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RE: Proposal: Paid Advertising on Steem (with a Twist)

in #advertising7 years ago

Great proposal. Advertising is exactly what we need. And opt in opt out system would mean people can have the choice whether to display ads on their posts or not. And also perhaps integrating the ad system with the trending page would give advertisers more incentive to pay higher advertising fees.


I just want ad revenue funding the reward pool, instead of directly to the users. With the increase upvote power, users can have greater control over who they want to support.

A large chunk of the rewards pool is going to people who are exploiting the system in various ways. If more of it was actually going to reward the people who were contributing the most, I'd agree with you.

UPDATE. There is a major flaw in your memo proposal. Steemit only has 1 million users, and only a few hundred draw in the kind of views advertisers would be interested in.

I don't see large corporations, taking the time to send memo's to multiple users. Sending multiple memos would take too many man hours. They would have to pay their employees more to send memos, then they would get back from advertising.

This is why I say ONLY have widescale advertising across the entire platform. Advertiser don't have the time to Cherrypick certain users over another. We're not Facebook with over 2 billion users. Have the advertisers pay directly into the rewards pool. This way we can attract corporate investment, instead of a few niche advertisers, only interested in a few users.

The memo payment might be targeted, but it would significantly reduce the number of potential advertisers. I feel like what your suggesting would be very exclusive and very limiting. It wouldn't do much to boost the price of Steem.

Like it or not, the rewards pool, is the bedrock of the STEEM platform. I know it has abuse, but this is what we all signed up for, so lets increase the rewards, instead of getting caught up about who abuses it.

Maybe we can have separate debate on rewards abuse, but lets use advertising to boost the price of Steem, and increase the rewards pool.

I don't see large corporations, taking the time to send memo's to multiple users.

It is not expected that large corporations will just flock in right away. Most of the ad revenue initially will be from people who are already members of the platform.

Sending multiple memos would take too many man hours. They would have to pay their employees more to send memos, then they would get back from advertising.

The expectation is that someone would build a website to make this easy, and then all they would have to do is sign the transaction using SteemConnect.

Maybe we can have separate debate on rewards abuse, but lets use advertising to boost the price of Steem, and increase the rewards pool.

I'm against this idea. I've already explained why multiple times. We will just keep going around in circles.

I don't mean to give you a hard time. I respect what you're doing. Going around in circles is how complicated decision making happens.

I would support 100% going to the author, but I want new members to feel motivated at the beginning. I want new members to get a slice of the ad revenue. Even if it's just 0.001 Steem for their early posts.

Maybe we can install a view counter, that pay's people in proportion to their views.

Steemconnect might make it easier, but I don't want 90% of the playform ignored, because advertisers don't want to spend time on them.

I feel like what you're proposing, doesn't kickstart early content. I think it will create a two tiers system, where the elite get direct income off ads, and the only thing minnows have, are upvotes, which are barely going to them.

For bad content, maybe create a system where, minnows only get paid, if 10% of the viewers hit an approval button.

I would support 100% going to the author, but I want new members to feel motivated at the beginning. I want new members to get a slice of the ad revenue. Even if it's just 0.001 Steem for their early posts.

This assumes that adding money back into the rewards pool will actually go to new authors.

Maybe we can install a view counter, that pay's people in proportion to their views.

This doesn't work, given that users are viewing content across a huge variety of platforms (,,, partiko, eSteem, etc.).

No matter what system is implemented, the reality is going to be that minnows have to work their way in. Nobody can come to the platform and expect to start earning a ton of money right off the bat. If users want to earn, they need to actually add value to the platform, which includes producing good content, and building a network of followers.

I just want people to get a boost at the beginning. That way we will see a massive growth in membership.

Advertising will be great, but if we want massive amounts of money, we got to do something like Alibaba, and create a smart market, for people to buy and sell goods.

Businesses love Alibama, because they can negotiate custom orders from suppliers, where Amazon can't.

You merge social media with the market place, and watch Steem go to the Moon! Imagine being able to negotiate supply orders using Steem.

Imagine the Steem blockchain being used for business negotiations? Wouldn't that bring money into the system!

Someone needs to collect everyone's idea here, and use it to write one amazing proposal. Then send the proposal to the executives at Steem Inc.

I'm very optimistic. We should create a curation trail for people who submit 1 page proposals. Someones idea is going to be genius.

There is no perfect solution. There will always be abuse. Perhaps 50% of the ad revenue goes towards authors and the other 50% goes towards supporting the Steem price, and increasing voting power as a whole.

The most important thing to me, is making sure Steem price stabilizes. If the price continues to fall, will all become bag holders.

I'm willing to tolerate some level of intrinsic ads, if I can sleep at night, know my investment in Steem, is secure. We have to become less defendant on exchanges. Everytime there is a pump and dump, Steem goes up slightly, but falls even more.

I hear alot of naysaying in the comments. Well I'm glad you're taking action.
Desperate times, come for desperate measure. If we become too idealistic, we might bankrupt ourselves. Lets try and figure out an ethical compromise, but at the end of the day, we need to save the Steem platform from collapse.

We got to stop procrastinating. Lets have a debate for a month, and then TAKE action on our best ideas. We can compromise with all sides, but pretty soon we need to take bold action.

Sponsored links its a start. Let's have small banner adds. 1 Banner ad per post, no popups, nothing irritating. Let people disable the type of ads they don't like, and flag any ad they find offensive. If an ad is flagged a certain number of times, it gets removed.

Pass all this information onto the Steem employees, because there will be some programming involved. We don't need some minimal cookie cutter tweek, such as memo exchanges for ads. We don't need to be cutting corners. We need to redesign some parts of the platform. They will have to roleup their sleeves and do some work.