Hello Dear Steemian !!! On this day the author will re-write about nature conservation leuser mountain part 2. The purpose of this paper is that the whole world can be more familiar about the nature conservation comrades in Indonesia and especially in the nature conservation area of Leuser Mountain National Park in order to be more attention from the local government as well as attention from around the world. If viewed more deeply or directly to the natural conservation area of Leuser Mountain many of which become the center of attention from the government and also the local community. If this condition continues into the future then the world will not have the full lung of the forest, because there are still many cases that occur in the natural conservation area of Leuser Mountain, especially on the destruction of the ecosystem that occur in the conservation area of Leuser Mountain. The consequences of the case are the extinction of the flora and fauna of the ecosystem Leuser Mountain National Park.
Such as news released by the Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL) has found as many as 4,542 units of wildlife trapping from 2014 to 2017 in Leuser Mountain National Park. The result is the extinction of wildlife that exist in the natural conservation area of Leuser Mountain National Park. Another case stated that clearing of land in the natural conservation area of Leuser Mountain National Park became the cause of the threat of extinction to the ecosystem in the area, if this case continues then there will be no more forests that can save us from natural disasters and also nothing else can save us global warming. Not only plants, animals are also a protector for us all, if the extinction occurs to animals langa in the area then in the future we and our children and grandchildren can not know close elbih about wildlife in Indonesia.
Leuser Legacy To The World
Nature conservation efforts in Indonesia, although it has been started since 19th century by the Dutch Colonial Government, but still classified very new, in terms of government support. Starting from a thorough review of almost all corners of Indonesia by John McKinnon in 1980 on the one hand and the other with the adoption of the Agreement on Forest Use Agreement between 1980-1985, the new era of forest area in Indonesia, the protected forest, forest limited production, fixed production forest, convertible forest, conservation area, and other area of use.
Over the next 20-25 years, we realize that land use changes have occurred for various development purposes, such as for timber exploitation through the Forest Concession system, the planting of an insudtry forest tree or otherwise known as Industrial Plantation Forest, large scale plantations, mining, transmigration settlements, construction of new towns, new districts or provinces that require space, the construction of national road networks, provinces, districts, and many other developments. Along with the increase of development in all fields, and the birth of growth centers due to the birth of these new cities, it is also accompanied by increased migration intensity of job seekers, new settlements, community service centers, and as a whole requires considerable space and resources .
Natural conservation areas, which in the early days of the Forest Land Use Agreement were surrounded by forest areas, both protected forests, still relatively intact production forests have now changed. One of the biggest phenomena against the destruction of forests is the change in land use in Sumatra and Kalimantan were also found evenin Sulawesi and Papua are the expansion of palm oil plantations, whether large scale or small scale. It has also been found around the area of Leuser Mountain National Park, where the use of this land for Palm oil in Sumatra Province alone has reached about one million acres (same with broad Leuser Mountain National Park ). However, it is unfortunate that most of the estate that is in the area of nature conservation Leuser Mountain National Park was not legal plantations. Due to the limitation of land, then since the year 1990, the nature conservation area of leuser Mountain National Park, specifically in Besitang, Langkat - North Sumatera , has along with for the benefit of planting oil palm.
Along with these issues, the production forest area managed by the sovereign Rights of the forest are also increasingly degenerate production capabilities. At the same time, the demand for timber in the market of Northern countries, including Europe, America, and China is still relatively high. Then, illegal logging and illegal trading of tropical timber in Indonesia become an everyday story.
National law enforcement begins with the issuance of Presidential Instruction No.5 of 2004 for Tanjung Putting National Park (Central Kalimantan) and Leuser Mountain National Park (Sumatra North and Aceh), and continued with Presidential Instruction No. 5 of 2005, for the whole of Indonesia, has succeeded in suppressing the rate of illegal logging and illegal trading, although there are still some smuggling done until now. Will remain after the issuing of presidential instructions the number of cases has begun to decline. But the new problem is getting bigger : encroachment and occupation of former forest concessions, including conservation areas that are not managed seriously at the field level.
The criticism that we can from abroad against the management of conservation areas, particularly national parks is the question of the effectiveness of the management. Then appears the widespread criticism about "paper park" that is National Parks which only exist on the top of the map. On the field, there is encroachment and illegal logging are not can be controlled by managers. Although the cause is not always a result of the negligence of the Organizer, but rather a result of external factors, namely the widespread plantations, and County Government policy or Government of a province not conducive, and so on. Criticism like this should be responded with positive and proportional, and it should be used as a momentum to do otokritik and improve themselves so that Indonesia is truly awake from the people who do self-interest
Thank you for being a loyal reader, may my writing be an inspiration to the public about Leuser Mountain National Park. Forests are our investment for the future, lest disaster come as a result of human actions.
Not bad. Good work
Please upvote and resteem
Nice post
posting yang sangat bagus, jangan lupa up vote back.
tky atas kebersamaannya...
postingan yang sangat bagus @visky , semoga dapt menyadarkan semua orang tuk menjaga alam sekitarnya , uvote back @octosihombing
Iya bg makasih
Tujuannya adalah mengkampanyekan kesadaran menjaga lingkungan di hari lingkungan hidup
It is a nice topic to discuss, we have to keep our environment.
hopefully my writing can awaken everyone to its important environmentThanks brother @suryansah
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I Love Orang Utans! It's sad to see images circulating online, especially of those where Forest Fire burn their Homes
I would very much like to campaign for the importance of safeguarding forests and animals
if you wish I could ask you to resteem my posting :)Thanks @steemitguide