The Master's wisdoms # 19 – everything is at your service

in #advice6 years ago

If there is something in your life that you don't want ask yourself how it serves you!


Credit: artpeoplegallery

I will help you with some insights -

  • Drama - is making your life interesting. If (you think that) your life is dull without meaning then you might create the drama to spice it up. You have still not found the way to see the beauty and glamour in your reality without a good old drama from time to time.
  • Lack of abundance - you don't have enough money? ask yourself how it serves you. You might be choosing (unconsciously) to remain poor in order to avoid conflict with friends/family, or in order to feel pity about yourself, or in order to remain safe within the mass consciousness.
  • Health - do you have a physical situation that you don't want? ask yourself how is this situation serving you. Maybe you create it to attract the love or attention from other people?
  • No relationship - are you alone, and by yourself for a long time? How does it serve you? You may need this solitude to focus on your inner self without distraction (or so you believe); or you may choose to avoid the company of others because you are afraid to expose yourself and get close to someone, which basically is an issue of self-love.

For every situation in your life, ask how does it serve me? and the answer will surface to your awareness sooner or later. Then you can make the choice to release or persist.



You might be choosing (unconsciously) to remain poor...

That’s a great point! This might be the main difference between whether you are rich or poor. I’m not poor, I’m not rich either and I noticed many times when I go back in time, I somehow subconsciously refuse to become rich.
I understand why people try to create drama when they get bored. I’m witnessing it myself. My friends, my wife, including me, not too often, I’m a very patient non controversial and quiet person, but sometimes I have my moments as well. Basically everyone. I’m a bit confused about health. Does it mean people try to get attention because they are sick or because they are healthy. Perhaps both is the case and I agree. When it comes to relationships, my friend is alone, she has never been in any relationship. Is she afraid to be in relationship or to be exposed? I’ve always asked myself this question.

  • relationship - it really depends on your friend situation. Again, her loneliness serves her is some way.
  • health - people use their illnesses to draw attention.

but ilness need attention. Whats wrong if patient demand attension?

It's not appropriate when people use sickness, time and again, to get attention and love. Such behavior destroys their health even more.

Unrelated : Are you alone and lonely for a long time? How does it serve you? You may need this solitude to focus on your inner self without distraction (or so you think)

So I could say that my loneliness (which I don't consider to be what I have sought, but rather what I have been given) may be necessary to have a greater focus on myself? This could be completely valid, currently I seek to improve from within, life as a mom, totally change my life, it is likely that today I do not have time for love, at least I know I do not have time to look for it, time has been reduced in all areas, then the little time I focus on me and what I must improve and learn, I feel that spiritually there is a great void to correct, but all this leads me to a question, having a partner, I could not focus on me anymore? or if that happens, am I with the wrong partner?
Thank you very much for these interesting topics, happy saturday

having a partner, I could not focus on me anymore?

With the right partner there is no "me" and "him". You two are a team so taking care of yourself is your mutual interest.

So it's like I thought, thanks for taking me away from the wrong choice!

Theme: How does it serve you?

This is really a pertinent question to ask at every point in your life. Just before you start worrying or drowning yourself in the thoughts, think about how that situation serves you.

I had never known that a bad situation could serve towards a positive end until I read this post with all your examples and I could relate to one.

No relationship - are you alone, and by yourself for a long time? How does it serve you? You may need this solitude to focus on your inner self without distraction (or so you believe); or you may choose to avoid the company of others because you are afraid to expose yourself and get close to someone, which basically is an issue of self-love.

Can totally relate to this. I am single right now and most times I just wish I could find someone to love. But when I have a second thought, I just realise how much I am not cut out for the mental and emotional stress which comes with dating and relationships .

I enjoyed this post...

אהבתי את הרעיון, שאלתי את עצמי כמה שאלות... חלק מהתשובות הפתיעו אותי כאילו שאיני מכירה את עצמי.

את לא. 🙂

אהבתי גם תשובה זו 🙂 !

I'm not sure I agree with some parts of this post, especially not the ones about health.
As it is, I suffer from many various health issues, some from childhood (paralyzing migraines at least since I was 4 years old, maybe less), others from adolescence and onward (I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at at age 34, but have been suffering from symptoms since I was 18). Both conditions don't serve me in any way that I can think of. I've never thought of myself as incapable, and I don't "give discounts" to myself because of these conditions, I do my work as I believe a person should, and I try to live my life as normally as possible (with the exceptions of going to the movies, which I miss greatly, and being careful not to over-exert myself physically otherwise).
I would really like to know what you think about such conditions, and how they can "serve me", as you say. I'm not asking this defiantly, I just want to understand your point of view, maybe there's something I'm not aware of and can indeed help me and others in the future.

