar chargers work with your phone?
I have a samsung smartphone and the solar charger is compatible.It will work.
ok thanks for this info.
Yes, it is in beginning stages right now. We will need to build a solid network of people to make this work in reality.
i would like to be part of the team.
Ok, I will form a group, give it some time as we have many steps.....if you have ideas, please share them with me and others. Thank you.
all phones are compatible, even a non usb phone can be wired up
hey lets make a website where anyone can ask how to jerry rig things with detailed explanation
Can we first agree on a name?
I think Operation Upgrade Africa is too long, and people cannot remember it.
Can we maybe change it to Electrify Africa Club? EAC.
Or simply, Electrify Africa
I think people will remember, plus it sounds cool...
OKAY i will do so.Thank you
Definitely a project worth supporting. That will be so great when a lot of people in Africa experience the opportunity Steemit has for them. And I agree, the Africans who are already on Steemit should get the chargers first. They are going to be the Steemit promoters over there. Upvoted and resteemed.
I would like one of these as well, but I can wait until you ge them to people who need them more
Wow,impressive project. I'm an African, living in Nigeria and I'll like to say I'm up to support this project any way I can and I'm interested in receiving them solar chargers
We will make sure you definitly get one of these chargers! As long as you make lots of posts with it!
Thanks a lot in anticipation
Solar Phone Chargers For Africa and world has to be a goal, very interesting your post. Thanks
I think I saw @ackza post which you resteemed about Solar Smartphone Chargers and it is a superb idea to help more people access their smartphones, the internet and maybe ultimately steemit which trulywill change peoples lives. Without the internet, many of us couldn't live but the reality is that we are the minority. There are so many people who live in societies where it is difficult or nearly impossible to access the internet.
This may be due to the lack of technological advancements or the low accessibility as some network grids don't seem to spread to rural areas but the main thing we need is to provide energy to these areas.
Thank you for doing so much great work absolutely revolutionising people's lives and it really warms my heart to see how Roya was able to get visa's for the Afghanistani robotic team.
I wish you the best of luck with this exceptional project.I hope this absolutely blows up @stellabelle!
yes its going to be the best use of our availabloe resources and the REAL goal is sending $40 smartphones $40 prepaid internet and these $10 chargers and they get a whole KIt for acesing steemiut and going online 9there is mobile internet available most everywhere the probem is paying for it) and eventualy we will have smartphones that get power directly from the wifi por the celtower like the current working model cellphone that can amke and recuieve calls from just power sent rom wifi or cell tower
but for now solar chargers work fine and we can let pepopel charge their smartphones and tablets long enough to get online for a good few hours everyday and theyll be able to just get MORE battery banks
we will also send extra battery banks because those allow people to just colect battery banks and they can get to a point where they have enoigh of these thinsg that theyll never run out of power because theyll only need em for afew days maybe and they can go back into tonw charge up and then they can go back into the country side and i mean once they can get on steemit anywhere theyl be able to have MONEY anywhere! theyl be able to WORK and work form ANYWHERE so theyll eventualy create markets for local bitcpoin dealers!!!!
u dont need bitcoin ATMS in africa to allow peopel to cash out thir steem for cash! u can just have local bitcoin dealers of which theer are many and in africa bitcoin prices are high so u can make alot of money simply selling bitcoins for chap, untill u drive the price down to just afew percentage points over spot, anyone can become a local bitcoin dealer and u will make MONEy doing it! and u only need one or two local bitcopin dealers for a town to service everyone 24/7 like the best ATM there is and they al make money doing it! so isnt itcoin amazing how it creates its iown markets like that?!?! so it will take care of itself, but we can help jump start it!
#operationupgradeafrica is really an amazing idea, i don't know about it since now.
