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RE: The Master's wisdoms # 19 – everything is at your service

in #advice6 years ago

But such diseases and conditions, to the best of my knowledge, cannot be cured

I will use this words of yours as a slingshot to my main point. How does it serve you? 99% of the issues, problems, that we, humans, have are there to lead us towards enlightenment, towards opening up to the constant source that sustains us. This is a fundamental principle that governs life.

Every occurrence in your life is placed there, by you, to lead you to enlightenment.

Part of enlightenment is sovereignty. So again, if you accept what other people say about your life, and specifically the health situation, you are not sovereign. And the situation will remain until you make the step to claim your sovereignty. Do you want to heal? So why are you accepting what other tell you, that such illnesses can not be cured?! How does the surrender to other people's opinions serve you?!

The same with health issues from childhood. Now, it seems, there is a force bigger than life, that compels you to surrender. "it's been with me since childhood, so it's beyond my capacity to fix now as an adult". Or "it's caused by trauma when I was a child and since I can't go back in time, I can't fix it, so I'm doomed to live with it". Do you see the pattern?

The question remains, a victim or a master?

And as long as you choose to linger, as long as you prefer to not choose or worse, to be a victim, the situation will remain.
Because it serves you!

"but it happened when I was a child", your rational mind says. "I was not over-thinking then, so how could those migraine be psychosomatic?!" I usually prefer to tell the mind to stop it, rather than give it more food to chew on, but I will give you a reasonable explanation because I know it will help you, your mind, to be willing to release its grip.

Don't think linearly, as if time is consecutive. What if your adult aspect came back in time and planted these migraines in the body of the child, to force you to deal with the over rationality as soon as possible, to force you to open up to your spiritual self as early as possible?! Consider this option, although your mind wants to dismiss it as being totally impossible.

Re: Louise Hay - any book will do. Feel what suits you best and begin.

Hope I helped. Feel free to ask if you still have some questions. That is, if your mind needs more reassurances for what YOU already know so well.🙂


Okay, so far you've been saying many things that sound great and fine, and I like the notion of future-me who planted those migraines in my brain as a child (this sounds like something I would do, in all honesty), but saying "don't linger" or "don't accept it as it is" doesn't help. Of course I'd like to do something about it, but what do you do, in practice? Where do you even start to fathom the origin of whatever it is that haunts you?
Also, regarding the autoimmune condition - sure, I totally want to overcome it. I eat well, and while I don't live well, I definitely try to. If someone deals with an unknown domain, how can they fight it or work with/against it? What is even the first step one should take to heal from something that is considered unhealable? After all, this is not a virus or a type of bacteria you're fighting here, and not even an outside infection - this is your own body that attacks itself. Which is scary and creepy and freaky, and so far the entire world of medicine remains helpless when it comes to dealing with such things.

I'd love to be proven wrong. I'd love to learn something new. I'd be thrilled to have a fair chance of getting healthier and more energized, and actually to stop over-thinking things, too. But how?

I do hear you.
The answer I have for you, though very true, will be rejected by your mind which will consider it an enigma, or worse, a deception.
You ask what to do in practise. I say, nothing.
But to trust and believe.
Understand, you ARE healthy. Your body is healthy. Your body is designed to heal itself and return to balance. It does so all the time. Will you allow it to do so despite what your mind tells you?
For the only fight that is going on right now is within you, between the mind and the body.
It's beautiful that you do not give up (else you would not summon this correspondence).
You ask for practical steps.
Begin with this source:

I don't know. I understand your point of view, but I know of people with RA or other diseases who have it much worse than I do - I know someone that at 20 years old had to undergo a hip and knee replacement because her joints were completely fused together. This is not a "mind over body" condition, in my opinion. There are things that even the strongest belief will have a hard time curing. How about severe allergies that can kill you, like nuts, or even those really strange allergies only 100 people in the world have, like allergies to sweat or water? And diseases like Coeliac?

A few years ago, I used to get regular reflexology treatments from someone who knew me very well. At some point she started getting really worried and ask me if there was something wrong with my kidneys. And me, what do I know, I feel fine, so I said no. And whenever she touched a specific point in my feet I'd flinch, because it hurt. And she got more and more worried. But apart from the pain in my foot, I was just fine.
A few weeks later, I realized I was walking with really bad shoes and replaced them. That was the end of that story. My kidneys were, and still are, just fine. And as I told her - sometimes, despite everything, a pain in my foot is simply that - a pain in my foot.

I'm not trying to discredit or disprove anything here, but especially as a therapist, isn't it important to doubt and consider the options that maybe, sometimes, a physical condition is exactly that, without an underlying mind thing?

a physical condition is exactly that, without an underlying mind thing?

Small issues, yes.
I do understand what you are saying.
The best healer is the person himself /herself.
And I do recommend that last book, though 🙂