Dear David (@nomad-magus),
I wanted to tell youbefore but couldn't because of bandwidth reasons..:-)
When I read some of your posts, I feel like a Deja Vu, specially this one.
From my point of you the issue of other dimensions and entities we see for example is not something in spirituality but something that relates to things that we still can't explain them scientifically.
During our evolution we "trapped" a lot of secrets in our genes, it is like the birds know were to fly even in their first trip to another land.
Sometime it is frightening because we don't have all explanations but I beleive they are...nothing is random in this world.
I second that totally.
Science, sadly, is still bound by the limiting tools of this plane and therefore it's not even possible to recieve info about other planes.
For example, flying sorcerers: for science they are merely huge metal shaped vehicles that species from other planets use to visit earth, whereas actually those are.... Any idea?
I like it or not but my mind is also limited...I have no ideas except that we don't know so many things.
Did you hear about "The Philadelphia Experiment" about Teleportation ? I wonder if the story is real or a legend ?
...flying sorcerers are the shapes that consciousness from a different plane of existence takes when entering our physical plane. Since different rules and assumptions operate in those planes, then when encountering ours a shapeshift must happen, just like we change form when we visit the dream world. That is to say, that science still doesn't understand much about the nature of consciousness.