How to solve all your problems in life within seconds - Just stop it!

in #advice7 years ago (edited)

People's problems in life are in one of four categories - abundance, health, self-esteem, and relationship. I hear so many people who search for a solution, who are busy with analyzing their thoughts and actions, what's wrong with me?, what should have I done differently?, people who go to years of counseling, who take numerous workshops and classes, while all along the answer, the remedy for their bad situation, is strikingly simple. And have I stated it many times, time and again - just choose it, don't process, just do it.

Then I came across this video. A masterpiece that says it all in just six minutes.


Bob Newark has a funny way of passing the truth. I used to have some addiction for a while I tried every I could but no solution. So it occurred if I want to end it then I'll have to stop it. Simple but if you put all your weight behind those two words, your solution is already here.


stop it
i watched the whole video
i dont need to listen anything else

Ah! You got it!

Solving a problem for which you know there’s an answer is like climbing a mountain with a guide, along a trail someone else has laid. In mathematics, the truth is somewhere out there in a place no one knows, beyond all the beaten paths. And it’s not always at the top of the mountain. It might be in a crack on the smoothest cliff or somewhere deep in the valley.

The interesting thing is that all problems already have a solution, they already have been solved.

@nomad-magus call it god ,almighy, the supreme being nature or whatever name you use I feel there is a force out there that already provides us with a solution before we face a problem. It is just up to us to open up to that solution.....Just my experience of life

Wise words, my friend. Unlimited energy is available to serve you.

I just read the text. And its loss can not play video. The video I will save as a reference to translate so I understand. From there I can digest the gestures. Just do it. Teurapetik Treatment

lol “stop being claustrophobic, or I will bury you in a box”. That’s funny, but I have to admit, this was the best therapy I’ve ever seen. And I bet “an effective therapy”. However, she might get a nightmares by being buried by her therapist in a box 📦

@ nomad-mag I want to be the same you probably you know why my fate like this, I am today just shoot a girl, but not yet 3 hours she does not want me anymore whether she is a guy or not, tapih time I am in front he was told again singles him I invite the same girlfriend I want the girl when I come home home he did not want the same again, it's unfortunate my time today .. what do you think this is, what is the sign "I dream yesterday it @ -mag .. 😔

When someone doesn't want to be with you let them go. If it meant to be they will return, if not then someone else, better for you, will come to your life.

yes, I though like what so "for me, because not the girl who bought the man, still who bought the girl.

I agree with you @nomad-magus

The problem of people in life is one of four categories - abundance, health, dignity, and relationships.

I realized that having a relationship with a lover or partner would not always be smooth without any conflicts approaching. Unaware or suspected problems will arise in our relationships and couples. Keep trying, All definite solutions will come at the end, if we expect a serious relationship of course ego must be disregarded.we should not act at will alone, but also have to think about partner. Ending the relationship with the partner just because of the problem will not solve the problem tersebut.Demakhiri relationship is also not a wise way, it will only adding new problems because one day we will regret it if you really love your partner.

Ending the relationship with the partner just because of the problem will not solve the problem


A positive attitude of thingking is one of the obligatory attitudes that we must have in order for our romantic relationship to be harmonious, romantic and lasting.

The problem is i dont want to listen to others too.... @david please help lol

Oh, that's not the problem. That's the solution!

wow...a great solution.....stop it....hahahahha...but sometimes it work! :)

I'm sorry that the video is in another language, I would love to know the right technique to get out of the problems, or at least not so much that they harm me.

Just do it!
Stop mellowing in your problems!

I'll follow his advice.

People living in this world will not be separated from the name of the problem. A problem will always arise in every human so that people learn and not fall again in the mistake they once made, but many people who can not overcome their problems and go the wrong way in overcoming the problem, as a result not a problem they solved instead will be complicated.

The real example is in doing the exam, many students choose to overcome the exam problem with a cheat sheet rather than self-study and believe in the ability they have, perhaps the result of cheating will get a higher value than those who study but in their hearts must be embarrassed and not satisfied. For those of you who are experiencing a problem whatever it is, we will provide a way to overcome the problems that might be able to alleviate and even eliminate the problem you are experiencing.

It is important to realize that there is a problem. Because problems can cause anxiety, many people will try to avoid, ignore or procrastinate when dealing with difficult issues in their lives.
Unfortunately, avoiding your problems usually causes them to come back, and a small problem can become a big problem over time. So, how can you recognize a problem early on? Well its a nice post again, thanks for sharing.

HAHAHAHAHA Oooooh, poor woman. I was very immersed in the video. I've dealt with depression all of my life and life struggles and the remedy I've found is just accepting everything for what it is and doing whatever I find to be convenient without much chewing.

Sometimes we need to analyse things but in the end our actions have to be swift and decisive.