And thanks por you support to @provenezuela, you are a rock for this community
im glad you like my idea of #operationupgradeafrica
fuck I just clicked rthe hashtag and it dioes NOt show all my old posts becauysethe trending feature doesnt show everything with that tag, and theres is only "hiot" "new" and "trending" fuck its a HUGE steemit problem fuck fuck fuck
i thought this whole time i could just use a tag and it woukd organize al thoise posts into one plavce
i guess thats why chainBB is necisary, very lame,
steemit.com should fix this godamn it its really bothering me
see theres only two posts here! and ive done alot of posts way more than just 1 that shows up here
how do we fix this?!?! man now i am realyw orried, we have to be able to show ALL the posts for a catgeiory without having to use chainBB i guess @chainbb is super neccisary for something like this....but chainBB needs to allow anyone to open their own subforum ....this really bothers me, like how comments used to be limited and then eventualy u could add inifnite comments but it wasnt always like this bu they changed THAt RIGHT after i joined but wow this could be a problem, but its EASILy fixed
anyway this is why i gues @stellabelle u said we need a way to organize al these posts in one place, i thought #operationupgradeafrica would be good enough but now i see that we still need some way to just see all those posts with that tag im sure busy.org or steemd.com has some way of doing that, or maybe theers a way to do it here that i dont know of, but when u think about it steemit.com is pretty basic, it needs alot more features which of coirse will eb added, but its eaeasy to just pretend its gonna be like thsi forever lol very few really can se how amazing itr will end up being byu this time nbext year!
anyway the idea of getting every child in africa on steemit or at least online is very doable very realistic the technology has never been cheaper and ist never been more possible to get something like this done
were so lucky to have all of this stuff at our disposal! we have the BEST resoiurces! can u imagine what all the peopel will be able to do who we give smartphones to with a few monthgs iof prepaid internet!?!? theyll egt addicted to the internet first of all and they will NEED it theyll NEED steemit to pay for it and theyll get addicted to steemit because everyones addicted to money and theyll become enriched cultrualy intelectually theyll be learning about other peopel around the world theyll be kids wwatching youtube videos in school learning REALLy fast and being able to compete in the global economy being abkle to actually go online and learn about all the ways they can actually make money and bring in technology that can change the most lives, internet being the number one life changer right now, ltes embvrace it, lets not have this weird anti technology nojesnese lets just give industrrlaizatin achance and see what happens when peopel have enough money to make their cities beautiful...people just need some tiem and they can rearrange theiur environments to look beautiful! just look at europe! look at the cities and the buildings its so cool its so nice, and there are cool towns all over the world as well, and we can ditch the stripo malls here in america the nasty stale modern architecyure of hopelessness and communism the socialist architecyuire designed to MAKE you fel small is just un healthy and should be viewed as a DANGER to the human pysche (Bad architectyure that is) like Box architecture big biox stores and strip nalls that shit shoudl eb made illgal we should have strict archtectural codes to mke sure things re beautiful which means peop[el take a vote on how they want things to look and u hve to obey the will pof peoples artistic tastes and not just build some ugly eye soar and we make it ABOUT the aesthetics, we ephaisize that visual pollution is just like chemical pollution its just something that meses up the commons for evryone ....so lets force people to pay a LITTLE extra money to make healthier archietcure and more beatoful buildings....with pedestrian walkways, and places for people to live and interact MANDATPRY parks EVERYWHERE
WTF is wrong with people not being in support of more parks?!?!?! WTF is wrong with people how can they say ANy park is a waste of money!??! I dont care if someone is running some corrupt construction compnay embelzzing funds and the city has them build 100 parks when they only needed 3, thats great! let them get rich ioff parks ok i duno hwop i got to talking about illegal park construction and embezzeling but yeah were here! i want more parks! and i dont cre how we get them done lets just build parks illegally opn our own hahaha honestly what if you just faked an official city plague and everything and even caled the news to announce the grnd opening and u had fake city officials and everything the city woudl eventualy just take credt for it even if they would have probobly neevr let it happen in tehf irst pkace!
ok back to what were were talking about i gotta go to sleep, wow even afacebook ad that came up said to "get some sleep" at 4 am wow efeven facebook todlme to go to sleep and they knwo what theyre talkin about they ahve algorythms nd u wanna ahve yr rythms right
thanks for doing such outstanding work. I re-read your white paper and it was very well written.
i hope you still support steemfest2 contest cuz i just made my entry
i hope you like it :
hello @stellabelle thanks for you great work on steemit https://steemit.com/steemfeststella/@bassemm/stellabelle-s-steemfest2-entry-my-prject-idea-to-develop-steemit-com-and-bring-more-users
I'm from Venezuela and it's an incredible idea, the porject chicks Venezuela are working very well
I always love your posts @stellabelle. awesome contents.
wow great idea
This is looking like the right project to spread some goodness!
Great work @stellabelle,love what you are doing for us here on steemit. Personally am interested because here in Nigeria to get data is very expensive and this project would really go a long way. Love to be part of this project big time.
