"I was raped by a group of criminals; help me to understand the dream" - Dream interpretation

in #advice6 years ago

Excerpt: this is a situation when I do not need to say much. The dreamer is aware and does the self-reflection work that is so required. Similarly to a previous dream, the feeding entities sometimes become violent and use the sexual scenes to feed off of us. It is traumatic to the dreaming personality and surely has its effects on the daily waking reality. An action, by the dreamer, is therefore a necessity.


Credit: Rajib Koraia

The Dream

I am homosexual. In the dream, my husband and I are in a rented room in a hotel. The room is large and painted with dark red color. We suspect there is a burglar in the room and indeed a cousin of mine (who is also a very good friend) comes to verify this. My spouse and this cousin flee from the room and walk down the stairs to the lobby only to find that the hotel is surrounded by sex offenders.

In the next scene we see a group of people (mostly women) being raped by the criminals. I, my partner, and another friend are being raped by one of the criminals. In the corner of my eye, I catch my cousin and another friend being raped by a second criminal (who is forcing oral sex on them). I am horrified by what I see and draw my spouse's attention to the happenings. Alas, we are helpless.

In the next scene I find out that all the victims are dead, including my friends. I am still being forced into sexual activity, penetration, imposed by one of the criminals. During this sexual coercion, the perpetrator dips my head in a puddle of water, trying to drown me. In my reflection, I see that my hair is cut off (in reality, my hair is long).

In the next scene, the criminals have already removed the bodies from the scene, but I somehow survived. I went on a vendetta. I try to crush the genitals of the criminals (who look very conspicuous through their underwear). At first, the gang of criminals takes over. I find out that one of the offenders is married and then curse his wife in some foreign language. The offender asks me, "What did you say about my wife?" Then I start to take revenge (details have escaped my memory).

I woke up terrified. I would be happy to hear opinions about certain possibilities and directions that the dream points to.

I am 21 years old, my partner is 28. We have been together for almost two years, a close relationship, including living abroad, a romantic relationship that also includes physical contact.

I am currently working in the banking industry and will begin architecture studies next year. My cousin is 29 years old and we get along very well, she is my soul mate, an empathic and hearty type. We have a lot of common interests and shared opinions. The dream took place in a hotel whose location is unclear in a dream. The language reminded me of a mixture of Russian and Greek (while I cursed), but the rest of the dream was in Hebrew.

I feel that the dream is meant for me only, and not to my partner or the rest of the people in the dream. An emotion that stands out in my dream is the feeling of loneliness. The feeling of helplessness, that there are so many people around me but no one can help me except myself. I had a sense of a kind of acceptance of the situation: "*Just absorb it and breathe in it until the nightmare is over. " Even after the killing ended only I survived as if everyone had left me. Again a feeling of being left alone.

A few months ago I returned from a long trip to the Far East. At the end of the trip, there was really some kind of traumatic experience. I thought I had overcome it, but apparently, I still have something to take out (the experience involved physical violence towards me and my partner). After the trip, I even participated in a Vipassana workshop, where the goal was to learn to breathe through things and to rely solely on yourself in solving problems.

The interpretation

I believe that the dream is really the emotional expression of the traumatic experience that you mentioned.

The dream explicitly describes the intrusion of alien, invasive, unbalanced and feeding energies into the private space of your consciousness, into the deepest scared place within you (symbolized by the physical body.) The dream presents the set of beliefs and/ or perceptions that your relationship holds. You Still do not feel safe and protected in your reality. The lurking energies are still there, hovering you, waiting for a chance to take over. And indeed, the chance arrived when your guards are off, in the dream state.

The purpose of the dream is to reflect to you this mental/emotional state, to release it but also to transform it. A certain self-work is required here. If you and your partner have not yet discussed the experience and the residues that the experience left on you, then the time has come to do so, and perhaps you can ask your cousin, whom you trust and love, to join the discussion. The purpose of the conversation is not only to vent and release the energies but also to transform the situation by choosing and making decisions.

It is a very good thing that you took responsibility and participated in the Vipassana workshop, but silence in itself cannot, in most cases, make the necessary changes of consciousness, in particular in such situation that involved your significant other. Your partner must be part of the process.

In conclusion

Albeit traumatic the dream serves an important purpose. It releases and reflects. Now that you are aware of what's going on, keep the inner work, claim your mastery vis-à-vis the invasive consciousnesses.

Remember two things –
1. There is no force in the whole universe that is stronger than your own, that can force you to do something you do not want to do; and
2. You can never be destroyed or annihilated. Your existence is secured for infinity. You might forget about this fact from time to time, and hence the reminder.

Good Luck!



