Yep, you have the types of paint layers in 3dC that you generally have in a paint program (that isn't Paint XD). I think I vaguely recall someone saying a similar thing (ages ago now) about how Blender should have paint layers but there was a lot of pushback saying Blender should focus on modelling and animation and that complicated texture work should be done in a proper paint program.
I remember reading arguments against layer based painting inside Blender, the people arguing against it insisted that all texture painting should be done in painting programs and that Blender is a modelling/animation app and should just do those things really well and nothing that would detract from those things should even be considered XD (okay so I'm paraphrasing and exaggerating a lot). In all seriousness layer based painting can get pretty heavy especiallyif you do it like I do (I have had my layer index in Krita numbering in the hundreds but as it keeps incrementing and I sometimes delete some I'm not sure how accurate it is) so I can understand why some may feel that it might not be in Blender's best interests. If they were able to find some way to incorporate it well without everything else blowing up or lagging then I think they'd just about have everything in one package.
Still doing froof, but it's going slow as I'm also doing a lot of data entry stuff at the same time x_x (transposing and occasionally rewriting/fleshing out my extensive notes from an sql dump from a Wikimedia instance that had to be opened in Libreoffice because it turned out to be over 200 pages long into a Drupal instance)

Argued about how adding painting layer is a bad idea.
A few releases later...
Added advanced grease pencil animation feature 'with' grease pencil painting layers.
Actually, you can make your own layers through the node editor, someone made a video of that. But it's not as easy as having an actual layer feature.
I hope this will be made in the future. At least community-made addon would be nice. Because there are people who (for some reason) likes painting in Blender even if they can get other painting programs such as Substance Painter.
Since they are able to add more and more features with 2.8, if they can't figure out how to make painting layers work I'm telling the adult >:(