Every time our human life has to face the problem and its problems will have to lead the life of Maban, because the problem is that Maban gives life progress, through which human beings lead their lives.

The person we do not have the courage to face the problems that does not have to improve or improve our life, we should continue to face the problem.

The person we do not have the courage to face the problems that does not have to improve or improve our life, we should continue to face the problem. So it occurred if I want to end it then I'll have to stop it. Simple but if you put all your weight behind those two words, your solution is already here.

That self-esteem we can not see, as we see objects that are around in general. We can never know what that form of self-worth is. However, although we can not see it, we can feel it.

Jesus the video is so funny but his advice is genuine it reminds me of something months back I used to fear all most everything so I would talk to leaders about my fears though it did not help but am glad a friend later told me fear projects things that are unreal to you so stop projecting unreal things and face your fears don't run away from them
Thanks @nomad-magus the video has taught me some thing

Many people are looking for problem solutions without looking for the cause of the problem. This is a silly thing.
this has happened to me with a thousand questions
Life is full of problems, we can not resist the coming of a problem but we can prevent or overcome it. a little advice from me ..... The problem is not until you put it in your head. However, put the problem on your feet. So that the problem does not burden your mind that can make you dizzy, do not know where to go and do not know how to solve it.
Thanks for videos inspirative @nomad-magus

The saying of "what you think is what you become" is perfectly true here. If your entire mind and soul feels and thinks you are scared, then trust me you will have that fear within you all the time. But you have to always get up with all your positive energy and tell yourself that I can do anything and I must solve all my problems, I can't let fear take course.
It's a nice and inspiring video @nomad-mugus
I woke up to it and I feel I have all the positive energy to go through my day. Thanks.

I usually solve problems by letting them devour me.I think,

As with most of life's problems, this one can be solved by a box of pure radiation

wow wonderful solution.ha ha ha. great work. thanks for @nomad-magus

@nomad-mangus thanks for sharing!
Overanalyzing and finding excuses is very self-destructive, but when you approach someone with an issue you want to solve and they simply shrug as if you're being silly...
That can make the person feel like they aren't allowed to seek help.
There are many things in life that can be solved by someone yelling stop it at you haha but as someone who sought help and was told to lighten up and get over it, only to end up on two types of antidepressives, I know how devastating it can be to feel like you literally have no one to turn to.
Again, incredibly funny and a great approach to many problems :D
We hope you don't take this comment the wrong way, we were simply offering another point of view :)

Love, Thought Sandwich

In my point of view, the first obstacle to solve all of my problem is me, myself and I...

oh sir
its really great video.awesome advice
to lead a life.ita really awedome content of how can we solve our problem in daily life.these can provide joys and happiness

its really high thought post
dear @nomad-magus
for passing a enjoyable with peach and comfortable life your advice
is really needed.i appreciate this post.@nomad-magus sir
we can solve our problem by dint of this video.we can get a real relationship

Very elegant way to present you, The truth is in all your words.
It is possible to get many useful examples from your writing.

Every word of your mind, you wrote very well. Hopefully you'll be giving us a good post like this.

I would like to say you keep it up and well done.

wow nice post @ nomad-magus

why should have i done differently?

well... I like this matter, in fact, different in life is one of characteris of living thing. In the other hand, because of this, human have emotion to work hard, motivated etc. Well if we are same, not different, we can't built nation or some thing, so just like robots.. Well it just my opinion

abundance, health, self-esteem, and relationship are really great problem. your solution is so nice just stop.....

The video summed it all beautifully. A masterpiece.

Great session!

I wholeheartedly agree. People want their problems to be solved instead of solving them themselves.

Ending up in a vicious circle of reacting to external circumstances, hence playing victim which leads us eventually to putting the blame on others.

Responsibility is the ability to respond. WE give our consent, whether consciously or unconsciously. In every moment we have the choice to opt for new solutions. As within so without, as the hermetic wisdom goes.

'Stop it' is the most useful advice alongside 'Stop thinking' I guess. The fact the she doesn't understand it shows very clearly how the Human mind is a master in complicating the world by imposing a plethora of self-limiting beliefs and "No".

Thank you for this great video!

Jesus the video is so funny but his advice is genuine it reminds me of something months back I used to fear all most everything so I would talk to leaders about my fears though it did not help but am glad a friend later told me fear projects things that are unreal to you so stop projecting unreal things and face your fears don't run away from them.if we expect a serious relationship of course ego must be disregarded.we should not act at will alone, but also have to think about partner. Ending the relationship with the partner just because of the problem will not solve the problem tersebut.Demakhiri relationship is also not a wise way, it will only adding new problems because one day we will regret it if you really love your partner.Thanks @nomad-magus the video has taught me some thing

a very good post can we take as wallpaper girl again pensive@nomad-magus