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RE: The 1 Thing You Must Realize To Get Woke

in #advice8 years ago (edited)

I don't think you are right gduran.... It is going to be again personal sovereignty, intential communities, healthy food - people eating less junk - being stronger clearer - economics will change and go more into value exchange and sharing.... the massis will not stay uneducated, because people like sasha and others start teaching it.
Knowledge is now free and the internet and sites like steemit change the game!

Education and Health system, as well as the food system was created to produce WORKERS and slaves for the system not for the people. Times are changing right now!

People will reclaim their power, and again be creative,....this is what is going to happen and is happeing right now! If Systems cruble it is because they are not build to last.... but other things are build to last (like love, and sharing.... you can also read "the selfish gene" or "sex at dawn"

People are not thriving just because they have money. You have to look at your values and boild them down to the simple thing... Happyness, Freedom, Selfexpression, Fun, Love, Justice? You don't need to control that, but people must have the persmission to reconnect to themselfes, and that is what is happing on a large scale.

Government is right now just the biggest gang around,
and only because you were raised in it you accept it.
It's like you living with your parents, but if your mother
tells you with 28 still what to wear, what you eat,
who you met, and who you are...that is not cool.
Human Kind is about to grow up... puperty is over!


Look I know what you are talking about, but consider that this same thing was talked about during the 60's and nothing came out of it, poor people without any hopes still comprise the majority of the population of the planet, but the elites have been able to pull off their project of pushing everyone into the neoliberal system which has only made the rich richer and yet I see many people here on Steem who are self proclaimed anarchists actually praising the people responsible for this namely Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.