If we alter our mindset therefore it will alter our dream, maybe you are expose violent and malice environment like watching movies about it can possibly experience it in your dream, so it is very important that we have to be careful to choose the right thoughts in our mind, "because what we think is what our reality can be."

I wouldn’t ever presume to analyze the dreams of strangers. However, many dreams reflect your feelings and your fears. (Others help you solve problems. I definitely prefer those.) So think about what rape represents to you. It sounds like you are feeling helpless to stop someone hurting you in your daily life. But how many, or who precisely, really varies. For example, for about a few years of my life, I used to dream that I was in highly dangerous situations — revolutions, mostly — and couldn’t find my contact lenses. I couldn’t see to protect myself or escape. This sounds like an obvious one to analyze, but it took me some years to realize that, while it certainly spoke to my wanting to be able to see, it was a lot more about being trapped in situations where nothing made sense and there was a lot of danger I didn’t understand. I’d guess rape has some of the same meanings to you. But don’t assume there’s one way to interpret any dream event — they’re your unconscious trying to communicate with you, so the meanings are person-specific

There are many layers to each dream and my interpretations represent one level, sometimes perhaps two, which are most relevant to the dreamer's physical life and daily routine.
The best way is one's interpretations for their own dreams👍

Yeah and I think you interpretations are absolutely on the target. I love reading your dream interpretations because they mostly relate to daily routine life. Thank you

there is a stong theam in this photo... love this... look deeply in this photo you can see not only a girl heart by some crow... it is her soul.. perfect combination...

A few months ago I returned from a long trip to the Far East. At the end of the trip, there was really some kind of traumatic experience. I thought I had overcome it, but apparently, I still have something to take out (the experience involved physical violence towards me and my partner). After the trip, I even participated in a Vipassana workshop, where the goal was to learn to breathe through things and to rely solely on yourself in solving problems.

I believe that the dream takes on a great meaning (if I were the one who should interpret it) right from this hard confession, the situation they went through in their lives forever and for good reason, being a victim of violence in every sense has repercussions, although it is true that I would take the dream as a reminder to close cycles, Also using a little empathy, I think that being in that situation and the time to cut that negative link came, I would not know how to do it, I think my problem always derives in my difficulty to leave attachments, there are clings that even conscious of how harmful they are, I can not let go, however I love to know this:

  1. There is no force in the whole universe that is stronger than your own, that can force you to do something you do not want to do

It's totally important that my strength is greater than all the others, I think I need to start meeting that strength more often, thank you for today David.

All I can say is “he must had been glad it was only a dream when he had woken up”.
If someone has dreams like this, can people feel violated for a short time? Is his dream related to him, because of his sexuality, because he of him being a gay? Can children have such a nightmares? I apologize for so many questions, but I’m just curious, because I’ve never had this kind of dreams. If I were a child and had similar dream, It would definitely impact my life for the time being. Even though I’m a Christian, I have a great gay friends. I do love them and respect them for who they are.

Such dreams happen when the personality is not balanced, and there are psychic residues. Rarely happen for children. Definitely not related to gender, so heterosexual have such dreams too and quite often... And yes, after waking up the feeling of being violated remains for a while.

Hello Sir, the topic you discussed here is a great topic because here discussing jailbreaking is the work for the world and the community members should understand what you mean.This social management should come in a different level of tolerance towards raped girls.Our society does not want to give shelter to a girl once in a state of management, they want to get out of society management and they think that this girl is not worthy of this society. I think there was no fault in the girl. The fault was that the group ruined the girl's life.

Unfortunately, you are correct.
There was a time when I did some volunteering work in a shelter for abused women and I witnessed first hand the traumas, not only to the women but also to their children. I agree with you whole heartedly that the first priority of any society should be the taking care of its weak parts, mostly those who were abused, by violence or sex.
Thanks for this comment.

Not necessarily in a sexual context,. I find consciously facing those dark entities which try to impose fear over me positive. Of course it all comes down one's mindset, and many feel very haunted by those dark entities' fear exertion, but I noticed that whenever they are around me for several days trying to get access into my mind, not only do I feel this very clearly before I fall asleep, but most importantly, their attempts heavily increase my willpower. So instead of tearing me down they remind me of my power. So basically, we can harness their attempt for our own good. It was three times as of yet over the the last five years that the dark energy was so heavy that I could smell it while lying in bed awake, and mental Silence was quite difficult because the scent was very nasty. And as I told you once, these dark energies and entities are a harbinger of what is lurking head energetically in the physical realm, so I am already catalysing the energy which would inevitably hit me one day if I didn't preemptively pull the plug on them, thus allowing for the most fearless response once it is there.

