Ok this is an important video
iof everyone here on steem started creating ads for just their own steem posts, especially ones that talked ABOUT steem and how to make money on steem having fun, now THERES a great ebook or FREE COURSE to 'sell"
See I would get a course and give it FREE and just pay for a few bucks worth fo ads to promote my Bog if i were getting started
I need to actually do this and I am gonna go pay for some adsense ads Today actually...
@jerrybanfield you always inspire me to go get into the advertising world again, and buy soem ads, everytime i buy soem ads for a reddit or instagram post it always works and its suprising how CHEAP they can be
OH but my NEW favorite way to buy ads are tthrough @dclick https://dclick.io it puts ads in peoples POSTS! on Steem! and you can get extra money for your opwn posts putting ads in em
ima go ad some cashapp ref links to dclick ad campaiogn now ;)