WOOW really cool post! keep it up! I just paid 1 SBD to promote it alnost $2
this is PERFECT Post! and PERFECt place to ppst this music video showing black american rapper using Africa as setting or music video
I am so happy to see Black Americans going back to their African Homeland to make Music Videos ! they can alll get DNA tests and find out exacty what african nations they actualy have genetics from!
wow this is so cool and i see a TREND!
Africans can mke ALOT of money off their Music DANCE and now DANCE is SUPER important for VIDEOs and YOUTUBE cand a LITTE video training and post production can allow affriacn to become SUPER stars!
Africa is overflowing with dance moves and positive (and sexual) energy! African can teach the depresse people in the West to enjoy life and smile and Americans anthe westerners can help Africa create busineess, get money and help increae the economies!Seriouslly dance and msuic and entertainment is a HUGE resoourrce pool of culture africa can use and monetize AND use to share alll sorts of anient traditons and styles an art !
You are so great @ackza, I don't even know what else to you anymore. You are such an inspiration and a motivational figure. You have shown great love not to me alone but also my friends. Much appreciated. Thanks very much