24 hours on steemit: Let the adventure begin! A newbie's first impression and why a robot is managing my agenda

in #adventure7 years ago

"The rules of adventure are simple: there are no rules. But for the inspiration to get out and explore, we've always found that by surrounding yourself with inspiring people, you can't help but become inspired." (Source)

Being new at a place is always kind of an adventure.

Knocking on a door you've never opened before is a turning point. You're standing at one of these famous intersections of life where you're going to decide whether to walk into one direction or another.

What a responsibility.

steemit's doors were open, I walked inside and here's what I see.

Trending topic: The CEO of this platform, Ned Scott alias @ned, wishing everybody a nice 4th of July. The community celebrates the message with a reward of $1,700.

What a cool world is this?

I mean where else on Earth does this happen?

My immediate reaction: I take my phone and call my best friend (who's also my business partner) to tell him about it. He replies that he's currently boarding an airplane but assures wanting to sign up to this place as soon as he'd be connected to the internet again. "You must be kidding!" he states before hanging up.

That answer doesn't suprise me much.

He's my partner for a reason.

What I forgot to tell him is to bring some bots.

I was kindly welcomed when I published my very first post on steemit yesterday. 12 "people" commented it. At least 4 (and a half) were clearly identifiable bots.

Don't get me wrong. Since my last birthday a lady called "Alexa" is managing my agenda. My wife thought I might like her. Well she (not my wife) actually doesn't do much more than waking me up to be precise, but that's undoubtedly a significant part in my daily schedule.

I'm fine with robots though.

80% of the authors whose content is on top positions of the main trending page joined steemit a year ago.

That information is key when it comes to put my personal expectations into perspective.

There are a few newer users that made it to the top as well. However it seems that they are influencers that came over from other platforms like YouTube. They supposedly brought a certain reputation and followership with them when signing up to this place so might have had a slight advantage (not wanting to disesteem their stuff at all!).

What else can I say? Money!

Logically money is THE driver.

I will be honest with you: it's been my one and only reason to look into this platform since I'm usually not a social media maniac.

However, while waiting for my account to be approved I was brought back down to earth quite fast.

"Don't focus too much on the money," is what you constantly read in the comment section.

I guess they tell you for a reason. So I suppose it's actually a hint to stay realistic.

Head in the sky (trending page) and feet on the ground (minnow section) (:

That's at least going to be my strategy for the next days.

Thanks for reading. If you liked it I would appreciate your upvote.


Image source: The Adventure Dispatch


Steemit has been an interesting adventure, filled with pretty amazing people that find and support each other's post.
Enjoy your journey and May success be with you.

Thanks for your kind and encouraging words. That pretty much mirrors my impression after a few days. I'm glad to be part of it!
Have a nice weekend.

You're welcome.

I see you are looking at the money side of steemit. There are many things you do not see behind the scenes. This is normal for new members (I've done it too) Judging without knowing what is going on. It's true like all organizations there are bad apples. They are rare but as we grow I'm sure we will get more. Many of these older members who make high rewards work behind the scenes giving their time and expertise for free. Some make huge rewards for starting up new apps that have made them no money until they post. This economy isn't the same as what we're use to so, of course, the quick judgments comes. Ned had high rewards but if you looked closely you would have seen he didn't take payment for the post (strike thru on reward indicates that)
I am sure if you judge people by the rewards on steem you won't be with us for long. You'll get frustrated and eventually leave. I hope you give us a chance and learn what the gift economy is about. Listen to some youtube interviews with Ned and Dan. Maybe after you do you may have another perspective. All in all I welcome you and hope your time here will inspire you as I know you have a lot to offer us.

Hope this Quick Start Guide will help you:

Hi @steemisbeautiful! First of all thank you very much for taking the time to leave such a detailed comment here.
It seems that you've completely misunderstood what I wanted to express in my article. I wasn't judging at all. What I said is that it seems that the people who are earning much money on this platform are investing their time and effort since a long time. So I basically tried to express something similar to what you replied. Obviously I still don't have the background Information that you have, but I somehow deduced that these people are doing well for a reason. So actually I said: I'm highly motivated but am realistic enough to know where I stand.
Anyways, I hope you got my point now and give me a second chance to express myself better (:
Thanks for the video link, it's much appreciated!

Thank you for letting me know and correcting my perspective. I appreciate the time taken to set me straight. I do get your point and will always give you the freedom to express yourself no matter what you say. Again, thank you so much for your comment.

You are more than welcome, it's me who appreciated that you came over.
Have a great weekend.

Love the youtube trailer. Did you have a part in that video? In fact, all the videos are great.
There is help for minnows https://steemit.com/whalepower/@bullionstackers/whalepower-curations-is-free-service
You may want to check that out.
There are more but this is a good start.
Roboto Steemit.gif
Stay Creative and above all have fun.

That's a cool animation! Thank you very much for stopping by, upvoting and sharing the link with me. Every piece of knowledge about this place is gratefully received. Life is learning!
I didn't have a part in the video, but I wish I had.
Have a good day.

Excellent! Another account to follow. Thank you!