Health issues from childhood are a different thing and the "how does the illness serve me" paradigm doesn't apply.
Nevertheless, it's almost a scientific fact that one's psychic status influences one's physical condition. You may want to read one of Louise Hay's books as a starting point on your journey to understand the connection in your case. There are some well based connections, but each case needs to be examined on its on. Therfore I will refrain from giving any specific suggestions.

I will just give two general comments.

I get the connection of the cancer to this matter, really. I've seen cases like this, it's very sad.
However, I'm intrigued by the books. Which Louise Hay book would you recommend?

I recently read a book by Joyce McDougall, The Many Faces of Eros, where she deals with psychosomatic issues of her patients. One of the things she said there, and was very interesting to me, was that sometimes medical conditions since childhood (like migraines) are caused by some early-infancy trauma in connection with the parental relationship, etc. I've been dying to know what the source of my migraines is. I am probably over-analyzing everything in life, but I don't think I've been doing it since I was 3-4yo, right? This makes no sense, considering the structure of the mind and its development, etc.
What would you say on something like this?

As for the RA, it's a well-known fact that autoimmune diseases and conditions are tightly connected with emotional issues and traumas. This is why I can say exactly when my symptoms began, although there was no medical evidence that linked it to my condition until 17 years later. But such diseases and conditions, to the best of my knowledge, cannot be cured, even if the reason that caused them was handled. Or have you heard differently? Again, I'd love to know.

But such diseases and conditions, to the best of my knowledge, cannot be cured

I will use this words of yours as a slingshot to my main point. How does it serve you? 99% of the issues, problems, that we, humans, have are there to lead us towards enlightenment, towards opening up to the constant source that sustains us. This is a fundamental principle that governs life.

Every occurrence in your life is placed there, by you, to lead you to enlightenment.

Part of enlightenment is sovereignty. So again, if you accept what other people say about your life, and specifically the health situation, you are not sovereign. And the situation will remain until you make the step to claim your sovereignty. Do you want to heal? So why are you accepting what other tell you, that such illnesses can not be cured?! How does the surrender to other people's opinions serve you?!

The same with health issues from childhood. Now, it seems, there is a force bigger than life, that compels you to surrender. "it's been with me since childhood, so it's beyond my capacity to fix now as an adult". Or "it's caused by trauma when I was a child and since I can't go back in time, I can't fix it, so I'm doomed to live with it". Do you see the pattern?

The question remains, a victim or a master?

And as long as you choose to linger, as long as you prefer to not choose or worse, to be a victim, the situation will remain.
Because it serves you!

"but it happened when I was a child", your rational mind says. "I was not over-thinking then, so how could those migraine be psychosomatic?!" I usually prefer to tell the mind to stop it, rather than give it more food to chew on, but I will give you a reasonable explanation because I know it will help you, your mind, to be willing to release its grip.

Don't think linearly, as if time is consecutive. What if your adult aspect came back in time and planted these migraines in the body of the child, to force you to deal with the over rationality as soon as possible, to force you to open up to your spiritual self as early as possible?! Consider this option, although your mind wants to dismiss it as being totally impossible.

Re: Louise Hay - any book will do. Feel what suits you best and begin.

Hope I helped. Feel free to ask if you still have some questions. That is, if your mind needs more reassurances for what YOU already know so well.🙂

Okay, so far you've been saying many things that sound great and fine, and I like the notion of future-me who planted those migraines in my brain as a child (this sounds like something I would do, in all honesty), but saying "don't linger" or "don't accept it as it is" doesn't help. Of course I'd like to do something about it, but what do you do, in practice? Where do you even start to fathom the origin of whatever it is that haunts you?
Also, regarding the autoimmune condition - sure, I totally want to overcome it. I eat well, and while I don't live well, I definitely try to. If someone deals with an unknown domain, how can they fight it or work with/against it? What is even the first step one should take to heal from something that is considered unhealable? After all, this is not a virus or a type of bacteria you're fighting here, and not even an outside infection - this is your own body that attacks itself. Which is scary and creepy and freaky, and so far the entire world of medicine remains helpless when it comes to dealing with such things.