Sounds like you are a master who harnesses the darkness to strengthen her masterly skills.
For the time being.
I for one prefer a subtler consciousness to deal with.
But that's me.

Might be so. But I guess we all deal with dark energies, and hence all have the choice to get lost in it or use it for our growth.

Our darkness is our divinity

המוח שלנו הוא איבר מדהים וגדול, כמו למשל בצורה שהוא ממשיך לעבד דברים בחלומות.

אני מסכימה שיש בידנו את היכולת לטפל בעצמנו גם כשאנו נפגעים אם נאמין שאנו חזקים למרות שלפעמים זה כל כך קשה...

האמת, לקבל עזרה מקצועית זה ממש בסדר גמור. לא כולנו ערוכים לטפל בעצמנו. הבעיה שאנשים מתחילים להתמכר לפסיכולוג. זה כמו ויטמינים ותוספי תזונה, יש להשתמש לזמן קצוב.

Thanks @nomad-magus for yet another great interpretation.

Like the dreamer and you rightly said in both the he dream and the interpretation, dreams like this always have things to do with emotions

Myself as an example, their was a time I kept dreaming about having sex in my dreams, but it used to happen each time I imagine having sex in the physical. When I think about sex too much during the day, I will see myself dreaming about it at night.

Probably, you think of having such a wired sex before you sleep, that might come together and manifest in your dream.

Like Mr Magus used to advise, tell yourself what you would like to see or do in your dream when you want to sleep, it has a lot to do in overcoming such a situation.

When I think about sex too much during the day, I will see myself dreaming about it at night.

Indeed. Isn't life interesting and pleasing? ☺️

Of cause, it is😁😁😁

Freud believed that to dream of rape for a man is associated with a sadistic expression of sexual urges in waking life. For a woman, it is about control and power

You may see the actual physical act of rape or witness rape. This means a lack of control and direction in life. If the rape in your dream is homosexual in nature then this is connected to feeling a loss of control with the actual masculine side of your person

Your dream is very complicated but i thing this is the thing you think more or you afraid more that,s why you have seen such a dream.
Mostly we see the dream we like the most or we afraid more.
so don,t think about it more it only a dream of your my friend.

Same happens to me in my dream last night but i was having sex with an unknow girl and i was shocked that she want from me more and more even tough i can,t bear any more but she want to have more pleasure from me. and she was blackmailing me if i don,t do this she will call the police.

If the rape in your dream is homosexual in nature then this is connected to feeling a loss of control with the actual masculine side of your person

And this is a very good news for one's development. Releasing the grip on one gender and allowing the opposite to come forth. By that, the duality gets vaguer.

you gonna be rich!!! my friend :)

@nomad-magus you are discussing very sensitive topic. Sir mostly dreams depending on what the dreamer think in their daily life.
In this dream I think it is not any message from God for the dreamer but just the thinkings of the dreamer.
Dreams related to some reality or facts has some message for the dreamer not all dreams has messeges.
This is my point of view , you or any one can disagree with it.
Thanks for your time.

You have discussed an important issue of the current time.Rape is an offense that women always keep in fear.We should all be vocal against this crime.

Women should be respected for not believing things of conscience.

rape can not be a part of a revolution because the person who is being victim of the rating is coming to the end of his life. He will not be able to live in any kind of love and no knowledgeable thing because he can be a person, but he who is a victim of rape gets mentally upset.

Sir, what you discussed is very important. This society is in very vulgar way for the management of the present rape. Our government and our various agencies have to make some lawful arrangements through which destroying the lives of any girl in the future.

Every day, the world is raping over two thousand, where the full liability and management will be taken into account because the law was correct and no one could ever think of rape.

Sir, Thank you so much for posting a blog about an important topic. I think you have posted some great blogs for the community every day.

The dream is really traumatic and its hard for me to process. If you're someone that prays, find time to pray more and put things in thè hand of God. Else stay put and control your mind

Excelent post sharing bro

Conclusion and remember two things.. Wow really appreciate those lines..

What a photo collection sir @nomad-magus

by the way i Like your this line....i think its really really true line

""I feel that the dream is meant for me only, and not to my partner or the rest of the people in the dream""

wow nice post sharing

You can never be destroyed or annihilated. Your existence is secured for infinity. You might forget about this fact from time to time, and hence the reminder.

What are you basing this on? What makes you say our existence is secured for infinity? I live my life day to day because of how limited i know my existence is and at the end of the road, it won't really matter if i live or die, or if i do something or don't so i find it pretty interesting that when talking about such a traumatic situation you say this.

I live my life day to day because of how limited i know my existence is

And how do you know that your existence is limited?