Well done @stellabelle for this wonderful project as you are on your way of relieving us of the major problem here in Nigeria and in Africa as a whole.
Nice art at the end :-)
This post is very useful. thanks for sharing
Great idea- way to be SERVICE TO OTHERS!
Ih and maybe since they are coming from Malaysia they would ship them directly to Africa? Says free shipping- doesn't hurt to ask.
service to others vs service to self
u have to be 51% service to others
yeah we will try several methods and report back what we find out.
Oh yes this is a great idea, I have used these things for my phone and they work like a bomb. This will definitely help things move along faster :)
Awesome initiative.
In my country we can buy solar phone chargers online.
Thank you for posting these interesting concept ideas. I am on lunch break, so I did watch the entire video. I will come back tonight and read more about how to best be involved in one of the projects. I guess you are very involved with the steemit community.
I am open for a test shipment too @stellabelle ,any more room for testing
From Lagos Nigeria with Love!
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Great information Stella. You are absolutely right. That would be amazing thing.
What a wonderful idea -goodness people are just getting more and more clever and wonderful how they can help others - I agree genius idea. Resteeming so that more can share in this
What an excellent idea show us more.
the ideas are percolating, forming.....this will take a bit of time.
But the name, Electrify Africa Club, has appeared.....is it easy to remember?
This is a great project! Do you have any idea of approximately how many would be ordered? I know this is in the beginning stages and it would be more than likely be ideal to buy a few to work on the shipping challenges. Eventually, it may be an idea to buy in bulk from alibaba.
I would like to be involved, especially because shipping to Nigeria is an issue I am having to learn about myself with the mosquito package I will be sending.
Well, i just learned that shopnow.ng, Africa's first Bitcoin online store, will be opening soon. It would make sense to partner up with them, because they are on Steemit, and are in Africa. More to come.....
Here's their post: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@shopnowng/shopnow-ng-spending-bitcoin-in-nigeria
You are awesome. Thank you for letting me know about this. I have been researching e-commerce sites for #OperationMosquito and it's proven quite the challenge. I am waiting for a few payouts and I will send over some Steem/SBD to your account to help with the cell chargers.
I think we will create a group account, so that many people can run it....
Ok, I saw you were going to do that, but thought maybe you needed funds now. I will wait to send funds to the group account if you need me to.
This is a great idea. I had a similar idea for my country, Malawi. I can help with the distribution. Following.....
Absolutely incredible cause! Great to see things like this happening here on the platform, this is what it was made for right? to benefit people not just in the virtual world but to find ways to approach enriching the physical lives in reality....keep up the great work! WWWHHHAAAMMMM!!!!!
This is a really great initiative @stellabelle. I wish I could contribute more. I am from South Africa but I am privileged enough to stay in the UAE (for now). I hope the rewards generated from this initiative could make a difference to the problem at hand for those countries. Good job!
Go solarcoin...
What a great idea!
There is however a bigger problem for Africans to get connected than charging. Although I agree that some challenges exist, the bigger threat is the cost of accessing the internet.
In many rural areas there are no fixed lines - not copper or fibre. These people have to make use of cellphone networks to connect which is extremely expensive.
I am talking as someone from one of the most developed African countries.
But once again, GREAT initiative!!
Well, ideally this project should be run by Africans, since they know the needs the best. I'm trying to get the basic idea together, and the donor side..... a few Africans have already come forward wanting to take this on....research needs to be done to figure out WHAT WE CAN DO. As a small step, using this platform to see some change.
this is great, well am actually located in Africa, Nigeria.
Question: is this a Solar power bang , if yes; they already exist here in Nigeria.
but if it is like that of the Apple Iphone power bang phone case with solar pannel attached , then it might work .
we're trying to do research to find out what is most needed, what is best....do you have an opinion on this?
Thanks for this support @stellabelle. I've seen your messages on steemit chat and I've replied it. Thanks.
Life should be easier for all and Steemit is doing an incredible job supporting these countries with different projects !! @stellabelle
The truth is that these projects motivate a lot, when they take this type of initiatives open lights to change the world and improve it with determination, Venezuelans we are characterized by being people that we like to help, even in these times where we are trancitando by One of the worst crises in our country, this solar chargers project for Africa is excellent and in fact this can go far beyond many ideas.