I'd love to be proven wrong. I'd love to learn something new. I'd be thrilled to have a fair chance of getting healthier and more energized, and actually to stop over-thinking things, too. But how?

I do hear you.
The answer I have for you, though very true, will be rejected by your mind which will consider it an enigma, or worse, a deception.
You ask what to do in practise. I say, nothing.
But to trust and believe.
Understand, you ARE healthy. Your body is healthy. Your body is designed to heal itself and return to balance. It does so all the time. Will you allow it to do so despite what your mind tells you?
For the only fight that is going on right now is within you, between the mind and the body.
It's beautiful that you do not give up (else you would not summon this correspondence).
You ask for practical steps.
Begin with this source:

I don't know. I understand your point of view, but I know of people with RA or other diseases who have it much worse than I do - I know someone that at 20 years old had to undergo a hip and knee replacement because her joints were completely fused together. This is not a "mind over body" condition, in my opinion. There are things that even the strongest belief will have a hard time curing. How about severe allergies that can kill you, like nuts, or even those really strange allergies only 100 people in the world have, like allergies to sweat or water? And diseases like Coeliac?

A few years ago, I used to get regular reflexology treatments from someone who knew me very well. At some point she started getting really worried and ask me if there was something wrong with my kidneys. And me, what do I know, I feel fine, so I said no. And whenever she touched a specific point in my feet I'd flinch, because it hurt. And she got more and more worried. But apart from the pain in my foot, I was just fine.
A few weeks later, I realized I was walking with really bad shoes and replaced them. That was the end of that story. My kidneys were, and still are, just fine. And as I told her - sometimes, despite everything, a pain in my foot is simply that - a pain in my foot.

I'm not trying to discredit or disprove anything here, but especially as a therapist, isn't it important to doubt and consider the options that maybe, sometimes, a physical condition is exactly that, without an underlying mind thing?

Well, I have no objections as regards your post today, this is pure wisdom.... Smile

Everything that happens in our lives is as a result of our many choices. The choices you made yesterday is the reality of today, the one you are making now is shaping your tomorrow.

Consciously or unconsciously, we keep making choices.

Thanks friend.

Well, I have no objections as regards your post today


Hello buddy, You are usually posted here on blogs with urgent issues.

You are discussing in this committee every so many important things every day that they talk about this socialist and the great thing for the state and discuss them and inform the general members.

Some of the most valuable blog posts have been posted to you, and I think many members of this area have been informed about this and have taken necessary steps because every word through you if there are members here, then there can be many changes in socialism management.

Accept my sincere love :)

if we do not have money why our heads sick because "no money.

Because human worry too much about money

why yes .. this man if the matter of lying money with myself for me this this man whose currency is stupid for me.

why our life in the world is not the same "the same thoughts of other humans, but we are all the same.

Because your thoughts do not create your experience

my experience is not much, still I've done what I do what people do

Thanks @nomad-magus for this eye opener, this is what i think as for now about what you have said about this subject.

When it comes to drama, the easiest way to heal from depression is getting to cinema halls for refreshment with laugh according to what is being presented normally from motivative speakers like the one i know from America. Am sure with that, a sense of recovery is realized.

Foe the case of lack of money is actively created by an individual and this arises from mind set which normally lives people lagging behind therefore, it is a good practice to get out of your comfortable zones and find what to focus on and in doing that, u will be creating the realities of life that you have always admired. I admire @nomad-magus for what i see from the writings thats for me.

Health is a tricky one where it is difficult to detect what their emotional illnesses unlike the physical which needs diagnosing. In this we know good health leads to progress in life and discovering the inner abilities.

Again thanks to you. I knew it. Your every advises is machine into my life. Writing skill very good.

You said a lot better. This is the reality of life.

a very useful post for all of us and thank you for the information @nomad-magus.

Discusses the extraordinary content that you discuss every day about which topics play a very big role in every person's life. I think that you are discussing or talking about the topic Sheikh is really very great.

I think you're right with the lack of abundance. Some people unconsciously choose to remain poor by not wanting to try new things or not willing to leave their environment. Maybe out of fear of losing contact with people or failing

a very useful post for all of us and thank you for the information @nomad-magus.
focusing on yourself is one of the things that should be done by the person to be more enthusiasm

Spinning negative things and situations in a positive light is the only way to get through life in my opinion. Everything in life has pros and cons, it's all about how you choose to exploit them for your own net positive gain. Sage advice.

No relationship - are you alone, and by yourself for a long time? How does it serve you? You may need this solitude to focus on your inner self without distraction (or so you believe); or you may choose to avoid the company of others because you are afraid to expose yourself and get close to someone, which basically is an issue of self-love.

Recently most of time i like to stay lonely, though i spent many times with friends gang. But recently i realized that loving self and giving most of time to your self is more important to be successful in life. That's why from my opinion stay lonely most of time is really important. But i don't afraid to expose myself, i realized value of time now i'm on my way.
but thanks for your advice.

How does it serve me?
By being aware and knowing why will then give enlightenment. Knowing this will then help find a solution, like root cause analysis. 😊Awesome, thank you very much @nomad-magus!😊❤

nomad-magus .. i want to nanyak something same you why this cigar cigarette man did not know this cigarette is poison for us, do you think is stupid for people smoking.


People smoke for many reasons.
Actually, nicotine in itself is not addicting; the belief in the mass consciousness is. So once you get out of the box, you can smoke and live to 200 years.
I for one don't like the smell.

Human life is a diverse life. Happiness is the sorrow and laughter of man's life.

Our human life is an amazing one.

All are needy for a man, That's the content Drama,Relationship,Health,Abundance etc are keeping a important role..I think the main important thing is Health,,Nobody Enjoy others without it,,We all know "Health is Wealth"
Nice content @nomad-magus

Good content,@nomad-magus,,
these are serving me for a lighting life,,
Enjoying as a freedom bird,,
but for a social activities ,Abundance and relation is needy,,
That's a nice topic..@upvoted

I believe that all are served
by god. God always help us.
Everything is under his control.

Many people need the drama to feel alive, or we could also say they try everything to avoid inner Silence because they equal this state with death.

As I became more aware, sometimes the way other people conjured up drama felt so artificial that I was quite confused. What I mean by that is that they create this drama so obviously out of the blue that you cannot help thinking they are aware of it too. Like actors who try their best to assume the role in the screenplay.
Also a tendency I found often in people: making a joke only to then again attempt to make it serious matter, and here we go, another drama.

Also a tendency I found often in people: making a joke only to then again attempt to make it serious matter

🤔I'm not sure I'm aware of this human behavior. An example?

I am sorry,but I guess no words here will do justice the bizar switch of emotions occuring in these situations :)

how to serves if we make mistake with our friends or person specials in our life ?

If you are so convinced that you made a mistake then fix it.

the photo you share is taking about everything... as it say do that what you want... an its smile say its satisfection.... its contain a nice theam .... thanks for sharing such a different post....

Gratitude is not about a lot or at least fortune. Regardless of the results of the efforts we get every day or every week or every month, we should always give thanks to God.

Buen post, un poco cruel o mas bien crudo en el planteamiento de las situaciones. Pero es bueno hacer este tipo de intervenciones para que a veces reaccionemos a a ver lo que no queremos ver.

why is it hard to withdraw money today.

Hard for who?

sorry sori wrote, I mean why a hard with money problems ..

there is a great them in this photo... dream , health, relationship awesome combination... truly it have also a great thought about life... clineleness mind and the perfect thought of life...

Thank you to have shared insights @nomad-magus.
Honestly I never had hid behind the back of someone who always defended me, of that I am learning to be a strong man and take on the world by learning:

Take time out for yourself
Spent time with yourself is not forever impressed me alone. When I should be along with everyone else, at least I should know what she likes, what she likes to do not. That's why I need time for myself. Serve myself carefully.

Enter in the time machine
Remember yesterday and all in the past, when good things happen because of me, because of my efforts, do I feel the excitement when remember it? Of course. Be aware, this is the joy I felt, if I continue to dare to do many things with confidence and ready to bear the risk.

Clarify what I want in life
Do I know what I want? Many people find it difficult to answer this question. If I don't know what I want, how I will make it my life's goal? Try to ask the following things on yourself:
Does that make You so excited?
The secret is I have to do something continuously to make me excited, not do it once or twice and then decided to quit because of the bored.

Find out what people say behind me
Find out the positive things people are saying about me. It's high time I dare to ask for feedback from the things I used to do. I was able to gather strength to become a stronger person by listening to positive comments from others about my self.

Don't ignore your intuition
Instinct is the advantages of belonging to everyone. Going strong, if I use it well, but it would be weakened, if I'm not ignoring messages sent by my instinct. Instinct sends the message for some reason and of course to protect me.
Terimaksih my teacher @nomad-magus