I've been close to death twice in my life, i felt how my own life was ending and i had no memories flashing on my head instead i had regret because once i felt like that once too, i felt like i would go on forever and i too thought i would go on forever, like the universe would vanish and i would still be here... but when you realize your life can be taken away in a snap by someone else... when someone puts a gun to your face and is ready to pull the trigger if you don't do what they ask, you come to the realization on how limited and powerless you are.

Those events made me change my outlook in life and in fact, accepting that my existence is limited and short has helped me a lot in taking life way easier, because it doesn't really matter what you do... memento mori.

Thank @nomad-magus for your special advice. You have used great and worthy word in your conclusion . Its also inspirational for us. Yes I got mental energy reading your post.

I indeed agree with this interpretation. The dream is a perfect reminder of getting whatever is holding onto you off. The raping in the dream is malicious a sign of the dangers that can befall you if your silence keeps going on. Face whatever your facing with the people you trust and I believe that is your spouse and cousin.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, @nomad-magus for the dream interpretation but why does she have to accept that she is homosexual? Noo that is not her , no one was born homosexual we were all created upright it is the devil that deceives us that is the devil's work in her and every time she does the homo activities she is satisfying the devil so that is why he also attacks her in the dream to use her again. let her change her sexual life and everything will get to normal .

. There is no force in the whole universe that is stronger than your own, that can force you to do something you do not want to do

just like how you said that then let her resist that too her life will get back to normal and all thre traumatic things that happen to her are because of that
be blessed

Sexuality is a beautiful trait of our humanity.
I for one am heterosexual with a dominant feminine psychic aspect within. I do not agree with the correlation you make between the devil and homosexuality, and unfortunately, it will take some time until such points of view will be cleared out from our culture. The religious dogmas have brain-washed the minds of humans for too long, mostly out of sheer fear.
Every human being exists on his/her own right, regardless the type or nature of their sexuality. I urge you to connect with your inner self, where you will find, within you, the man, the woman, the god and the devil. All under the umbrella of your own sovereign I Am.

Arti dari sebuah mimpi, dari mimpi kita bisa mengatasi suatu masalah. Contoh dekat sekali yang kita jalani, saya bermimpi di tengah malam seakan akan ada orang yang mengikutiku. Tapi saya tidak pernah takut. Dalam mimpi saya juga saya turut untuk memberanikan diri. Saya mengantisipasi siapa orang yang mengikuti dari belakang hingga Sanya dengan keberanian ini menutupi rasa takut saya. Tapi terbukti dimana dalam sebuah mimpi itu dapat kita kajikan bersama. Mungkin bermacam persepsi di antara kita. Saya akan ingat pesan dan dari anda akan 2 hal tersebut

It's hard to have traumatic dreams and we always have realization when we wake up, though sometimes these dreams will have an impact to us when we wake up. A discussion with those involved will be very helpful. We're lucky that we have you @nomad-magu to interpret these dreams and it's often a relief when these are interpreted.😊

I am glad to be of service🙏

I'm think all of our ambition was came true from a dream. So, dont stop to make a dream came true @nomad-magus

This is fascinating. From what angle do your interpretations come from?

My own sovereign domain.
I have been told once that my interpretation resemble the kaballah's perspective.

Dreams of being sexually assaulted or raped are usually traumatic experiences. If we feel controlled, threatened, or ridiculed by someone there is a possibility they enter our dream as a rapist. the woman is weak and it is fitting for us to take care of her. The big mistake for the group that has destroyed the future of these generation girls, they deserve to be mentored, this tragedy has made them traumatized.
Thanks my teacher @nomad-magus

I think if a woman no husband her on the side of its definitely not fear for whatever happened husband know.@nomad-mag..

oh,,nice content @nomad-magus,,,
On my childhood i saw different dream,,
how funny!!!
i was in the lake when i was try to meet someone but on the spot i was falling on the lake ,,I could not swimming,,I was so feared and that time i broke up my dream and jumped on the bed and saw something else,,,,
i am so grateful
thanks a lot

Most of you may still be able to remember clearly how hot and romantic sex is during honeymoon periods. However, after several years together, how slowly, sex so felt ... bland? Plus now the world no longer belongs to you both. There are demands of office work and kids who are busy tailing wherever you go. Buyar already plans - and interests - together. @ nomad-magus ..

In my POV, the dreamer haunted by heterosexuality (since he is a gay), but in the other side, under his deepest subconsciousness, he yearn an orgy scene as his sexual variation in his real life.

Furthermore, he still feel uncomfortable with his sexual choise. He want to try having sexual connection with woman. But he feel worry to harm his spouse, symbolized by strong loneliness sign in the dream (he is the only survivor).

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment