Now im about 28 years old guy .but my story is about 6 years old. As i remember i was about in my college .It was my first day at college .i have a joint uncle and my cousins live together .At first you know ,everyone thinks away from home is a great opportunity to be free and it is good to stay away from mom and dad permissions and oders .We i was leaving my home i was looking sad but inside i was happy and much excited ,it seems to be a start of new life for me in which i have to made my own rules and regulation. NO more restrictions and no more punishments .My mom was really sad ,so with that sad environment i have to make my face sad but my excitement was rising with time .Dad was with me to drop me at my hostel.
When i reached there , my dad and i visited rooms , i remember thta almost all of them were filled ,there were only two rooms left at the top floor .It was not a really good room but in my view it doesnot matter how the room is ? the only thing which matter a lot for me at that time was just dad make it hurry and leave me alone at my room.He paid my fee and for a while stop before me and make the most boring thing HE GAVE ME PIECES OF ADVICE !!! how much it was difficult for me to listen,Do not ask..That's why i did not listen him at all!!
Now here we are me and my room.I jumped at my bed and took a long breath , At that time i donot know who was the thing i wanna avoide ,Is they were my mom or dad ? or their restrictions ,I really do not know. But there was one thing i was very much excited and happy too.
I ate my dinner , it was not good ,but in excitment it came up with good taste . I was the only at dinner table sitting alone , I think i was not interested in food ,I was staring the guys sitting around me , they were mostly playing with food,at thta time i realize it is good to have someone with you.After dinner i went outside to get icecream. when i was out there i really feel like a stranger who know nothing about this world and people.I have mind to get ice cream but after buying i really donot want to eat it. so i dumped it after three bites. I donot know what i was expecting from this freedom , the only thing in my mind was that i was not feeling in thta way as i thought during leaving home. I entered room , and i was there alone,its really feel worse when you open door and expect someone there ,knowing that no one is there. I passed my time with laptop and went ti sleep early because tomorrow was my first class at college and i really do not want to be late. so here iam in my bed ,trying to get a sleep ,making turns more and more turns but no effective . At thta time i realized the loneliness i have heard it , its really disastrous ,at that time my cell ringed ,IT WAS MY MOM , asking me "I THINK YOU ARE TRYING TO SLEEP, HUH" at that time i realized the importance of RESTRICTION AND LIMITS , that day i realized the love hidden int hese things ,
We are so connected with our parents , i found this right when my MOM called me when i was trying to sleep, first wish i made at that time , God please take me in past and i will never leave my home.I wish to cry like lill kid and wept a bit . Most of us try to escape from some limitations and responsibilities but one thing i must say to them " please do not do that ,such thing charm us in first then we cry over spilt milk.
Always remember that our parents have grown us with their full energy and love so no one can love you like them. make love with your parents and be happy.

I wanna share my story with you because i am home after long time .I am feeling so great that i cannot tell you in words...
THIS IS MY HOME at village...
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Great Story. Thanks for sharing.
ahh. thanks , i wrote this because today after many months i returned home ,and i am feelinfg so great thyas why i share this story...thanks if you like this
Family is everything
you are absolutely right is every thing..
nice post and upvoted
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